104: Lions Don't Eat Lions

April 17, 2023 01:07:18
104: Lions Don't Eat Lions
Grace Ops
104: Lions Don't Eat Lions

Apr 17 2023 | 01:07:18


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Brian has a discussion with Pastor Steven Mayanja from Uganda! They take a powerful journey through the word and discuss David, Abraham, Daniel and Jesus the Lion of Judah. Why did the lion not eat Daniel while he was in the lions den? They also talk about the great need for biblical masculinity in our weak culture. And as they close this episode they make a strong appeal for men to be reconciled to God and break off the demonic power of guilt and shame.


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Podcast Description:

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Then King Darius wrote to all the people's, nations and languages that dwell in the earth, peace be multiplied to you. I make a decree that in all my royal domi, dominion people are to tremble in fear before the God of Daniel, for he is the living God enduring forever. His kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end. He delivers and rescues. He works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth. He who has saved Daniel from the power of the Lions. Daniel chapter six. Hey, welcome out to episode 1 0 4, Brian Phillips here with you today. And on this show we have a very good friend of mine from Uganda, pastor Steve Steven Maia, and he's a great friend of mine. And him and I are gonna be taking some time today and talking about biblical masculinity, specifically looking at the title. Um, lions Don't Eat Lions, like I've never heard this phrase in my life, except for from Pastor Steve. So we're, we're, look, I look forward to kind of breaking this down for you. Lions don't eat lions, and really we're looking at a, the power of a life dedicated to God. Speaker 0 00:01:10 All right. Hey, welcome to episode 1 0 4. So Pastor Steve Angia usually is with us about once a year, and it's an honor to have him, uh, in, on the Grace Ops podcast today. It's really cool to introduce him to our gr ops culture. We've actually been talking about bringing grace ops to, uh, to Uganda, which is pretty cool. But Pastor Steve has been running strong in the kingdom. And, uh, welcome out man. Welcome to the show today. Thank, thank you Pastor Brian, you wanna say hi, greet us, tell us a bit about yourself. Speaker 2 00:01:38 Hello, our listeners. I greet you in the name of our Jesus Christ. I'm Steven Maia, born in Uganda, grew up in Uganda. Met the lion of Judah, Jesus Christ in Uganda in 1977. So I've been working with this lion of Judah, Jesus Christ for 45 years. I met him when I was 19 years. I was a younger man and now I'm 65 years and I'm enjoying working with a lion of Judah, Jesus Christ. So today I'm just excited to share with you about this subject. Lions don't eat lions, Speaker 0 00:02:13 <laugh>. Well, you know, this subject actually I've never heard of before until I met you, and I've probably known you for around 10 years. Yes. I think something like that. And it was one time you were in the United States and you were, we, you and I got to talking one night, probably around 10:00 PM and we talked until about one or two in the morning. Yeah. And I remember you used that phrase in my kitchen, probably like at one 30 in the morning. Yeah. You're like, lions don't eat the lions, you know? Yes. And, uh, and we're gonna talk about what that means. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it comes from the story of Daniel. That's right. And we're gonna talk about what that means, or, you know, you're gonna kind of help bring that into our world here. And really, Daniel was a, it was a life. He lived a life dedicated to God. Speaker 0 00:02:56 Yeah. That's part of what we're gonna be talking about. That's, that's one of the reasons why the lion didn't eat 'em. That's right. You know, and so you might may or may not know the story of Daniel and the Lion's den, but we'll, uh, we'll kind of be highlighting that today. So Yeah, man, it's really cool. Like you're the first person. I've never heard that before. You or after you. That's fully your statement. I don't know where you got it from, if it was from you, but from, for in my world, it's from you <laugh> Speaker 2 00:03:19 From the Holy Spirit. Speaker 0 00:03:20 From the Holy Spirit. That's right. So Pastor Steve brings me this brand new phrase, many, you know, a few years back and it's been very, very cool. And, and so yeah, we, uh, we're looking at biblical masculinity. Speaker 2 00:03:32 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:03:33 And, and really just in our culture, you know, the values that we charge after. It was neat to show you our values the other day. Cause I haven't seen you for a few years, so. Yeah. Yeah. It's, Speaker 2 00:03:41 Uh, glad to be back. You Speaker 0 00:03:42 Didn't even know I created Gray Ops. That's how Speaker 2 00:03:44 No, I just, when I walked in I saw you putting on a, that t-shirt talks about that. And I said, Speaker 0 00:03:49 Ooh, you have gray ops on my truck. And <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:03:52 Yeah. When you came to pick me up, I saw, I said, what is that on his truck? <laugh>? Speaker 0 00:03:57 Yeah. I thought it was neat today cuz uh, you preached in in a church that I run and Yes. And you talked about lions and Eagles. That's right. And I, that thought that was cool how Yes. Um, I kind of have both those worlds brought together, you know, I've got mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I got lions in the church pictures and, and I've got eagles. I could have easily just as made easily as just as easily made an eagle for Grey Ops logo. But the Lord, the Holy Spirit gave me that eagle. That's, it's the five stars and the five star values, you know. So, um, I really liked your, your message today, so Speaker 2 00:04:25 Thank you. Yeah. You know, the Bible referred to two different leaders. There is, uh, the Bible, uh, Peter writes the book of Peter. Yeah. He said the, the devil is walking around roaming, rowing like a lion. He's not a lion Speaker 0 00:04:52 Like a Speaker 2 00:04:52 Lion. Right. But he's just like a lion. Right. And many men give in to the one who's rowing like a lion. That's why we men, we need to get the real lion, the lion of Judah, Jesus Christ, and work with him. Yeah. Welcome him in our lives so that the enemy who pretend to be like a lion. Right. He cannot even have access to our circles. Like the book we just read about Daniel, when you follow, you know, God is a God of a covenant. Speaker 0 00:05:27 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:05:28 And God is a God of generations. When you think about from the beginning, when God created man, he wanted relationship, personal relationship with a man. And even he said, Adam, you rule over, you'll have dominion over all my creation on my behalf. Yeah. But you know this devil who walk around rowing like a lion. The money gave into him and it Yeah. <laugh> because the man failed to know that he's full of the lion. He's a, he's a master, he's given authority Yeah. To be in charge. And he lost his position of having dominion. And he gave it to the one roaring like Ryan. Mm-hmm. So when we come to, again in Genesis chapter 17, verse seven, God comes again because God loves to make a covenant with men, and he want men to work with him. So when you read the book of Genesis chapter 17, 17, verse seven, God come and talk to Abraham, a man and say, I will establish my covenant as un lasting covenant between me. Speaker 2 00:07:00 That is God Almighty. And you Abram a man and your descendants. That means our children, our sons, our daughters, you know, we have biological children and women who are leaders. We have also spiritual sons. So we have, we are responsible to mentor men to make sure every man our sons, our descendants become lions. Yeah. That's right. In Africa we call it lion. The king of the jungle. Yeah. And so the king of the jungle, when you go on safari, when they, when you come to, to Africa, when Uganda, I, you go to safari, you drive to the lion and he sit there and look at you <laugh>, you bring your car direct right there where the lion is, and he just look at you like it is. He doesn't move <laugh>, but when you drive to other animals, they just run. Right. You can't even take their pictures. Speaker 2 00:07:59 You have to be quick. Yeah. But a lion sit there and you look at it and he looks at you pull your car right up to the lion. Yeah. He doesn't care. He's not moving. Huh? He's not moved, not shaken. He's like, you're in my territory. So when here God comes God almighty and say, Abraham, I'm going to make a covenant between you and me and you are descendants. So God himself made a covenant with Abraham and he said it was your descendants. Yeah. And Abraham got Isaac and God came back and said, Isaac, I make a covenant with you as I made a covenant with your father. