Honor God, Conquer Darkness, and Live Upright in 2022

December 17, 2021 00:31:16
Honor God, Conquer Darkness, and Live Upright in 2022
Grace Ops
Honor God, Conquer Darkness, and Live Upright in 2022

Dec 17 2021 | 00:31:16


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Brian, Ryan, and Adam talk about why the T212 culture of Grace Ops matters, and how we can begin to Honor God, Conquer Darkness, and Live Upright in 2022.  We also talk about some excting things happening in January that you do not want to miss. 

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Podcast Description:
We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:07 Hey, welcome to the gracee ops live stream and podcast. We're excited to be with you here today. I've got Ryan, Evan. Who's a founding partner, a very SOPs with me. Uh, Adam rear ends on this call. We'll explain why he's on the call in a few moments, but we just got a quick, we just wanted to kind of get out there. We paused all of our content production for the last quarter, so we haven't put out any podcasts. We're going to talk about why in a, in a few moments from now, but we just wanted to touch base with you through, uh, through this busy time of year it's it's supposed to be an awesome time of year, you know, so hopefully most of us are experienced with cool things. I personally struggled during this time of year. I have a personal ache during this season. Speaker 1 00:00:51 I don't know. I just get, I get a little bit overwhelmed with the consumerism and all that kind of stuff. And, and it just gets to be a little bit too much for me, but that's just my personal confession, but welcome out to the live stream today. It's really an honor to have you here. Thanks for joining us. We're going to go 15, 20 minutes where he gave you some key updates. We want to talk about one passionate topic, so good, good afternoon, Ryan, Adam, welcome to the live stream. How you guys doing today? Hey, good. Good to be here. Speaker 1 00:01:20 Yeah, so a lot of great work going into grace ops right now. And like I said, we paused our, our, uh, content production very strategically so that we could actually build some of the major components that we needed to have built out. And we'll talk about that in a little bit, but we'll come out to the gathering. This is all new technology for us too. So I know you can interact on here in different ways. Um, we're kind of doing this live stream as a way to kind of inspire you, um, to show you how grease ops provides value in your life. And also to practice some of the technology, because we're really going to go hardcore after this stuff, uh, starting in January. So we're excited about everything coming up, I guess, opening up for me. Um, I wanna I'll, I'll introduce Adam. So I've known Adam for, I don't know, six, seven years eight. Speaker 1 00:02:13 So something like that. Adam's a friend of mine and we've always kind of, uh, hung out here and there and gotten to know each other. And we just kind of felt like the grace ops team, Ron. And I felt like it was a good idea to invite Ryan or to invite Adam into, um, helping us produce the podcast and kind of like organize the shows and make sure the episodes are solid and make sure they're launched on time with our content plan and all that kind of stuff. So, um, we just wanted to take a moment and welcome Adam officially to the podcast today. And also let everybody know you're going to see Adam on a lot of the podcast, if not all of them, because he's going to be the podcast director. So Adam welcome. You got you. You got anything to say, Hey man, I'm, I'm excited to be here. I love what you and Speaker 2 00:02:59 Ryan and the team are putting forth with grace ops. And, uh, I'm, uh, I'm excited to play a small role than what I think God has already done and what's coming. So I'm pumped to be running with you guys on this, on this project. Speaker 1 00:03:17 Yeah. There's a lot of work to do so. Yeah. I have more people helping. So we had some, uh, yeah, go in. Speaker 2 00:03:26 I was gonna say, let's talk about that. Right? Let's talk about the work because maybe what people don't know is there's tons of work that, I mean, you guys are doing, I mean, late nights, countless hours. I mean stuff that you're, you're trying work going in. Why? Like, why do all the work? Why put in all the effort? Well, I mean, why grace ops let's let's let's talk about it. Speaker 1 00:03:46 Y Ryan, you know how this works, bro? Okay, I'll go. So, okay. I'll say there's a difference between styles and seasons. And I have a, you know, if something becomes a, a particular style in my life, like I get a little concerned, but there are certain seasons I'll go through where I'm not as concerned with how much work I'm putting into something. So I've been putting an enormous amount of work into gray SOPs, Ryan and I both have, um, many nights for the last two or three weeks. We've been pulling into the 1, 2, 3 am kind of a timeframe. That's not going to be a permanent thing as I move forward, but it's just in the season just getting everything together. And man, we've got all these powerful components, like the five-star charge. We've got the T2 12 culture. We've got our, uh, our motto. We're a band of brothers being trained by grace to conquer darkness and empowerment, to live upright. Speaker 1 00:04:43 We've got this, we've got, um, all the components that are there to provide powerful value for men right now. Now think about why that's important. We're, we're still on these COVID days, these, these annoying days of COVID and it's the social distancing. I mean, that's my number one, hated sticker. I mean, it's, it makes me laugh, dude, that they put stickers on floors, like grown adults are supposed to, but