Live as Kingdom - Brian Phillips

November 23, 2020 00:14:20
Live as Kingdom - Brian Phillips
Grace Ops
Live as Kingdom - Brian Phillips

Nov 23 2020 | 00:14:20


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Brian takes you through what it means to live as kingdom in Matthew 6. Its a powerful time of prayer and engaging the word.

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 We produce three types of episodes

  1. Interview style
  2. Round table discussions
  3. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life. 
Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:08 Our father in heaven. Hallowed, be your name, your kingdom. Come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew six, a Brian Phillips here today with gray SOPs. I want to highlight three areas of Matthew six, and then I want to pray with you today. So let's get right into it. Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name. So Christ is teaching us some very key. He doesn't say my father in heaven. He says our father, God is raising up a people in. God's always about plurality. He's about the community. That's why the scripture says don't forsake the gathering of the saints. Hallowed be your name. Very powerful little line here. It's a hollow. The name of God is to Revere. His name is Holy. That his name actually means something to you. It actually affects the way you think the way you view yourself, the way you view other people in the community, that God is fashioning. Speaker 1 00:01:14 It, it affects how you, how you live, what you do, hallowed, be your name. What's the opposite of hollow. Well, to hallow, the name is to honor the name to not hollow. The name is to profane the name. So when Jesus is teaching this, his listeners, we're actually picking up on that right away. Oh, if I'm not hollowing the name of God, I could actually be profaning. The name of God, how not with my theology or my thinking or my dogma, but how I live. That's how living in such a way that brings honor to his Holy name member, David. That's how he killed Goliath. He said, you come against me, sword, spear, and javelin. But I come against you with the name in the name of the living. God, Jesus is the name above all names. I mean, the name of God is a powerful thing to study. Speaker 1 00:02:08 But right here in this moment in scripture, his listeners would have got it right away. So your kingdom comes into the earth by the way I live. So if I'm hollowing the name of God, his kingdom, his ruling in his raining, his setting things, right? His righteousness will have a way into the earth. So the world to come will enter the world I live in right now, by the way I live. That's the only way that kingdom comes into the earth. So Jesus is telling us to pray this way, to think this way, it's not just a prayer. It's a way of living. It's a lifestyle. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Oh, what a powerful way to think what's going on heaven. Well, what's going on in the earth. It's a powerful, we rule and reign with Christ. Speaker 1 00:03:04 He gave us authority. It's not a magic potion. I don't get to just scape. You know, say things and poof, you know, things happen like that. We don't treat the name of God like magic. It's a relationship. He's, he's our father and he's sovereignly in control, but he's in trusted authority to us that we can walk and move through the earth and the way bring his kingdom into this world is by the way we live. We want to be people who hollow the name of the living. God. So let's pray that our father in heaven, hallowed be your name. God right now, help us to Revere your name as Holy Lord. Whatever's in our life. Darkness, sin, shame, guilt, Lord. We just bring that to your attention right now, we ask that you would forgive us for those areas where we fall short, but we want our life, our mindset to be renewed to where we would hollow the name of the living. Speaker 1 00:03:53 God, just like David did that. We would walk in power and father in. So doing, we would renounce. We would renounce this whole concept of profaning your name in, in, in bringing this the honor to your name, by the way we live. Lord, we don't want to profane your name. So father, we pray right now, Lord, that you would help us people who hollow your name to see your name as beautiful and mighty and powerful father. We ask that your kingdom would come into this world that your will, that you're doing right now around the throne in heaven, that your will, your justice, your beauty, your virtue, your way of life would come into my heart and in an expanded way. Now we know the work of your beautiful cross is a finished work, but today help me catch up to the beauty and the wonder of that work father. Speaker 1 00:04:49 We thank you today that your grace trains us to live the way you designed us to live. We thank you for the operations of your grace, grace ops. We thank you for that father going down, Matthew six, verse 24, one verse, wow, this is a lot. No one can serve two masters for either. He will hate the one and love the other. Or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. Wow. No one can serve two masters. I mean, this is getting right into the devotions of our heart. If you want to hollow my name, then you've got to make that decision. That's why we get baptized. We go under the water and we make that decision to follow, learn, grow, be disciples, be lifelong learners to actually live in a Thintech life of faith, not some fake life where we're barking out religion and dogma and all this stuff and theology. Speaker 1 00:05:56 I mean all that. Stuff's important. I'm into all of it. I get it, but it can also be an obstacle. Cool. You can also be, it can be stopping us from the beauty that's right before us. And I don't want those used to be obstacles. And so no one Jesus says can serve two masters. He's like, you're going to hate the one or you're going to love the other. You're there's going to be a devotion to the one and you're going to despise them. So father, we thank you. Let's pray. Jesus said we can't serve God and money. What a great example. I can't the root of all evil isn't money. The root of all evil is the love of money. So I can't love and lust and, and be caught up in this world in that form of money and idol worship and love God I can, I can use the money he's given me. Speaker 1 00:06:47 The prosperity has given me to submit it to his great name and hollow it by submitting it to his name and allowing his kingdom to come. Not just in my, my way of life