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I renew it now with you and it your descendants. And then Isaac got jacobo and God came again and said, Jacobo, I make a covenant with you. Yeah. You rule. And the children that comes out of you will be leaders. Yeah. Will be wildly changers, great men, nations will be blessed through your descendants. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:09:00 They're the 12 tribes of Israel. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:09:01 Yes. And then we see, we see Joseph going to Egypt, first generation in the covenant of Abraham, and he leads and rule over Egypt. But then I want to take you to this, the professor oval gave to his son Judah. And why we call Jesus the lion of Judah. Mm-hmm. Speaker 0 00:09:30 <affirmative>, where's that at? Speaker 2 00:09:31 Genesis chapter four, ten nine verse eight. Speaker 0 00:09:37 Oh yeah. I Speaker 2 00:09:37 Know that. Now, when you read Genesis chapter 49, you you, you've seen it. Oh yeah. Can you read it from Speaker 0 00:09:46 Verse eight? Yeah. Genesis 49, 8. Judah, your brother shall praise you. Your hands shall be on the neck of your enemies. Yeah. Your father's son shall bow down before you. Haha. Judah is a lion's cub from the prey, my son. You have gone up. He stooped down. He crouched as a lion and as a lion. S who dares rouse him. The scepter shall not depart from Judah Speaker 0 00:10:11 Nor the ruler staff from between his feet. And until tribute comes to him and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples. Or how far did you want me to read it? <laugh>? I can just keep going. Speaker 2 00:10:21 You you see leadership Speaker 0 00:10:23 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:10:24 Is in the hands of Judah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, the CEP of leadership is in the hand of Judah. And so when we hear Jacob profess sang over Judah, he had care of. Speaker 0 00:10:37 Right. Speaker 2 00:10:38 And Judah was not the first born, but God put leadership on Judah. Yeah. And then we hear King David comes from the lion. I'm from the tribe of Speaker 0 00:10:50 Judah. Of Judah. Speaker 2 00:10:51 Yeah. And then they call Jesus the son of David. Speaker 0 00:10:56 Right. The lion. The lion <laugh> of the tribe of Yes. Speaker 2 00:11:01 <laugh>. And so when she, when Jacob was profess siim about his son, Judah, she was talking, the Holy Spirit was referring to the son of David, Jesus Christ. Speaker 0 00:11:18 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:11:20 And when you look, this started from the beginning because when Adam and he failed, in Genesis chapter three, God comes and say, you sap it, you are around like a lion, but you're not a lion. And God himself said, a seed of a woman. Yes. Speaker 0 00:11:47 Brush your head, your head bruise your Speaker 2 00:11:49 Head. Right. You just, just touch his heel, but he'll crush your head. Speaker 0 00:11:54 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:11:56 And who is the son? Who is the seed of the woman who on this planet Earth was born without a man Seed Speaker 0 00:12:06 Is the, is he a Shah? Right? Yeah. Jesus Speaker 2 00:12:09 Yeshu Jesus Speaker 0 00:12:10 The lion of the tribe of Speaker 2 00:12:12 Judah. Yes. <laugh>. Because when you come to the book of the Gospel, look chapter one verse 26, when the end, you come to marry and say, Mary, you are highly favored among all the women. You bear a son and Mary say, how can this be? Speaker 0 00:12:32 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:12:33 I don't know a man, I'm a vain. And the angel said, the Holy Spirit spirit that's right. Will overshadow you. And what there you see divine God and the seed of a woman. No man. So, and the angel said, the Holy Spirit will overshadow you. That is divine bus. Yeah. We see divine come and overshadow a younger vain girl and the seed and what was born in you said he be a son of God. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so you see that from the beginning, all the way, way from Genesis to Revelation. The leadership of the Son of God was to be born and come from the tribe of Judah who was professed as a lion of Judah. And today, in the, in the church, you remember we read <laugh> from Revelation Speaker 0 00:13:39 Yeah. Chapter, I have that pulled up already. Speaker 2 00:13:42 You you have it. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:13:43 I have it Speaker 2 00:13:43 Right here. You can read, you can read, you can start reading it like, uh, Speaker 0 00:13:48 Verse Speaker 2 00:13:49 Four. Yeah. Start verse four, verse Speaker 0 00:13:52 Three. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I began to weep loudly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to look into it. Yeah. And one of the elders said to me, weak, no more behold the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David has conquered so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals. Speaker 2 00:14:18 You hear that? Speaker 0 00:14:19 I hear that. Speaker 2 00:14:20 <laugh>. <laugh>. Now that line of Judah, you and me, pastor Brian, you know his name is God Jesus. Speaker 0 00:14:29 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:14:31 The son of God who is referred to as the son of David. Yeah. From the tribe of Judah. And so when a man accept to work with Jesus, the lion of Judah. Yeah. You just read a story from the book of Daniel, those younger men, they knew the covenant they had was God. Speaker 0 00:14:59 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:15:00 And they had welcome the God Almighty in their lives. And when you accept God to come and dwell in your life, circumstances that come rolling like lions should not put you as a man under his feet. You need to address that devil and say, you are just rolling lion. I am full of the lion of Judah. I am full of God Almighty. So you protect your family. I know you have four beautiful daughters. Speaker 0 00:15:37 I do. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:15:38 <laugh> and your wife. Yeah. Can you allow the devil to come trading in here <laugh>? I mean, you can just tell him, devil, you don't even dare coming here. Yeah. And so that's what, sorry. God has given us, man, when we accept the land of Judah, Jesus Christ to come and live in us. Speaker 0 00:15:57 Right. Speaker 2 00:15:58 We get that, uh, anointing. We get that authority Speaker 0 00:16:02 And we have to be, um, like Daniel, the word in the E s V that Yeah. Is used, uh, to describe him as the word continually, you continually served your God. Yes. You know? And so, you know, when you look at David Yeah. David Love, it's like David had a rhythm morning, noon night. That's right. It's like a day is only really a, a day that we experience is only about 12 to 14 hours and we're sleeping. Right? Yes. Right. 