Life Hack - Honor Christ in Crazy Times

August 19, 2021 00:13:18
Life Hack - Honor Christ in Crazy Times
Grace Ops
Life Hack - Honor Christ in Crazy Times

Aug 19 2021 | 00:13:18


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

When stressed we think God needs to break into our space. But actually we need to break into his space. When stress arises and our temptations seem opportune let’s allow Grace to train us to honor God by intentionally blessing his name. Join Brian for a quick life hack on honoring Christ in stressful times.



Grace Ops Advance Kansas City

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Podcast Description:
We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:06 Hey, Brian Phillips here with you today. Welcome back to the grease ops podcast. So the world is crazy. There's global, uh, stress Speaker 1 00:00:17 Man. Speaker 0 00:00:18 The stuff going on in the world is kind of can be numb, mean it can, it could potentially want to lead us to Speaker 1 00:00:27 Doubt or be hopeless. And just Speaker 0 00:00:31 The amount of global stress that there is. And then you've got everyday living. You've got people who are trying to figure out how to make ends meet. You know, there's a lot going on in our country's so much stuff, so much change happiness, so much rapid paces. It can be mind numbing. And I want to give you a life hack and that's kind of a YouTube thing. I'm sure we all know what that is. And the life hack here, the ideas is honoring God in crazy times. So I want to talk about that in a few moments, but before we get into that, I want to say thank you to everyone. Who's kind of engaging the grease ops culture. There's a lot of guys engage in this thing. A lot of actually families, somebody asked me today is grace offs, a men's ministry? And I said, I said, well, it's a, to me, it's a family ministry. Speaker 0 00:01:21 It's aimed at the entire family, but at the very tip of the spear, um, it's, it is, it is aimed at men predominantly, but we really want this to be a blessing to your entire family. Want to bless men empowerment, to live upright. So thank you to everyone. Who's engaged. Keep sharing of who we are. Keep, keep sharing it with your friends. That's really the only form of marketing we have going right now is just grassroots marketing. So the more you share it, the more we get exposed, uh, you can find us on any social media platform at grease SOPs, two 12. Thank you for those who have come into partnering with us financially, that's a huge blessing. We really need a lot of fuel in the tank to help us continue to take this thing to the nation. We've got a powerful strategy and vision to take this to the nation. Speaker 0 00:02:07 And we also are developing this backyard strategy to take it small, run into a backyard or a cafe or wherever you'd want to do life here, right in a garage or something like that. Run a barbecue fire pit kind of thing. Taking the resources of the Firestar charge, the podcast, the different things we're going to be writing. We've got a lot of stuff coming out of fourth quarter and first quarter, really fun, exciting developments. So thank you for partnering with us. We'd love for you to partner this $12 a month or $1,200 a month. Whatever I like 12. It's good. And so, but you can learn more about [email protected] slash partnership. Also October 1st and second, we have a grease ops advance in Kansas city. We'll be right at the international house of prayer, a great friend of mine, Lenny LaGuardia, who is like a spiritual father to me. Speaker 0 00:02:56 Uh, we're going to be out there in his turf and I've heard a to 300 guys could become out to this thing. So that'd be really cool. And I know Friday night and Saturday, this advance is going to be, it's going to be a very powerful encounter with the heart of God. Friday night, the worship team led by Ryan, Evan, my partner in gray SOPs. He is a powerful worship. I mean, this, this man is got the heart of David. He just goes right after the heart of God. And uh, at the last advanced we did, my wife called me or I called her the later that night of opening night, she was like, well, how did it go? And I'm like, well, Ryan and his worst team like tore the building down and worship, you know, so, and I really mean that it was going to be a powerful time to encounter God. Speaker 0 00:03:37 And when you're with a bunch of men, I don't know, there's something special about that. So we'd love to see you in Kansas city. Check it out. You can learn [email protected] slash Casey. We'd love to get you registered. We'd love to see you in Kansas city. All right, moving right into the episode for today. So this is basically life hack, honoring God in crazy times. What do we do? I mean, think about this right? When we're stressed and we think God needs to break into our space. Like sometimes I think that's at least that's in my mind. It's like, oh God, there's all this stuff going on in my life. It'd be really nice if you'd just kinda show up or, uh, bless me or just make sure I know that you're with me. And, you know, outside of just our typical devotional times, you know, when we get in the middle of life, thicker for the stress inducing type situations and things that can be provoked temptation, or they could provoke the really the temptation to not believe to actually become hopeless. And I just think there's so much going on in our world. It's hard to fathom. It's coming at paces that are hard to keep up with. So here's the hack. It's super simple when we're stressed. I think man, gotta be cool if you'd break into my time and space, but actually this is the heck. We need to train ourselves to break in to God's space. So arises. And our temptation seem opportun. Let's allow grace to train us to honor God by intentionally blessing his name. Speaker 1 00:05:08 It's that simple stopping. Think about, Speaker 0 00:05:13 I mean, in Titus two, right? It talks about how the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation to all main kind. Speaker 1 00:05:21 I mean, when we think Speaker 0 00:05:22 About God's salvation in his power, his might, he saves, he heals, he delivers, he, he releases the captives, Speaker 1 00:05:31 He pulls Speaker 0 00:05:32 It sort of darkness. He plants us into lady. He brings us from the world and he adopts us into his kingdom, his sons and daughters. This is all included in God's salvation. He saves him, delivers all this powerful, good news. And so we get to be partners in the great commission and we get to move forward in the earth, putting his name on display, bringing people to Christ, by the way we live as disciples, making disciples, making his name known. It's so powerful what we get to