Crush Evil Live Upright

September 26, 2021 00:07:02
Crush Evil Live Upright
Grace Ops
Crush Evil Live Upright

Sep 26 2021 | 00:07:02


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Brian looks at Pslam 101:8 as a strategic way to live and think. As you listen may you learn how to crush evil in your own life and cut off wickedness from dwelling within you.


Grace Ops Advance Kansas City

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We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 2 00:00:07 Hey, Brian, fill of Ceara gray SOPs. I want to talk to you about cutting off evil, and I believe this will help us grow in our affection and love towards God. So Psalm 1 0 1, a actually provides a very powerful strategy for us to live, operate. I want to share that with you for a moment, God desires for all of us to walk in purity, power and purpose. So I encourage you to do this with your band of brothers. When I'm about to talk about, it's going to be a powerful lesson in your course today, I want to lay down some framework for this Genesis. The book of Genesis actually says that sin desires to have you it's crouching at your door, but you must master it. Jesus said you can't serve two masters. And he was talking about God or money, and he's talking about the affections of a heart. Speaker 2 00:00:52 He said, you'll actually love the one and hate the other, or you'll be devoted to the one or you don't despise the other. So Psalm 1 0 1 8. Now, before I get into it, I want you to think about everything that bombards us. I want you to, I want you to think about the term, the land, and I'm going to define the term of the city of abor. So you'll understand this when we get into the reverse. So when David talks about the land, I want you to think about that in terms of your own body, mind, soul, your thoughts, and when he says the city of the Lord, I want you to think about your own. You're a temple of the living. God. So I want you to think about it in those terms. Speaker 2 00:01:36 There's this bottleneck thing that I just can't get out of my mind, right? Like you've heard of the bottleneck when we're trying to get too many things through the same opening. And I think we do that with our actions. Maybe we think how come I don't walk in purity or I don't walk in the power of God or understand the purpose of God in my life. It might be as simple as you're mismanaging your affections. Well, I'm a Christian. I'm doing all the right things. I believe all the right things. Yeah. But what are you, what are you liking in your life? What are you putting your, what are you devoting yourself to? Speaker 2 00:02:12 You know, something for us to think about? Are we bottleneck in our emotions and stuffing all kinds of like social media? I mean the amount of media consumption is just, we have a smorgasbord that is a never ending smorgasbord. You could literally stand for literally days upon days upon days consuming media. If you want it to you think about the I gate, the battle that I do, the battle that we're evil is actually trying to overtake your eye gate and get you distracted with lust. You think about the evil desires of this world, trying to distract you from your purpose, trying to get you off track. So the enemy's got all kinds of evil schemes out there. That's trying to destroy your purity so that you can't walk in power so that you don't have a purpose. And that doesn't matter if you like believe all the right Christian things. Speaker 2 00:03:00 If you're not engaging with the father, you're not experiencing the power and the presence of God in your life, you, you, you are lacking in these areas. So how do I know these things? Because I've been there, it's a battle. This thing is a battle. So some one-on-one aid is actually a strategy that empowers us to live up, right? So now I'll share this with you. I've laid a good foundation for us to kind of think about this, the framework. So David says, morning by morning, I will destroy all the wicked in the land and I will cut off that you will do, or some of the city of the Lord come on morning by morning. So there's an intentional way of going about your life. Morning by morning, I'm going to destroy all the wicked things in my land, in the landscape of my own life me morning by morning. Speaker 2 00:03:50 I'm not going to allow lustful thoughts. I'm not going to allow impurity. I'm not going to allow lies at the enemy and want to distract me within my mind. And we're not called to do this alone. You got to do this with a band of brothers. So morning, my morning, we're going to walk with intention to destroy the wicked things. So what that's doing is breaking the bottleneck, opening that up, and we're removing the things that don't belong there. And we're, we're creating room for God room for us to actually give affection to guy and for us to actually receive affection from God. It is so vitally important, even as a man that you receive affection from your father in heaven, because it's the only way that you can be whole. And it's the only way that you actually have a chance to give affection to the people that you love in your lives. Speaker 2 00:04:37 And even giving Jesus even said, he takes it as far as saying, be affectionate, even love your enemies. So we can't do any of that. If we're bottlenecked in our affections and we're giving it away to everything, we're stuffing so many things in there. We've got a break. David says, morning by morning, I'm going to destroy the wicked and the land. And I'm going to cut off evil doers from the city of Lord. So I charge you men be that way, adopt some one-on-one aid as a strategy to live upright that morning by morning, may you and I rise. And may we have hearts hungry for God? You know how you get a heart hungry for God. Get the fear of the Lord. Understand that one day, you're going to stand before the Lord. And you're going to give an account for your life. I mean, that should wake you up in like multiple levels on the inside, but there's, there's the evil schemes, right? Speaker 2 00:05:33 The evil strategies coming against you trying to buy for that place, trying to destroy. You trying to destroy your purity, trenches store, your power. The enemies got 10 schemes for you everyday when you wake up and you've probably fallen into so many of them you've ever heard of that, like it was a familiar spirit. Well, it's familiar because we've been struggling with it so many times. And I just want to charge you today that you would be live different tomorrow morning, live different today, live different right now. Go cut those things off. Make time for God, make time for his word. Make time to actually receive from the Lord so that you can actually walk in wholeness. And that's where power comes from. Power comes from not grunting through all the religious rules. Power comes from knowing our father in heaven, having a relationship with him. So that's, it takes some one-on-one aid and adopted into your life as a strategy. I believe God's grace is in Psalm 1 0 1 8, empowering us to morning by morning, slay the wicked things in our own lives, slay the wicked things on arts, building affection, making room for our father in heaven. So that's it. Remember? We're abandoned brothers being trained by Greece to conquer darkness and empower the world to live up. Right.

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