anyway, um, I won't get down that path. There's a, it's just funny to me. Everything's about distancing and separating and, uh, stay to yourself, stay closed off. And that's exactly where the enemy would like to have us right now as men isolated, maybe a little afraid, um, maybe, you know, a little freaked out right now because of inflation and Christmas, and maybe you're going to debt, all kinds of crazy things flying around out there. Speaker 1 00:05:35 And grace offs, God is bringing grace SOPs into the earth at this time to gather men, to empower men, to, to provide coaching for them, to actually provide a structure, a framework, and a strategy for them to actually step into pretty effortlessly with our tools and resources that we're going to be rolling out in January. They're going to be able to step into with the great commission. They're going to be able to feel fulfilled with building a band of brothers, not walking alone, right? Jesus had 12 and of the 12. We had three and that's all we're asking guys to do. Go get three guys, four guys in, in journey with them in life. And I'll let Ryan talk about some of the mechanics of that, but we're working on some really powerful technology. And, uh, I was in Denver last week, Ryan and I and grace, we took our graces Ryan's wife and Christie's my wife. Speaker 1 00:06:25 And we took our wives out to Denver and we were sitting in a really powerful place with a guy named Michael Walker and Adam Gomez or two faithful pastors. I met them through Lenny LaGuardia's first father mine. You know, obviously we know Lenny ladies connected to grease ops he's on the board, spiritual advisory board. And so we're in Kansas city. Now, what I didn't know in the summertime is I met these guys over the summer in Kansas city and now then they invited me to Denver. So we were in Denver a couple of weekends ago. So the KC trip led to the Denver trip. What would I didn't know was Michael walkers, the pastor of a bill McCartney who ran promise keepers and was just an amazing man and raise up an amazing team and God breathed on that. And it fulfilled its purpose in its time. Speaker 1 00:07:15 I believe. And Michael Walker actually kind of was encouraging me to have a he's like, I believe grace ops has the components and all the stuff necessary to be like a promise keepers type thing. And, you know, just to hear something like that, it's kinda mind blowing, you know, and then we go to, uh, in the summertime, Michael was like, yeah, come on to Casey coach McCartney who lay his hands on you and pray for you. And you know, we went out to CA to, uh, I'm sorry, he'd come out to Denver. So we go to Denver and it all happened. You know, we met with Michael and Adam on, on Saturday planning, some mud, Denver, grace ops, advanced type stuff, and really getting things launched out there, all things to let me look, ward you. And then all of a sudden Michael's life, it was a busy weekend. Speaker 1 00:07:59 And Mike was like, well, coach will be here tomorrow at church and he'll pray for you. And then this would be awesome. And I was like, okay, that's cool. We'll go to, is there church? He prayed for us. It was really awesome. But what we didn't know was that coach McCartney hadn't been to church for six months because of health issues and Michael Walker, didn't call him and say, Hey, show up tomorrow. You got to pray for these guys. It was just the Lord. So it's really awesome. And it felt really special. So we're excited to have the five-star charge. We're excited to be empowering men to live upright. And guys, let's take a moment and just speak to that real quick. Like why does it matter? Why does it even freaking matter? You know, there's this callous version of like this national Christianity, like I'm saved, going to heaven. I'm all good. You know, like kind of can do whatever I want. You know, God's love will just keep forgiving me. Like why does it matter to actually focus your life and your energy and your passion on actually living upright? Like actually being a man of righteousness. Like, let's talk on that just for a brief moment and then we'll share some other fun stuff Speaker 1 00:09:03 Go. Speaker 4 00:09:07 We both smiled at the same time. Um, yeah, I'll start. Uh, Speaker 4 00:09:18 I think, I think the greatest reason, right? And this may sound a little corny and a little cheesy, but, um, the greatest reasons, because it matters to God, you know what I mean? God, God is looking to like that. Like being a man after God's heart, then we have to then what matters to God and what matters to his heart, you know, in how we conduct ourselves and how we, how we decide to live out our life. Like he made the rules, you know what I mean? And it's not just about the rules, but God is saying, if you live this way, like you'll be rewarded. You know, for, for, for these choices, you'll be rewarded. This is the way that's right. It brings us into life. You know what I mean? The other way leads to death. And, and, uh, I, I think, I think we don't really understand that, um, when it comes to sin, when it comes to, uh, just different lifestyles, we don't really understand it until it's too late. Speaker 4 00:10:04 And they were like, man, when we end up in the pit and when we end up, you know, um, where, where everything's falling apart around us or, or, or we, we wake up one day and, and all of a sudden, you know, we're just an empty tomb. We're like a whitewash tomb. You know, we're dead inside where we stink. We, you know, we have no passion, we have no zeal, we have no purpose. We were, you know, we're, we're, we're just struggling. You know, we're struggling, depressed, you know, anxiety worried, you know, all of these different things. But when we, when we really grab onto the