14 to 15, you know? Yes. So it's like, but in just you think about just in 15 hours how many different emotions you can go through. Yeah. How many different circumstances you can experience, and how many different ups and downs mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so I think having, you know, to be men who walk in the authority Yes. In this, in, in this covenant. So I think it's cool that we're going through all this because, um, the 12 tribes of, of Israel Yeah. You know, which tribe did, did the gentiles fit in the lion of the tribe of Judah. Right. Because Jesus opened it up to us. Right. He opened up the covenant to the Gentiles. Yes. And so, uh, we are grafted into that beautiful tree. That's right. And we're gonna be grafted in through that, that that tribe. Speaker 2 00:17:09 That's Speaker 0 00:17:09 Right. We're part of the tribe of Judah. Just like David and just like Jesus. Right? Yes. So, I mean, you know, when the 12 gates open up and the world to come, which gate are we going through the trap of Judah, <laugh>, Judah, Speaker 2 00:17:20 All of us. Gentle. Speaker 0 00:17:21 Who, Speaker 2 00:17:23 Who accepted the lion of Judah. That's right. Jesus Christ. Right. We'll go through that gate. And that's why Jesus, by his own words, he said, I am the way. Speaker 0 00:17:33 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:17:34 I am the truth. Yeah. And I'm the life. Yeah. So men, if we want the way, Speaker 0 00:17:41 But what do you, what do we need to do as men to walk in authority, the authority that God gives us? I mean, what type of life are we talking about here? I mean, what's the keys? What are some of the powerful things for us to engage? Speaker 2 00:17:57 Okay. There is a scripture where Jesus himself, you can open for us. Speaker 0 00:18:08 Okay. Speaker 2 00:18:09 The gospel of John chapter 14. Let's read that verse 23. Speaker 0 00:18:18 I'm opening it up here. Yeah. Um, John 14. Yeah. 23. All right, here we go. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Jesus answered him, if anyone loves me, he will keep my word and my father will love him. And we will come to him and make our home with him. Speaker 2 00:18:35 You see? So if a man love Jesus and obey his teaching. Speaker 0 00:18:46 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:47 Jesus said his father, God Almighty, who made a covenant with Abraham. Speaker 0 00:18:52 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:54 Who made a covenant with Daniel. We just read. Right. He'll come and be your covenant friend. Speaker 0 00:19:03 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:19:05 And Jesus said in that very verse, that my father will come to him, will love him. And we, when we talk about, when you look at that, we mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you see God, the trinity. Because in that very chapter, if you go ahead, Jesus say, I will not leave you as orphans. Speaker 0 00:19:24 Right. Speaker 2 00:19:26 I will send you a helper, a counselor. Speaker 0 00:19:31 Right. Speaker 2 00:19:32 The Holy Spirit. He'll live in you. The world doesn't know him because doesn't say him, but you know him. Right. And he'll live with you and in you. And so now Pastor Brian, come here, Morgan, when you accept Jesus to be your friend Speaker 0 00:19:53 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:19:54 The Father show up, the Holy Spirit show up. And they all live in you. Speaker 0 00:20:00 Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:20:01 Oh, Speaker 0 00:20:02 The full, the fullness of God. Speaker 2 00:20:03 Fullness of God, the dwells in you. Speaker 0 00:20:06 So there's, you know, you look at, cuz I look at like Daniel's life. Yeah. And, and where we kind of started was Daniel had some pretty really interest, like heavy Yeah. Powerful circumstances come against him. Yes. I mean, we're talking governmental stuff. Governmental, we're not talking like a bad day at school or a bad day at work. No, no. We're talking like your whole government turned on you Speaker 2 00:20:28 Only under the Speaker 0 00:20:29 King and the king. Well, the king liked him, but the king's people got 'em trapped. Trapped. Yes. And cause the king made a decree. Yes. He couldn't go back on it. Yes. So then da Daniel finds himself, you know, heading to like, maybe like the electric chair in our day and Speaker 2 00:20:44 Age. Right. Speaker 0 00:20:44 That's, that's right. Yes. You know, but the electra chair broke the line, didn't need him. Right. Didn't need him. Like you just think about like, Daniel was so devoted to God. Yes. And you know, like you're reading about hearing Jesus, like I'm just connecting all this. Yes. It's all, it all connects, but it's just Speaker 2 00:20:59 So Speaker 0 00:20:59 Connect. Yes. It's just like, if anyone loves me, he'll keep my word. Yes. Well Daniel loved God and Speaker 2 00:21:03 He kept Speaker 0 00:21:04 And he kept his word even if it was gonna cost him his life. Yes. And that's the devotion that that that's, I'm not gonna say is missing, but it's very rare. Speaker 2 00:21:13 It's very rare. Yes. Speaker 0 00:21:15 Especially here in America. Speaker 2 00:21:17 Yes. It's very rare. All over the world. Speaker 0 00:21:19 All over the world. Yes. Okay, I'll take your word for it. <laugh>. Yes. All over the world. Speaker 2 00:21:23 That's why we have so many children hurting because men, we have lost our place. We have moved from our place. So it's not only in America, all over the world, families are hurting because men, we have stepped back. Speaker 0 00:21:43 So in our culture, yes we are fighting demonic forces. Yes. In our schools. Speaker 2 00:21:49 Yes. Speaker 0 00:21:50 With our, with this L G B T Q. Yeah. Agenda that's come against the church. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. This is no different what we're up against than what Daniel was up against. That's Speaker 2 00:21:58 Right. Speaker 0 00:21:59 And all Daniel did was love God continually. Yes. Love his word. Yes. Even if he got caught worshiping, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, even if he got caught, no matter, like this is the same thing Jesus is saying, if anyone loves me, he'll Speaker 2 00:22:09 Keep it, keep it, Speaker 0 00:22:11 Keep the word and I'll show up. It doesn't mean that we don't ever make mistakes, we make mistakes. But what it does mean is that we're, we are more aggressive at going after God. Yes. Than we are at just letting it happen naturally. Right. Speaker 2 00:22:24 We trust him. Whatever the cost. You remember Daniel spent the night with the lions. The lions declared prayer and fasting. They couldn't eat a lion because God almighty and the lion of Judah, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit fire. Yeah. Was in Daniel. Yeah. So that's why when the king woke up in the morning, he came and said, Daniel. Yeah, that's right. Did your God whom you worship saved you <laugh>? Yeah. Because the the king you were saying, okay, I see you, you talk about your God, you trust your God. Did he save you? Have you seen it? Speaker 0 00:23:07 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:23:07 He said Yes. Okay. You can read it. Speaker 0 00:23:09 Then Daniel said to the king, oh, oh King live forever. My God sent his angel and shut the lion's mouth. That's it. And they have not harmed me. Yeah. Because I was found blameless before him. That's right. And also before you Oh king, I have done no harm. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:23:23 So trusting God, that's the level men today we have to take. And Daniel did not only face that challenge. You remember when he was thrown in the, the furnace of fire. Right. And the king was angry and said, you think your God will serve you from my fire. Right. <laugh> from my wrath. Speaker 0 00:23:44 Right From my power. From my power. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:23:47 Right. Today's men, when we are faced like that circumstance, we just crawl down and we run like a chicken and we we just give in. Yeah. But these younger men, full of the Holy Spirit, they faced the king and said King, live forever. One word we have will not bow down to your king, put your God. Speaker 0 00:24:10 Right. Speaker 2 00:24:11 Our God will serve us. But even if he does not serve us, we are not bowing down now. Yeah. That's where today's man, the level we need to come. Speaker 0 00:24:21 We need to go to that Speaker 2 00:24:22 Level. And the Bible says, I agree, the king made the fireplace burn seven times Speaker 0 00:24:29 Hotter, Speaker 2 00:24:30 Very hot. Speaker 0 00:24:31 Were the people getting close to it died Speaker 2 00:24:33 <laugh> that the people who got hold of Daniel and his friends, they threw them in fire. Those who threw Daniel and his friend in fire died of fire. Mm-hmm. Speaker 0 00:24:44 <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:24:45 And the king waited to see Daniel and his friend catching fire and they just say, I see a fourth man. Speaker 0 00:24:54 Yeah. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:24:55 Looking like God. Speaker 0 00:24:59 Yeah. Like a son of God, like Speaker 2 00:25:00 Son of God. That means the lion of Judah, Jesus Christ showed up right it up. Speaker 0 00:25:07 And they all came out unburned Speaker 2 00:25:10 Like fire, even theirs. They not even smell of fire or Speaker 0 00:25:14 Small. That's not just miraculous. That's the signs of wonders. Right. Speaker 2 00:25:16 So that's the level today, pastor brand. We need men to rise up and be radical believers. Speaker 0 00:25:26 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:25:27 Radical of faith. Speaker 0 00:25:29 Keep his word. Speaker 2 00:25:30 Keep his word so that he will show up even when we're in fire. Because when Daniel and his friend trusted God, the son of God, lion of Judah Naza said, I, we threw in free man, but I see the false man looking like a son of God. Huh? Speaker 0 00:25:53 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:25:54 The lion of Judah who was only able in heaven to get the scr from the one who sited on the throne and open the seals he was laying and his with his blood. He purchased you and me for God and made us a kingdom of God. Yeah. And the priests of our God to rule, to serve God and to rule and reign on earth. That's what it end up with. Speaker 0 00:26:23 Which is the covenant. Yes. Which is a covenant relationship, which means we have a responsibility to to know God, to walk in his salvation. That's right. To keep his word. Yes. And to be strong examples. Yeah. To the next generation. That's right. Of what men, and you know, we can, you can bowl it out, you know, the five things or the 10 things or the 25 things a man should do. Yeah. But at the end of the day, you're the people who follow you and look up to do what you do. Speaker 2 00:26:53 That's Speaker 0 00:26:53 Right. Not what you say. Speaker 2 00:26:54 That's why Pastor Brian, God created a man to be a mentor. Yes. To be a role model. Open Genesis chapter 18 and read verse 17, 18 and 19. For our listeners, Genesis, who are in chapter 17 now will go to chapter 18, Genesis. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:27:24 17, 18, right? Is that what you said? Chapter 17, verse Speaker 2 00:27:27 18. No, chapter 18. Speaker 0 00:27:28 Oh 18. I must have missed, missed on. Yeah. Verse 17. Speaker 2 00:27:33 Verse 17, reading verse 17, 18 and 19 Speaker 0 00:27:37 Says, Speaker 2 00:27:37 Read for our listeners. Speaker 0 00:27:38 So as the Lord said, shall I hide from Abraham what I'm about to do? Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him for I have chosen him that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice so that the Lord may bring to Abraham what his promised Speaker 2 00:28:01 Him. You see God, he wants to be a friend, person of personal friend with men. And God does not want to hide anything from a man. He said, shall I hide from Abraham, my friend, what I'm about to do? Pastor Brian <laugh>, God loves men. God loves to walk with men. He want to tell us his secrets. Speaker 0 00:28:29 Yeah, that's Speaker 2 00:28:30 Right. He want to work with us. And he said, Abraham, for he said, shall I hide what I'm about to do, seeing that Abraham shall surely become great and my destination. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, God was your family, you man, to be mighty and powerful. A nation came outta one man called Abraham, a nation that is called Israeli. Now when we talk about a man. And he said, I will make a covenant between you man to be your God and you are descendants. Now I challenge every man. Your family is your descendants. You are responsible to work with God. And God willard your family through your fruits. Yeah. Because the Bible says children are gifts, are rewards. Yeah. Our arrows. Speaker 0 00:29:42 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:29:43 They go farther than we go. Speaker 0 00:29:45 Right. Speaker 2 00:29:46 So I believe your daughters will do greater things than you. Yeah. That's the pride and that's the joy of every parent. Yeah. To see that the seeds of our fruit, our womb become greater than us. Yeah. So here God is staying Abraham, he'll become a Martin nation and the own nation of the earth. Be blessed through him because of the covenant ree, I mean 19 for I have Speaker 0 00:30:13 For chosen him that he may command his children and his household after him Speaker 2 00:30:18 First. Any there other for I have have chosen him to instruct his children. Speaker 0 00:30:28 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:30:29 <laugh> and his household to keep the way, who is the way Jesus is the way, the truth and life the way of the Lord. Speaker 0 00:30:41 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:30:42 By doing you right. Yes. And justice, every man want to God to fulfill his promises. He made worse. Yeah. God, you promised me this, God you promised me this. Right. But God promised Abraham first generation that through you nations will be blessed. Yeah. And we see the first generation Joseph, Speaker 0 00:31:01 He says, anyone who blesses you, I bless, bless, I mean pretty Speaker 2 00:31:05 Who mess up with you and cast you. Hey, I'll show up. Right. <laugh>, Speaker 0 00:31:10 I'll deal with Speaker 2 00:31:11 Them. I'll deal with him. So when we work with God, we are not easy people. We are dangerous. That's why we are wildly changers. I mean, you look at a, a younger man like Daniel became a wildly changer. Yeah. You look at the man, I mean, God is looking for men who can team up with him to change the world. Speaker 0 00:31:31 Yeah. And you know, when I think about this, I think about how you, you brought it up earlier about how the enemy ro rose roers around, roams around like a lion, black Speaker 2 00:31:41 Lion. Yes. Speaker 0 00:31:42 But that, that energy that the enemy puts into the world is, uh, a very distracted power. Yeah. He does have power to distract us. Um, not to rule us, but we, it, it's, we, we have to act. We have to decide, am I going to continually serve God Yeah. And push back against this because the enemy brings temptations to us. Yes. He brings, you know, I think about this culture we live in of like social media. Yes. Just digital. We're scrolling all the time on phones. Speaker 2 00:32:11 Yes, yes. Speaker 0 00:32:11 Um, distractions. Yes. You know, it sometimes people will spend, uh, an hour or two or three or four or five hours a day on social Speaker 2 00:32:20 Media. Speaker 0 00:32:20 On social media with their phones. Yes. But then they ha they act like they can't find time to pray. Speaker 2 00:32:25 Yes. Cause social media, Speaker 0 00:32:27 Well that's your problem, Speaker 2 00:32:28 Social media. Right. That's your follow you or can destroy you. Yeah. Because if you follow social media and you read the Bible, you the scriptures, the godly things are there, but the devil does not allow you to see that. I think that's why the Holy Spirit led you to start this Speaker 0 00:32:48 <laugh> grey stops. Yes. Speaker 2 00:32:49 So that you, we'll talk to men to become men, great Speaker 0 00:32:52 Women. Yeah. It's time to stand. It's time to be the men. We're talking about this biblical masculinity of like, let's be like Daniel, let's be like Jesus the alive. Yes. Let's be like David, let's be like, um, let's be like, let's remember Abraham the father of our faith. That's right. You know, but it's our turn now. And our generation we're alive. Speaker 2 00:33:07 Yes. Speaker 0 00:33:08 Abraham's not alive. Right? Right. Daniel's not alive. Yes. But I can take his story. Yes. Because see we just went through a global pandemic. That's right. Or I call it a scam. Demic. