October 09, 2020


Face Your Battles Like a Warrior not a Coward - Brian Phillips

Hosted by

Brian Phillips
Face Your Battles Like a Warrior not a Coward - Brian Phillips
Grace Ops
Face Your Battles Like a Warrior not a Coward - Brian Phillips

Oct 09 2020 | NaN


Show Notes

Before we post all the notes from the show, here are all the links that were mentioned.

Grace Ops - graceops.net

Show Notes:
opening reading from 1 Sam 17


The story of David and Goliath.

  • David heard it
  • End result was a surge to other men

What type of man are you?

What battles are you avoiding?

  • Not just fighting physically, where are you not being present?

David was fully present, he lived ready, his courage came from doing the right thing and being a man after God’s own heart.

We need to encourage valor, and being present in one another!
We need a band of brothers.

Men, do the work to be ready and live upright.

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