4 Keys to Living Upright So Your Life Won't Suck!

September 15, 2021 00:05:05
4 Keys to Living Upright So Your Life Won't Suck!
Grace Ops
4 Keys to Living Upright So Your Life Won't Suck!

Sep 15 2021 | 00:05:05


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes



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Grace Ops Advance Kansas City graceops.net/kc

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Podcast Description:
We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:06 Hey, Brian Phillips here. Want to talk to you about having a strategy to live upright? I got four key things I want to run by you. One make up your mind. Don't just think it's a good idea. You got to make up your mind. When I was 20, some years old, I, I was benching 400, five pounds of the gym. And you know, the last many years, couple of years I've been running grace out for another church. I got four kids. Uh, life caught up to me. I got real busy. It's not that I didn't like fitness. I've always loved fitness, but my nutrition got sloppy. My time in the gym got sloppy and I had to decide, I gotta get back at the gym. I gotta do this. So it was a decision I had to have since then. I've lost 12 pounds. I'm gaining my strength back is really awesome. Speaker 1 00:00:43 It's a fun time, but you got to do the same thing, you know? Do I want to be a man who lives upright? Yes or no. If you say yes, then move to step two, carve out time. You got to carve out time to actually spend time with God. You got to spend time in prayer. So a lot of us need to learn how to pray. That's that's awesome. Right? It's you're going to learn how to pray over for over the course of your relationship with God that you to get, you know, to, to carve out time, to be in God's word, to carve out time, to actually spend time in worship and reflection meditation. Do I do this five in the morning, 10 o'clock at night. I honestly don't care. What time you do it? I just cared that you'd do it. The third thing that you need to do is build your Bain and brothers. Speaker 1 00:01:23 Now Jesus had over a hundred disciples at one time. He had 12, obviously that he called out and said, come follow me. I'll make you fishers of men. And then of the 12 he had is three. So he had the band of brothers. It was comradery. If you're a man unto yourself, Satan is winning in your life. There's I can prove that argument to you. You can't even argue that. So if you're a big, tough guy and you're like, oh, I just do it all alone. Um, when your life sucks in your, your you're allowing Satan to actually win and dominate in your heart. So the harder work is to build comradery. The harder work is to actually let the walls down, being authentic, human, being, being authentic, man of God. That's what this world needs. They don't need religion. They don't need more churchianity and religiosity. Speaker 1 00:02:05 They need authentic men of God, living upright and holy lives, sanctifying and setting apart this awesome God in heaven, who is awesome. And he's way more awesome than what we see in the church right now. And I'm not picking on the church because I'm right in the middle of the church. I haven't quit church. Okay. I'm, I'm working hard, uh, from all angles, but I'm going, man, this God and heaven, our father in heaven, one of the most generous kind people ever spirits, God, whatever. However you label that bar father in heaven is so kind and generous. He deserves to be sanctified by the way we lived. He deserves to be set apart, by the way we live. So build your Bayner brothers. And we say, Hey, get together with your band or brothers a couple of times a month. You know where they're doing group activities or cooking out some steaks or hanging out in a garage or just out in the back by a bonfire, shooting guns, whatever you guys do, just get together and be, uh, passionate about keeping each other on track with that's. Speaker 1 00:03:02 Part of the strategy is that my band and brothers is going to help keep me on track with, uh, you know, the living upright ways of the kingdom of God that I'm going to be carving out the time. And I'm going to be doing the work, putting the time in like at the gym. I'm gonna put the time in, I'm going to get it done. And the last thing is, uh, use the five-star charge. You know, we've talked about the five-star charge. You've seen it, you've heard it. We have a podcast that literally, uh, spins all the way around the five-star charge. Each month we focus on one of the five. So, you know, we get through it twice a year. And then we also have the T2 12 content that we put out. So that's six months worth of content, times two, that's our 12, 12 months of content. Speaker 1 00:03:43 So we're really going to be providing endless conversation and resources, courses, courses, sessions, programs, all kinds of powerful things for you, engage in the coming decade or two or three to empower men all across this country to live upright. So the five-star charge honors the first one to honor God with everything in your life. Now, none of us today, uh, created a hundred percent. We didn't, we didn't get that one a hundred percent honoring God. It's not meant for that. It's not meant to be a one and donor checklist of things that you can actually accomplish. It's meant to be like an anvil. It's meant to forge us into the men that God created us to be in, spoke identity over us and in the men that we ought to be. So that's why the band of brothers there, man, we got to do this together and brace the five-star charge. Speaker 1 00:04:29 Honor, affection, Liberty, war valor, get into the podcast, getting the content, get into our articles or be writing books. This thing's just starting. So if you're in this, now you're watching this video. You're an early adopter and we thank you for that. Thank you for believing in us before we even really launched this thing, we're building it out. We were about four months, six months timeframe, where we were going to be bam, ready to go. It's going to be awesome. So Hey, the Lord bless you and keep you and make you empower you. And all of us who agree, steps to live up, right?

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