95: And David Heard It...

February 17, 2023 00:07:50
95: And David Heard It...
Grace Ops
95: And David Heard It...

Feb 17 2023 | 00:07:50


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

In this episode Brian Phillips reads from a deovtional book called 30 Days of Spiritual Strengthening, a new devotional by Grace Ops. This devotiona reflects on David and how he lived preparred to face Goliath.



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Podcast Description:

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:02 And David said, the Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine. Saul said to David, go and the Lord be with you. First Samuel 1737. Hey, welcome to episode 95. It's gonna be a shorter episode today devoted to a devotional called, and David heard it. And it comes out of our new 30 day spiritual strengthening devotional ebook that you can get on the Grey Ops website. Okay, here we go. And David heard it. This is one of my favorite passages in the scriptures. Do you live ready? The verse that we just went through speaks volumes of David's readiness. Let's make this very clear upfront. The overall theme of his life was to be a man after God. David was not perfect, but he learned from his sins and always returned to a strong pursuit of honoring God. Speaker 0 00:00:57 David lived battle ready and we see this firsthand from his youth in his battle against the Philistine giant Goliath. What stands out to me in this story starts in verse 23 with the phrase, and David heard it, an entire army, along with King Saul had been harassed by this tau, by this taunting for 40 days and were traumatized with gripping fear. There was no worry among, among them willing to fight until David heard it. I love the process of this battle. David hears it and then starts asking the question, what will be done for the man who removes this reproach from Israel? He first encounters his brother Eliab, who basically tells him his heart is evil. Now, hey, I'm gonna add this real quick. Eliab and all of David's brothers were present on the day that Samuel came to their house and summoned all the boys, all the young men, cuz he was going to anoint a new king. Saul had failed. Speaker 0 00:02:06 He went through all of seven sons and then had then had to ask Jesse, do you have another son <laugh>? So think about David being so overlooked by his family. Think about how that feels. They, Samuel says, well, we'll stand until he gets here. I'm sure that was a while. And then the Samuel an annoys David in front of his brothers and they all see that. Okay, so back to the devotion. So the first thing he encounters is Eli, who basically tells him his heart is evil. David rebukes that demonn by responding. What have I done now? So this was something happening in David's life quite often, and he moves on with his desire to fight. David finally gets before King Saul to make his case. He convinces Saul with the history that he has killed lions and bears while protecting his father's sheep. Saul grant's permission to fight and wants David to use his own armor, and I love that David takes off the king's armor as in and, and is emboldened by his own confident, uh, his own confidence skills by grabbing five smooth stones. Speaker 0 00:03:20 Why, why did David do this? Because go Goliath had four brothers, <laugh>. So David went prepared. He was prepared to thoroughly and completely take care of business. Then the epic declaration you come against me with, with your weapons, but I come against you in the name of the living God whom you have defied. That was the true weapon that David was going with. That was the true passion that David was bringing to that battlefield. You're not honoring God and I will not tolerate you to speak of my God like this. So now I'm here in his spirit to deal with you and he says, today I will cut off your head and feed your body to the birds of the air. David defeats Goliath in the name of God and his given skills with a simple sling and a stone, a surge of energy returned to the militant Hebrew cowards in that moment. Speaker 0 00:04:18 And they pursued the Philistines until victory was secured. It's pretty awesome that David tells Goliath he's gonna cut his head off cuz he didn't even bring a sword to the battle, but he knew Goliath had a sword. <laugh>. He's like, I'm gonna use your sword to cut your head off. But David's passion is it's not hurting people, it's honoring God. And, and, and that's the way we ought to live now. And so the end of our devotion in, in, in this 30 day devotional that you can access now on our website, and uh, hey, we've got a brand new website out by the way. Go check it out. Get on our, uh, e email list as soon as you come to the website. It'll pop up in a few seconds. Subscribe to our email stuff. Um, buy some stuff. We'd love for you to get some gear. Speaker 0 00:05:02 You can start a chapter. There's not a clear way for that to happen on the website yet, but it's being built. So if you're interested in a chapter startup, contact us. We'd love to coach you through that and get you on board with us. We've got a powerful strategy and culture built for men based on the five star charge and our shared goals. We, we are, we've been diligent to build this thing out and now we are ready to take it to the nation and even the nations. We've got guys from Mexico in this thing. We're bringing in Montana, a group of guys from Montana, you know, even as I make this podcast, so I'll close with this, the action off of our devotion. Are you living ready in the skills God has given you? And and have you been practicing? That's what David did. Speaker 0 00:05:46 David was ready, he lived ready when he heard it. He was ready. He didn't just run to the battle. He knew the process of due diligence of getting permission from the king. Are you under the right authority? Are you operating in the right chain of commands? Um, the last question is, what are you doing to be the solution to the problem of taunting giants? I mean, come on guys. We've got giants of, uh, all kinds of wickedness in this world, and how are we battling those things in our own hearts to be examples for other people, to be inspired, to get in, in the battle, to not just be slayed by the enemy, but to live with the power. I don't want God just to be mys my savior. I want to be my Lord. I want to listen to his commands. I wanna walk in full obedience. Speaker 0 00:06:34 So Father, today, we, we ask that you give us strength. Give us mercy. Draw us from your kindness to a place of repentance today. Draw us to a place of return. Encourage those who've been faithful. Help us to run strong, representing your name in these, uh, perilous times, help us to raise up remnant armies. We love the refreshing outpouring that you're doing all across our land in these colleges and Ashbury. Uh, we're we're excited about that, Lord, and we ask that that would continue, move that close to our doors. Let us be used to start it right where we are. We want you, we want your name to be honored and glorified in the nations. May we today be men who are prepared in our skills devoted to killing lines and bears, so that as the, as these taunting giants cross our paths, all that needs to be set of us is that we heard it and we did something about it. Pray. Be with us today, father. In Jesus name, amen. God bless you. Until next time, live upright.

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