in my prayers, but by the way, I bless people with my money by giving to my church meeting needs in my community by, by being a, uh, someone who allows it to flow through them as a resource does. So father let's pray right now, father, we thank you for this great well teaching or today. We want to serve you. We want to love you, Lord, the devotion of our heart. Oh God want it to be increasingly focused on you, renew our minds today. Help us to remember this today that you're looking for those who are absolutely in love with you. And you know that we make mistakes. You don't crush us when we fall, the righteous man falls seven times, but what rises again, then rises again. Speaker 1 00:07:46 It's father where we've made mistakes. Forgive us. Oh Lord. In a fresh way. We'd the devotion of my heart right now. It's yours. God, you and you alone. Father teach me your ways so I can walk in your paths. Renew mine, renew my heart today. Father renew my demote devotions. Are you going to ask God Lord, even right now in prayer, what he says to you and expose those things, be a good father to us, or send a loving brother from this powerful community. This, this great people that you're raising up in the earth and send someone with a loving rebuke today. Oh, come on. When's the last time you prayed that father sends someone to lovingly rebuke me out of, uh, out of, out of love saying, Hey, you got this or that. Or maybe they would show us prior to arrogance that we're where we could rethink some things that would help us to learn and grow as disciples today, help us to walk in humility in your authority today. Speaker 1 00:08:44 And the last area I want to highlight and pray over is Matthew six 33, very powerful verse. Very, very, very popular. The title of this little section in my ESV Bible says do not be anxious. So we're kind of coming in at the very tail end of the soul storage. Jesus has Matthew six 33. You might even know it. You might've already said it three times. Maybe you've never heard it before. It says, but seek first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you. But seek first, the kingdom of God, there is a kingdom and inside that kingdom, there is a King. So Jesus comes and he gives us life. And he's the Lord of the kingdom now. So we got to set it up. And at the end of the age, in the world to come, we will watch jesus' hand the whole entire kingdom back to God. Speaker 1 00:09:44 It's powerful. That's in first Corinthians, but Jesus is teaching. It says, but seek first, the kingdom seek first. My government, my ruling, my reigning seek first that throne that I've been telling you about. There is a throne in the world to come it's here, but it's not fully here. That's the kingdom of God it's fully. And yet even more in this world, this world will calm not to an end, but we'll come to the end of the age and we'll watch the full installment of the kingdom of God. And Jesus says right now in your earthly lives, if you want to bring heaven here, I want you to seek first, put your devotion, put your attention, discipline yourself, to seek first. My kingdom seek first, my righteousness, my holiness seek first, align your life. See grace, the operations of grace comes into our lives, comes into our hearts and it, it trains us in our righteous living. Speaker 1 00:10:42 It's not boring, right? I say it all the time. If you're bored with God, it's because you're a boring. Not because God's boring. It's quite the opposite. God's amazing. And he, he made you to live a particular way. You know, I think about this, the Eagle Eagles only eat fresh kill, but when they get like decayed meat, maybe it's been there awhile and they, they get some type of decayed, rotted meat in their system. You know what they do. They actually fly to the highest mountain peak that they can. They lay on their backs in the sun, underneath the sun in and they spread out their wings, that whole term spread ego that, so they spread out their wings and they allow the sun. So they get as close to the sun that they possibly can. And they allow the heat and the power of the sun to pull the toxins out of their bloodstream. Speaker 1 00:11:37 Wow. Come on somebody. I mean, that's what we do, right? We're we're seeking first, the kingdom and we'll, we'll get this decayed meat. God designed us to live a particular way. He lived, he designed us to live a righteous life and he actually empowers us to do so through his, and then he gives his us his grace to train us. Yeah, we're saved by grace, but we're trained by grace. That's what a lot of people forget. We're in daily training to catch up to the full picture of what's already happened. It's a powerful story, but it's beautiful. I love, I love God. I love all the things of God. So here we go, Jesus. I want you to seek first. And when you put your energy towards this. So when we get those toxins in us, what are we supposed to do? Close to the sun as you possibly can and all the power of the heat and the, of the Holy spirit to, to pull the toxins out of our blood. Speaker 1 00:12:28 I love it. So father today help us to be a people who seek first your kingdom. God help us to be a people who seeks first, not second, third or 10th or 12th, or I didn't get to that today. Help us to be a team of people who are ties your kingdom rule in my life. You saved me now rule me, Oh man. Father help us to be a people who seek right, right. Living righteousness. And then all these things that sometimes we fill up our per list with our prayer desires, with all these things are praying for kind of vanished. When we focus our attention to pray to you, not just for things, but we're praying to your face, your beauty, your wonder, your power, your majesty, open our minds that we can see open our imaginations. God help us to be vivid. Living in full 4k right now there's eight K there's O led TVs help us to live vividly. Speaker 1 00:13:35 This thing called the kingdom of God way. I love you. The team at the grace at grace ups here. We love you. We're devoted to you. We're devoted to you. We've got this beautiful, beautiful, powerful brand and culture that we've designed just for you. So we're asking you, please share this podcast with somebody, go on gray, and share all of our stuff. Go out there. Uh, think about maybe buying a Christmas present for somebody off of our, uh, our gear, help us out. It'd be great. There's a lot of people, a lot of people coming into this thing and it's really exciting until next time live upright.

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