heart of God and the scripture and the way he calls us to live that righteous lifestyle, when we decide to live upright and godly and set ourselves apart from the world, um, we find life, we find, we find, we find life, we find passion and we find purpose. Speaker 4 00:10:47 Um, and in the process that, you know, which is a part of what grace ops is about, is about raising up men, um, to impact their sphere of influence. You know what I mean? We all want to have a measure of impact in our life. Um, we want to know that our life mattered. We want to know that it mattered to our kids. You know what I mean? We want to know that it matters to the guys that we work with. We want to know that it matters to our friends in our, in different people, within different communities that we belong to. And that's, what's so powerful about grace officers that we are actually, w that's the main heartbeat of grace options that we're building a community of men that you get to belong to, that you get to run with, that you get to be sharpened by, um, you know, and in the process, uh, we, we get to partner with the great commission. You know, we get to partner with the great commandment to love God with all our heart, soul and mind, you know what I mean? And, uh, that's what, that's what it is to me. So Speaker 2 00:11:39 Yeah. I don't know that I could say it any better than that. So I'm glad, I'm glad you went first. And, uh, you know, I think, I think what I'd speak to is the other side of that is you guys always say, which is something that like engages my heart, right? It's as we talk about the T2 12 culture and what grace ops is all about is like, like Ryan said, honoring God, first conquering darkness and living upright. And I think, I think men kind of have two options right now, right? One is to become a pacifist, right? Like I'm just going to check in, I'm going to hit the clock nine to five. I'm going to make some money and I'm gonna hit the couch and I'm just going to relax and I'm not going to wage any war. I'm not going to accomplish anything in my life. Speaker 2 00:12:18 I'm just going to seek comfort and kind of listen to the lullaby of culture and the evil one and get put to sleep in my life. Or we can wage war a little bit and we can begin to go, Hey, God has more for me than this. I can actually, I can actually have a relationship with the living God, which gives me identity and purpose. And then I can actually kick back darkness in my life and I can actually get rid of this. And it's so easily entangles me. And the reality is, is we all know, right? We all know that there's stuff in our lives that's wrong. And the reality is is that it doesn't help us at all. It hinders us. I mean, we all have those moments, man, that, that felt good for a moment. Or I thought that would be good in the reality. Speaker 2 00:12:56 Was it wasn't and the answer to that isn't rules. It isn't religion is to get back to honoring God and to actually live uprights. We can experience this peace, his presence and his power. So like, so here's the thing. We have two options, right? Like become a pacifist or get engaged in the heart of the God in the mission we have. And I think grace ops is a door or an avenue to go, Hey, let's, let's get off the couch. Let's turn off the lullaby. And let's start taking some steps in our lives and our homes and our neighborhoods and world to really start experiencing God's presence, waging more against darkness and living the life that actually be good for us. Right? That's what Jesus promises. I'll give you life and life to the full and that's possible. I believe that's possible in Christ to experience that today. No. Speaker 1 00:13:38 Yeah. And I think the passionate part of this for me is grace is a divine enabler. So grace enables us period. Just think about that. Grace is enabling us to do what to fulfill the heart of God to be holy. He wants us to be like Christ Christ, overcame this world Christ not even one time ever even gave into a hint of sin. He was tempted, but never caved. So God actually expects us to live that way. He doesn't expect us to live with these, these, uh, these fumbling excuses all the time. So think about this. The, the, the enemy has cast kind of a spell over the church and this, this false doctrines of people thinking like, well, I'm saved. I'm good. Jesus loves me. His grace covers me. I'm good, bro. And they never go past that shallow ground. They never engage. Guess what if that's where you die? Speaker 1 00:14:38 You're going to go to hell because that's an un-biblical view of Christ. That is not what Jesus taught. That is not what God endorses. So like this grace I've seen is not some cute little thing entering into the earth. I mean, this is a mighty force, a mighty tool. It's like a stone that David picked up to slay giants with. I mean, this is like, we built a culture. That's going to empower men to live upright, to not walk alone, to break down the, uh, the, the, the false religious walls that we put up. You know what guys, I mean, you know, you hear me talk about all the time, right? Like, um, yoga pants is the worst thing to happen to mankind. I mean, it's like our eye gates, there is more in the eye gate, but when I have a band of brothers, I want to know that there's three or four guys that were sharpening each other with a five-star charge where we're, we're charging after the purpose of God on our lives to fulfill his will and his purpose in our, in our generation that we would run strong just like David. Speaker 1 00:15:40 So what we're, what we're entering into and what we're releasing in January is no light thing. This is, this is powerful stuff that, that we have like, worked really hard on for two or three years, countless hours. So that's why it