do. And when we really, sometimes we can lose sight of it or we can just, you know, that happened 20 years ago or we don't, we don't relish. We don't, we don't soak in the power of what salvation actually is. And you know, I challenge you like stop the scroll, right? Stop scrolling on social media, Speaker 1 00:06:24 Just stop all that stuff. Um, limited Speaker 0 00:06:28 Limit yourself, give some self control, right? Like, um, Speaker 1 00:06:32 Get time with God, but Speaker 0 00:06:34 In the midst of busy-ness or the stressful times, like that's, you know, I've had some, whenever I practice this, actually quite often, it's like, I try to stop what I'm doing and I try to honor his name. So let's check out revelation chapter, uh, revelation four. There's a couple of verses I want to look at, and this is kind of coming into like the throne room scene. So it's talking about how day and night they never cease to say, holy Speaker 2 00:07:01 Holy, holy Speaker 0 00:07:03 Is the Lord, God almighty, who was and is, and who is to come in verse nine. It says whenever the living creatures give glory and honor, and thanks to his name, thanks to him who was seated on the throne who lives forever and ever the 24 elders fold down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever that cast their crowns before the throne saying worthy, are you our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will, they existed and were created. So you've got this verse nine, verse 11, you know, whenever the living creatures give glory and they give honor, and then it's worded down in verse 11 that, you know, worthy are you to receive glory and to receive honor and to receive power. So when you get stressed out and when the world is just kind of like more than you can handle, there's a temptation that comes to us from our adversary, who, who desires to steal, kill, and destroy, who desires to literally suck the life out of us to suck Speaker 1 00:08:15 The whole bottom of us. Speaker 0 00:08:17 And to the greatest temptation is to not believe that God can do what God said he can do. Now. It's also very important to be in tuned like the biblical narrative and the power of what God's actually doing in this hour. Because these crazy times, I don't think are just going to go away. I, I personally believe that normal really isn't returning. And I believe that I, you know, in the madness of it all, I'm actually thankful for it because it's going to cause our country to see evil and to see righteousness gone are the gone is the soft cushion of the middle, the middle ground, the lazy ground, the La-Z-Boy faith, the lazy, lazy boys style. That's gone. You're going to be hot or cold. Lukewarm is gone. So I'm thankful for it because it's going to cause the church to wrestle with her own self and awaken at deep, deep levels and deep places to kind of come out of the dusty slumber, the sleepy slumber that we've been in for all, for many decades. And, and it's going to cause us to get back in tune with the precepts and the laws and the commands and the grace and the power and the partnering with the great commission. And it's going to, it's really a powerful thing. It's actually a huge blessing. What's happening to us right now in Speaker 1 00:09:37 These days, God's going to do powerful things. Speaker 0 00:09:43 We're going to see nations touched, like we never have before. Okay. I mean, it's insane. What's going on in Afghanistan and how are our government handled that we know we really fumbled the ball and it's hard to watch because it's like, how could you have not known all this was going to happen? Which then you're like, you probably didn't know all this was going to happen, which is probably like, okay, that's creepy. Um, you know, it's creepy because literally thousands of Christians right now in Afghanistan are beanie being raped and pillaged and tortured and murdered, uh, martyred. So it's very disturbing. I mean, it's very disturbing that our country would just kind of, um, you know, this wicked leadership that we have in place right now would actually kind of like just carte blanche. Yeah. We're just going to do this and it's cool. It's cool, man. Speaker 0 00:10:32 You know, all this kind of stuff and you know, like, you're like, yeah, that's actually not cool. Um, where do you, where do you think we should be an Afghan or not? Are we going to pull out or not? There was way better of a strategy of how to do it. And I feel, I think from that perspective, we can all agree that it was a huge fail, so that kind of stuff can bring stress to us. And so I just want to encourage you today to do this life hack, like stop where you're at. Like I do this all the time. I'll stop Speaker 1 00:11:00 And I'll just go, okay. Okay. Speaker 0 00:11:03 All right, Lord. Um, I give you my stress right now and father right now. I just want to thank you Speaker 1 00:11:09 For your, I just want to declare and give you this praise that you are holy and that you are powerful and father right now, I Speaker 0 00:11:22 Honor your name and I'm sorry, thankful for your salvation. I'm thankful for your grace that came and saves, came and saved me and saved, you know, step into that place. Don't expect God to step in to where you Speaker 1 00:11:39 Are. Stop yourself, hack into Speaker 0 00:11:44 Your life and go, wait a minute. The presence, God is available to me anytime, anywhere 24 7, right now, I need to take a moment and go there and it'll change your perspective and it'll help you make it through. It'll actually strengthen you. It's like doing a rep in the gym, right? When really challenged the muscle, the muscle gets sore and the muscle grows. It's the same. When our lives are, we get challenged by stress and all different kinds of situations. And just to really just to remain faithful under in, into endure to the end is a very tough thing to do. And that's why we encourage you to do it with a band of brothers and the five-star charge. Honor, affection, Liberty, war, and valor. I mean, we're literally going to be talking about this guys for decades. We're building out powerful strategy to, to equip you and to empower you to love upright. So there you go. When stress arises and temptations seem opportune, we want to turn to, you know, this old way or that old way, allow grace to train you and I, our hearts to stop what we're doing to honor God by intentionally spending time, blessing his name, praising his name and giving him the honor and the glory that is due his name until next time know that we're with you. We're praying for you. We believe in you. Speaker 1 00:13:09 And we're here to empower you to live upright. <inaudible>.

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