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It wasn't as powerful as they told us, but you know, but they're, they're just trying to control everything. Yeah. And that's what they were doing to Daniel. Yeah. And Daniel was like, I'm gonna do what God wants me to do. That's right. Even if it doesn't make you happy. Yes. Even if it breaks your law. Yeah. I'm going to live, I'm going to do what God wants me to do. That's right. And we really need, and I'm not trying to be like, oh, we gotta be just break the law and all that kinda stuff. But we have to stand, the reason why our schools are getting taken is because the men of America haven't stepped up. Speaker 0 00:33:52 That's right. The reason why our nation shifts over to different, the other side of the presidency. Yeah. And I'm not trying to support Republicans or Democrats. Yes. I are like kingdom minded people. That's right. And God's raising up kingdom minded politicians. Yeah. That are tough. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and rough. I think Trump's kind of like that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, not everybody likes him. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I get it. But he's got a way and he knows how to lead. And he <laugh>. I'll tell you man, like, you know, there's just there. He's a disruptor and you know, whether it's Trump or somebody like him is what this, uh, what we need in this hour. That's right. But it's, it's those, the reason why those men look so radical is cuz they're real men. Yes. And they actually stand up and do the right thing. That's right. And they don't care what people think. Speaker 0 00:34:37 I'm not saying everything they do is right. No. Or everything they say is right. Yeah. But I'm saying they do the right thing. Yeah. You know, Trump was doing really good for our country and for the whole world. The whole world was better when he was in charge. Yes. Right. It really was. You know, like no one messed with everybody calmed down <laugh>, <laugh>, you know what I mean? Like, and uh, so yeah. You know, here, but as far as men listening to this, men have to get really serious about continually following the Lord. Because Daniel stood up against his government and on multiple occasions and said, yes, if you gotta kill me, kill me. Yes. But this is how I'm gonna live my life. That's Speaker 2 00:35:13 Right. Speaker 0 00:35:14 And what happens when, so on the one hand, he could have died in the fire, he could have died on the lion den. Yeah. And we still would've thought he was awesome cuz Speaker 2 00:35:22 He stood up. Yeah. He's stood up. Right. Yes. That's why he said Speaker 0 00:35:24 Because isn't that Revelation 12 where it says they overcame him by the blood of the lamb? Yes. And the word of the testimony Speaker 2 00:35:32 By the Yes. By the word Speaker 0 00:35:33 Of the testimony. And, and what's, what is it by the blood of the lamb, lamb the word of testimony and not loving their lives onto death. That's Speaker 2 00:35:39 Right. Speaker 0 00:35:40 So we always forget that third one. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:35:41 We, we, Speaker 0 00:35:42 We, we like to, we like to remember the first two. Yes. Like blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony Yes. Is also, but then if you're gonna love Jesus and keep his word and you're gonna be like, Daniel, you got, you can't love your life even under death. Speaker 2 00:35:53 That's what Jesus said. If you are going to be my disciple carry cross every day, every day and follow me. Yeah. That is surrendering, Speaker 0 00:36:06 Surrendering every day. Speaker 2 00:36:08 And you do the will of God, whatever it costs, the will of God is not easy. Speaker 0 00:36:13 But we can walk in this authority. Right? Yes. Like when you're talking about living in the, like we have authority right now over the devil. Yes. So I think the devil comes and he roar, he roams like a lion. He Yes. He tries to pu puff his chest out. Yes. And he tries to shame you. Yes. Tries to guilty like, oh, you failed a hundred times. You're not gonna do this, sir. Uh, you, you, you've lick at pornography or you've, you lied or you failed. Cheated You've stole. You have failed. You know, and you say you're a man of God. You're not a man of God. The enemy is an accuser. Speaker 2 00:36:38 Let me tell you this, pastor Brian, the Bible called David a lion of Judah. I mean he come from Judah. Yeah. And Jesus the lion of Judah, Speaker 0 00:36:52 He came from Speaker 2 00:36:53 From David. From Speaker 0 00:36:55 David. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:36:56 David walked with God. And you know, when he first golias, Speaker 0 00:37:05 When he was a teen. Speaker 2 00:37:07 A teenager, yeah. The king of Mite saw was hiding for 40 days. Speaker 0 00:37:16 <laugh>. I know. I know. Speaker 2 00:37:17 And the whole mention of Israel, the children of God because so had disobeyed God. He do, he did not stand. Did not obey. We just read. Jesus said, if you take and listen and obey my teachings, my father will love you. I will love you. We will come and live in you. Speaker 0 00:37:43 You'll be our Speaker 2 00:37:44 Home. You'll be our home. Speaker 0 00:37:46 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:37:47 So David come with God the Father, God the Son God the Holy Spirit on the 41st day and in a few minutes he's holding the head of God. Right? Speaker 0 00:38:00 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:38:01 Because she was anointed. She was full of God. The lion of Judah was in him. Yeah. Did David fell? Yes. Speaker 0 00:38:12 Well, he had already been anointed king Yes. By Samuel. And Speaker 2 00:38:15 He had that what I mean, Speaker 0 00:38:16 Anointing. So he already had, he already had the goods. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:38:19 And when David, we have Samms 51. Speaker 0 00:38:23 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:38:25 David, when he committed adult, Speaker 0 00:38:29 When he Speaker 2 00:38:29 Murdered and, and malice <laugh>. Yeah. Now, today many and men are hiding because they, they devil say, you failed. Speaker 0 00:38:37 Right. Speaker 2 00:38:37 You can't, God doesn't love you. You a loser. Speaker 0 00:38:41 You made this Speaker 2 00:38:42 Mistake. You made this mistake. Speaker 0 00:38:43 And there's a lot of men that, uh, commit adultery. There's a lot of men that lust on pornography and social media. Yes. You know, that say, uh, and Speaker 2 00:38:52 The devil builded on that to put them down and they call themself, I'm a loser. A failure. No, no. Good. Speaker 0 00:39:00 Right. Speaker 2 00:39:01 But David knowing who's that, who, who he's, and the relationship he has with God Almighty, the Governor God. Right. Of Abraham, God, of Isaac, God of ov God of Judah. Speaker 0 00:39:19 Right. Speaker 2 00:39:20 And he comes from the lion of Judah, from the tribe of Judah when he made a mistake. This is where, this is a wake up called all the men who think I am no longer good. I failed. And the devil is there tormenting and, uh, parachuting and, uh, nailing you down. You are no good. You have failed because you, you, you did this, you do this, you do this. You are no longer God have no value for you God. God has no use for you. Repentance brings reconciliation. DeVero sums 51. Speaker 0 00:40:00 Yeah. Creating me a clean Speaker 2 00:40:02 Heart. Creating me a clean heart. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:40:05 Don't a right spirit. Speaker 2 00:40:07 The right spirit within me. Don't take away the Holy Spirit from me. Yeah. Restore to me what the joy, the joy of your salvation. Speaker 0 00:40:20 When you think about David, David watched Saul made a, a similar mistake of disobedience in his leadership. Yes. And Samuel member says like, what's this bleeding a sheep? I hear Yes. Like your disobedience is in my ear. Speaker 2 00:40:33 Yes. Speaker 0 00:40:34 And Saul just stayed Speaker 2 00:40:36 Stubborn. He didn't repent. Speaker 0 00:40:37 He's like, no, I was good. I I'm fine. You know, everything's good. I Speaker 2 00:40:41 Listen. Did not want to put things right to restore or to bring reconciliation between him and God. Speaker 0 00:40:46 And if he would've repented, he might have stayed king. Speaker 2 00:40:49 He might not only stay king today would've be called in Jesus a son of soul Speaker 0 00:40:56 <laugh>. I'm sorry. Speaker 2 00:40:58 Yeah. Today we said call dead. Yeah. They, I mean the blind before King, excuse me, Jesus, the son of David, they would've been now calling it Jesus the Son of Speaker 0 00:41:10 Soul. Jesus soul. Yeah, that's right. And we wouldn't have known it. We would've known David maybe as a great warrior, but yes. Maybe not a king, you know, Speaker 2 00:41:16 And not a king. But when David repented and the devil came accusing him, you are no good. You committed adultery, you stole somebody's wife Speaker 0 00:41:30 That Speaker 2 00:41:30 You murdered, you murdered. Speaker 0 00:41:32 You're not good. Speaker 2 00:41:33 He didn't listen to that roaring lion, the devil law. Like walk around roaring like a lion is a liar. You see Jesus in the gospel of John chapter eight, you read there Gospel of John chapter eight, if you can read for us verse 43. Oh, okay. 44. The Gospel of John Speaker 0 00:41:57 8 43. Speaker 2 00:41:58 Yes. The gospel of John chapter eight. Speaker 0 00:42:02 So is why do you not understand what I say? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Is it because you cannot bear to hear my word. You are of your father, the devil. And your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character. For he is a liar. And the father of lies. Speaker 2 00:42:23 You hear that? Yeah. Don't tell me that the devil was not on David's ears telling him, we are no good. You've lost it all. Speaker 0 00:42:32 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:42:33 So we have some men listening to us today. The devil have narrowed them down. Speaker 0 00:42:40 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:42:41 He tell them, you are no good. You are fairer. God has no time for you. Mm. Don't go to church. Even you fail your family. You are no good for your wife. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:42:55 You're a fake. You can't do Speaker 2 00:42:56 You have no, you are not good for your sons and your daughter. Speaker 0 00:42:59 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:43:01 Men who are listening to us, we want to trade you. The devil is a liar. And the father of lies. Speaker 0 00:43:09 Yes. Speaker 2 00:43:10 When he speaks lies he speak hidden native language. Yeah. <laugh>, that is his native language. He knows it very well. Speaker 0 00:43:18 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:43:18 There is like, now I learnt English, but I speak Lunda Speaker 0 00:43:24 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:43:24 When I speak Luanda, I mean I just, I don't even have to think about it. Right. So when the devil lies, he doesn't even think about, it's just flaw. Speaker 0 00:43:33 Just as native tongue Speaker 2 00:43:34 <laugh>. So, so many men are listening to the father of lies. Speaker 0 00:43:38 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:43:39 And they have withdrawal with themself from relationship with God. They have walked away from their wives, they have walked away from their children. They have walked away from the church. And the devils put them in the corner and say, stay there. You are not good. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But today we are here to tell those men, you a lion, the lion of Judah is ready to forgive you. You're ready to make sure you reconcile with himn. Yeah. Stand up, get back on the platform like David. Speaker 0 00:44:12 Yeah. Get back on the battle. Speaker 2 00:44:14 Get back on the battle and tell the devil you belong under my feet. Speaker 0 00:44:18 Yeah. And that's when we live that way. Cuz I love that we're telling 'em we're inviting men right now. Speaker 2 00:44:23 Yes. Speaker 0 00:44:24 To respond to the spirit of of you know of the Lord. Yes. Who is calling them back into this place of, uh, reconciliation and Yes. Be like David. Yes. And then when we live in that place of continual devotion Yeah. We find ourselves conquering Goliath. That's right. We find ourselves winning our eye gate back. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:44:46 Yes. Speaker 0 00:44:47 You know, not giving it, not not offering our eye. Yes. This is part of the body. Yes. Just to offer that to the Lord. That's right. But we offer it to the devil if we lust or you know, our irrigate. Speaker 2 00:44:59 Yes. Speaker 0 00:44:59 Am I gonna offer it to the devil with Yes. Gossip and Yes. If you want to find a lot of people who don't follow God, you'll find Speaker 2 00:45:06 Them. Yes. Because Speaker 0 00:45:08 The enemy's got 'em all in your Speaker 2 00:45:10 Path. That's right. Speaker 0 00:45:11 But that's easy. And and it's the way of the loser. That's right. And it's the way that destroys societies. Yeah. And it's the reason why our country's in, there's a lot of people out there that don't care. Yeah. And they do listen to the enemy. So when you start listening to the Lord mm-hmm. <affirmative>, some of those people are gonna not like you, they're going to separate from you. Yes. And uh, and that's just a natural thing. Yeah. You know, when you begin to follow Christ, I found my friend's circles got smaller mm-hmm. <affirmative>, when you really go after continually wanting to follow Christ. Yeah. You'll have maybe less friends cuz not, not, not really. A lot of people want to mm-hmm. <affirmative> be a Daniel. They might say amen to a good message. Yes. Or David k Goliath. Amen. Yes. But to live the life that they lives, Speaker 2 00:45:52 Live their Speaker 0 00:45:53 Life. They they won't, they don't do it. Yes. That's, it's hard to do that. It's, I mean, you know what I'm saying? Like, it's, it's, it's, it takes focus. It takes the vote, it Speaker 2 00:46:01 Takes, can you imagine what David went through after taking somebody's wife and killing him? Repented. And God restored him. Many people kept saying, you are no good. I can imagine the devil every morning tell him, <laugh>, you are murderer. You are faith. You stole somebody's wife. Yeah. But God had restored him and he was no longer thinking like the devil was not buying the lies of the devil. He knew I am forgiven. I am a new creation. Yeah. I am now in love with my God. Many people, guilty conscious, stop them from moving forward even when God forgive them. Speaker 0 00:46:51 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:46:52 Many people, they don't want to forgive themselves. That's Speaker 0 00:46:55 Right. That's Speaker 2 00:46:56 Very key. Even when God forgive them. Yeah. They don't want to forgive themselves. That's why many men and women are suffering today. Can you imagine that David, after repenting, he continued in his leadership. Let's take a look at, Speaker 0 00:47:13 I mean, think about he continued in his authority. Speaker 2 00:47:16 In his authority leading a whole nation and the nation Speaker 0 00:47:19 Repentance and reconciliation. Yes. Kept him in the place of authority. Speaker 2 00:47:23 Yes. Um, I want to show you this. Speaker 0 00:47:28 What are we looking at? Speaker 2 00:47:30 Okay, let's take a look at the Colossians chapter one. Let's read the read for us from verse 17 to 20. Colossians chapter one. Speaker 0 00:47:54 Alright. It's talking about Christ. Yes. And it says, and he is before all things. And in him all things hold together. Speaker 2 00:48:00 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, all things hold Speaker 0 00:48:02 Together. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he is the head of the body of the church. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that in everything he might be preeminent. Yes. Or in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell mm-hmm. <affirmative> and through him to reconcile to himself all things. Yes. Whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. Yes. Speaker 2 00:48:22 So here Jesus brings reconciliation. We see reconciliation. Jesus himself was betrayed by his treasurer. Speaker 0 00:48:39 Yeah. His treasurer. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:48:41 Yeah. He he he had the church. Yeah. He had the church of tur. Yeah. He had the multitude. But his treasurer, he, he talks about one of yous going to beat Remy. Yeah. And he says, it means it me. He said, no, the one who is eating from the same plate. I mean Jesus, Jesus' love is beyond it man. It's that comprehension and understanding. He knows the man has already betray him and sold him. Man is in his wallet. Speaker 0 00:49:11 It's the, the, the shackles were shaking around in his pocket. Speaker 2 00:49:14 <laugh>. He's seated, he's seated around the same table. But he knows we are eating from the same plate. Speaker 0 00:49:20 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:49:21 But you've already sold me. You've already betrayed me. That's love. Beyond. And then so he betrayed him. He sold him. And another man is a Peter. Peter denied it. Jesus. Three times. And one of the gospel says when, on the third time when he said, I don't know the man. Speaker 0 00:49:46 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:49:47 The Bible said Jesus stand. Speaker 0 00:49:49 Yeah. Saw Peter right Speaker 2 00:49:51 At Peter. Yeah. What's the difference between Peter and Judah? Iscar Speaker 0 00:49:58 Peter, wept. Speaker 2 00:49:59 Peter, wept Peter. Peter repented. He Speaker 0 00:50:02 Felt, he felt the pain. The Speaker 2 00:50:04 Pain. Yeah. And, uh, Judah, he just felt re remorse. He went and killed himself. Speaker 0 00:50:14 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:50:16 So today we have so many and men and women who are killing themselves. Speaker 0 00:50:20 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:50:21 They could be still walking in their body, but spiritually dead. Yeah. Spiritually, they've already committed suicide. And that's what King and David refused to do. Speaker 0 00:50:33 And we need, we're we're inviting men or you know, people are listening to this Yeah. To come into reconciliation with Christ. Speaker 2 00:50:42 With Christ. Because here Speaker 0 00:50:44 You're struggling with Yes. Condemnation. Speaker 2 00:50:46 Condemnation. Speaker 0 00:50:47 And you don't know how to make Speaker 2 00:50:48 That I'm not good. I'm not worthy. Speaker 0 00:50:50 Thank God that God gave us David as an example. Right? Yes. Because David, you know, we see him. I mean, he's, he writes most of the psalms. I mean, he's an amazing man after God. Yes. But he has these great destructive bombs that went off in his life. Yes. Speaker 2 00:51:05 But you know, let's read again this verse in Christians chapter one, and through him, that's Jesus the lion of Judah, to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making a peace through his blood shed on the cross. Now Jesus had to live this in order to live by example, to mentor us. When Jesus looked at Peter, pastor Brian, if someone you've walked with for free and a half years look at your face and say, I don't know that man. Speaker 0 00:51:50 Right. Speaker 2 00:51:52 And you die in three days, you resurrect, what message will you send to that man? But Jesus rose from the dead. Speaker 0 00:52:01 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:52:02 He's looked there and he saw those women. He says, ladies, God, tell my disciples I'm going to meet them in a Galilee and make sure Peter is there. Speaker 0 00:52:16 <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:52:17 That is reconcili. Speaker 0 00:52:19 Yes. Sure. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:52:22 And can you imagine if Jesus did not bring it back, Peter. And if Peter ran away with a guilty C Speaker 0 00:52:31 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:52:32 Saying, I'm no longer good for that man. And he ran away like some men are doing, some women are doing, they ran away from God. Oh, I can't look at his face. I cannot even, how can I look at his face? Right. I denied him face to face. Right. So the devil is a liar. He tells the man or a woman, whoever's listening to us, you are no longer of any value to that man, God or my to that. Jesus, you're no longer worth they of valuable to that church. You're no longer have a value for your son, for your wife, for your husband, for your daughter. Go run, get lost. Right. And that's why Jesus said, make sure, throw my peter, I need him. That's reconciliation. And Peter came teamed up back with Jesus. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> because he came to reconcile. You see, when you look at the cross, pastor Brian, the cross represent relationship with God, upward heaven, relationship with each other. Speaker 0 00:53:46 Outward. Speaker 2 00:53:48 Outward. So once you are in relationship upward with God, and you are really committed to God, it's so easy to cope, to work with each other. Speaker 0 00:54:04 Yeah. It's easier. Speaker 2 00:54:06 Once you lose communication with heaven, you let go people. Yeah. You take conscious. So the devil come and tell you you are no good. God has no more value for you. So we have men and women may be listening to us this, on this program who are hiding and let them learn from Peter. Yeah. Don't hide when Jesus calls you back and say, I need you, Peter. Speaker 0 00:54:38 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:54:38 Peter came back, they consulted with Jesus the lion of Judah. Judah. And who preached the first message that Peter brings 3000 people. Speaker 0 00:54:49 Peter did. Yeah. Peter. Yeah. Understand what, what a great day for Peter. Yes. <laugh>. But Speaker 2 00:54:55 If, but the devil wanted him to be with guilty conscious, I'm no longer good. Speaker 0 00:55:00 Yeah. Go kill yourself. Like I Speaker 2 00:55:01 Go kill yourself. Kill yourself. Like Judah is cur. Yeah. That man. How are you? Look in the eyes of Jesus, you denied him. So we have men who are hiding. And this program is to call upon men who are hiding. Jesus told Speaker 0 00:55:19 To reconcile to Speaker 2 00:55:19 Christ, to reconcile with Christ, Speaker 0 00:55:21 To walk in his authority, Speaker 2 00:55:22 Walk in his Speaker 0 00:55:23 Authority, look at his name, his Speaker 2 00:55:24 Power. Reconcile with your wife, with your children, with your daughters, with your sons. Speaker 0 00:55:28 Get Speaker 2 00:55:28 Over yourselves with your church, your pastor, with your believers and walk. Speaker 0 00:55:34 We all make mistakes. Yes. He's asking to forgive you. Yeah. And get over it. Speaker 2 00:55:39 And get over it and move again around Speaker 0 00:55:41 More than, more than likely. You didn't mur sleep with some guy's wife and get her pregnant and murder the man. Like that's what David did, David indeed. Speaker 2 00:55:48 David, Speaker 0 00:55:49 More than likely you're not. No, you are not. And if you did that, then, or, or worse, yes. God still loves you and wants to, wants you to walk in his power with Speaker 2 00:55:57 Him. Once you overcome self guilty, that is a lie of the devil. We need men to let rise up like a peter and say, I am good. And the devil say, you are no longer good. And say, I'm going back to my friend Jesus. Yeah. I have a value. 3000 people got born again in one day. Maybe he preached later for 40 minutes, I don't know, maybe 15 minutes or 10, Speaker 0 00:56:26 Maybe three hours. Speaker 2 00:56:27 Maybe three hours. <laugh>. But 3000 people got 70 in another chapter following He commanded the lamb. Silver. God, I don't have, but what I have, the gate I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ, rise up and walk. Speaker 0 00:56:41 Walk. Speaker 2 00:56:42 That is a forgiven man reconciled with his friend Jesus. Speaker 0 00:56:45 Yeah. And walking in his gifts. Yes. Walking in his calling. Yes. Because the gifts of God are irrevocable. Speaker 2 00:56:51 That's right. You know, he planted the church in Conius house, yeah's chapter 10. He resurrected the dock who was dead. Yeah. We see all that, that when you reconcile, when you come back to Jesus, your friend, and you overcome that self guilty that the devil come and tell you, you are no good, you'll be of a great value to your family and to your church. Speaker 0 00:57:23 I wrote this down. Okay. And I, I'm glad I remembered. It was in my drawer, <laugh>. Yes. Um, a prophetic man, um, a gifted prophet comes to our church named Russ Klein. And, uh, he's part of grace ops as well. But he, uh, a year or so ago, he came through town and he wrote this, I or he said this and I wrote it down, gifting comes without repentance. So whether you repent or not, you're gifted from God. Yeah. He says, authority comes with intimacy. Speaker 2 00:57:49 That's right. Speaker 0 00:57:50 And, uh, then down here, he, he was, uh, he said, current day church has made an audience not an army <laugh>. Mm. And uh, so as we close out, you're from Uganda. Yes. You're, you're, you really are inspiring man. You know, because you are, in my opinion, all these years, I've known you for 10 years. You haven't changed. It's just continually, you don't even look like you got any older <laugh> <laugh>. You continually follow, you're continually devoted to the Lord. Yes. Continually living for him. Um, I mean, even in, since the last in, over the last three or four years, you even went through about with prostate cancer. Yes. And you didn't even really talk about it publicly. Yeah. Because when the doctor gave you the report, you said, um, I'm not going to die now and I'm definitely not gonna die by prostate cancer. Yes. And you said, so Satan, you get outta my body. That's right. And you walked in authority. You didn't even tell your wife. Yes. Like you just dealt with it. Yes. <laugh>. Like, you know what I mean? Like, I'm sorry. But a lot of people get sad. They go home, they tell the whole world. They, they give it a place to live you. Speaker 2 00:58:56 And once you start telling everybody, everybody start to see you in their coffin, Speaker 0 00:59:00 They start seeing the coffin Speaker 2 00:59:02 <laugh>, you lose your face, you start seeing yourself dead. You make a wheel, I'm dead. Yeah. So you start walking as people look at, you say, that's walking dead. Let's see, wind is, Speaker 0 00:59:11 Well, prostate cancer has taken a lot of Speaker 2 00:59:13 Men. Oh. Even in Africa. Prostate, prostate Speaker 0 00:59:15 Cancer. I mean, it just took a great man, a man that I, I always looked up to in, in a scholar type. He was a scholar, not a scholar type. He's a scholar in this land. But, uh, yeah. I mean, that's remarkable man that you, that so you know, you, you're just a remarkable guy. Like you've had, you, you've started over 300 churches in Uganda. Yes. And you've just helped hundreds and thousands and thousands of people. Yes. Um, and so thank you for being a great man who lives, walks in covenant like Abraham. Speaker 2 00:59:41 It's a grace of Speaker 0 00:59:42 God's, right? Yes. The operations of God's grace. Right. That's right. That's right. So would you mind closing us in prayer? Sure. Speaker 2 00:59:49 Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you that you love to, mankind is beyond our comprehension. I pray spirit of God, that any man or woman, anybody who is listening to us and the devil has been nailing them down, that they have no value. Amen. They are no good today. We just discovered that the devil is walking around like roaring lion, but he is not a lion. And I pray for every man and every woman who is listening, that they welcome Jesus, the lion of Judah into their lives. Speaker 0 01:00:35 Yes. Speaker 2 01:00:37 To become their personal friend, a covenant friend and a walk hand in hand with Jesus. And that they receive Jesus to be their friend. The person friend during the baptiz said in Mercy chapter three, verse 11, that the one coming behind me will baptize you with the power of the Holy Spirit and fire I spirit of God baptize come upon every man, come upon every woman. Come upon men and women with power of the Holy Spirit. Fill them with the anointing. Transform them. I pray the blend of Jesus to clean every man, every woman, every person who is listening, that will be made white as white as small. Speaker 0 01:01:32 Yes. Speaker 2 01:01:34 And will rise up from all their guilty conscious and they will receive spiritual ears to hear the voice of God saying, I have forgiven you. They'll get spiritual eyes to see Jesus. They'll get sound in mind to understand the will of God and the plan of God for them and through them, I pray God almighty for men who have lost the battles, the have broken families. I pray in the name of Jesus, the spirit of God to resurrect that man. Speaker 2 01:02:18 Yes ma'am. He is thinking my family is like a valley of dry bonds. You spoke to executive and said, son, man, can this Bond live. And executive said, Lord, do you know? But you said Exactly Professor. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And he professor and the dry bonds born became born to born, joined until they became a great army. I pray for every man who think my family is dry bonds. My life is a brand Bo dry bonds. I professi over your family. I speak life over your family. If you think my condition is dry bones, I speak resurrection over your life. I command the powers of darkness to depart from you. In the name of Jesus, I command Menting devil, I command you. You divorce from the pit of Harrow. You are a liar. You've lied to men. You've lied to women, you've lied to. Younger men and younger women. Speaker 2 01:03:30 Today, I come against you and I command you. Leave their mind. Leave their bodies. Leave their thinking. Leave their meditation. You have no residence in them. Jesus said, whoever obey my teaching, my Father and I and the Holy Spirit will come and make him our home. I pray, spirit of God, come and make that man's body your home. That young lady's body your home. Yes, that mother, your home, that father your home. Let them feel the presence of God coming right now, descending upon them, chaning them, and the powers of darkness apart from them now. And let the love of God overcome the fears, overcome the guilt conscious, and let that man, let that woman, let that younger man, that younger woman rise up and stand. Like that great army in the valley of the dry bonds. They stood up and he became great army. Speaker 2 01:04:46 I professor over that man, I professor over that family, I professor over that younger man, younger woman, you are rising up today. You are becoming a warrior. You are becoming a world changer. The lion of Judah is coming into your life. And today, I want you to know the devil is like a lion, but is not a lion. Now you are receiving the lion of Judah in your life. Therefore, I decree from today, you are not a loser. You are a winner. You are a great, successful person. The devil will never keep you behind. You are rising up to your moment. This is your season. This is your time. Yes Lord, this is your Jesus. This is your moment. Therefore professor and decree the blood of Jesus to cover you and to protect you. That your mind will be in tune with the Holy Spirit, never again your mind to perceive the lives of the devil because you are protected under the blood of Jesus. Speaker 2 01:05:57 Blessed those men. I blessed those women. I've blessed the younger men and women who are listening that from today, they are blessing of God. God, you saying to Abraham, I will bless you and I make you a blessing. I pray the blessing of God to come upon all those men, those women who are listening, that from today, they will know they are blessing of God, and they will work with the joy of the Lord to be their strengths. Thank you Father, for blessing your people, though they have been working in the fire, they have not died because you have a plan and the mission and the purpose for their lives. Therefore, today I command you. Stand up, start walking, run to your destiny. You are blessed of God in Jesus name. Amen. Speaker 0 01:06:52 Amen. Speaker 2 01:06:53 Amen. Speaker 0 01:06:54 Well, it's been great having you on our podcast. Thank Jesus. We'll do this more often. Amen. I'm gonna be coming to Uganda sometime soon. Yes. With a little crew. Amen. Um, we'll get some gray ops spreading out over Uganda. Get some men in our culture. It'll be awesome. So That's right. Well, hey, remember today that lions don't eat lions. That's right. And until next time, live continually before the Lord. Amen. Walk in his authority and live upright.

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