freaking matters to me, of living upright. That's why it matters is because God said to be holy because he is holy. So if God says those things to us, we can't reduce that down. And, and, and, you know, use some kind of false version of grace and act like, oh, I'm good. I'm saved. I'm going to heaven. No, you're, you're probably going to hell if that's, as far as you get, right. If you're a man and you're you, I mean, think about this, right? Like, I'm not going to say you're going to hell for this, but think about it. Like if you are a man and you've never made a disciple, and it's the greatest purpose of a believers' life is to know God and to actually embrace the great commission. Speaker 1 00:16:35 I mean, just think about those things, right? Like I'm not here to, to kind of like smash it down to lunchtime, but I'm just saying we're building a culture. That's going to not make it easy, but make it simple. It's going to, we built a simple process. That's going to empower you. And we're going to pour our hearts man into this nation and we're going to be there and we're going to, we're going to build a team. And we're, I mean, we're just excited about being there and coaching guys and being on calls, we're going to be on weekly calls, maybe daily calls. I don't know we're going to be all across the country. We're going to do powerful things. So that's my answer. Speaker 4 00:17:12 Yeah, no, that's good. And I think at the end of, I think at the end of the day, man, it's just getting guys to, you know, uh, uh, uh, to, to have movement, you know what I mean? Um, to, to take action, you know, um, especially when it comes to discipleship, you know, when it, when it comes to that, that concept of mentoring and coaching and other men, you know, coach coaching other men or, or a younger man or whatever that looks like, you know, um, you know, it's getting men to take action, like take responsibility is what it is, you know, to take action and take responsibility on their walk with God, you know, um, to give a target, you know, is really what the five-star charge, um, is all about. You know, it, it, it paints a target. It's not the end all be all, but it paints a target, uh, that, that we can shoot for it. Speaker 4 00:18:03 It keeps us, it keeps us in a place of remembering, you know, um, of a commitment that we have to God, to, to, to honor God, you know, um, to, to, to, to be affectionate, to, to live a life of freedom, you know, to be a man of Liberty, um, you know, to war after, you know, our own heart in the presence of God, right. Going into our devotions, that our, um, our biblical disciplines and, and just being a man that enters the presence of God, you know, and then being a man that, you know, as a result of all that be a man of courage, you know, be a man who has valor on the battlefield of life to say, Hey, man, I'm going to go after the things that God calls me, even when I can't see it, when I can't understand it, um, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna go out of my way to pour into other men. Speaker 4 00:18:48 You know, even if I feel like I have nothing to offer, you know what I mean, knowing that you're now within a community of believers that are doing this together, a community of men that are here to encourage us along that journey, um, that, that we would reap the reward in the end, you know? Um, and it's powerful, man. It's, it's, it's great stuff. Um, I'm really excited about the processes and the onboarding processes that we've been, um, developing. Um, we have a little saying you'll, you'll actually see it on our website when, uh, when, um, when that, uh, when the new website gets up, um, but it's engage, equip and empower. And those are, those are the three things that we're aiming for, you know, within this community is we want men to engage God with, you know, through the concept of the five-star charge, get engaged with your life. Speaker 4 00:19:32 Um, we want, we want to equip men by bringing them through training, right? So, so we're actually developing out our training. Um, it's a 30 day training, uh, that, that you're going to go through complete, you know, training, you know, you'll have to complete the training modules, you'll have to complete all assignments. Um, and then you'll have four weekly zoom calls. You know, one of the things that we're passionate, um, here in grace ops as being highly relational, you know, um, we want to connect with you, um, and that's a big part of this culture. Um, and then, then from there, and guys, that's the challenge of going out to build your band of brothers, you know, after you, after you get that done. And we just want to see this thing grow, man. We want to see multiplication, uh, discipleship is all about multiplication. Um, you know, and we just, we want to see the kingdom of God, continue to advance through the earth through this. Speaker 1 00:20:21 Ryan's kind of highlighted a couple of things, and that's kind of one of the reasons why we're on this call and we'll kind of get to wrapping this up here. So we, we have, uh, Adam on the team is really going to be a huge help with, uh, the podcast and just keeping this going strong, all of our content, just so you know, you might kind of heard this before, but we've, we've kind of been for the last two years. We've been really kind of more of like a research and development. We've been kicking the tires. We've been kind of doing maybe some soft launch events, practicing, figuring out what works, but what's really what really is grace ops. Uh, no one has really seen yet. I mean, it's, that's, what's coming in January. We're going to start rolling this thing out, hardcore across the country. Speaker 1 00:21:02 Um, new brand new website is coming any day. Now we've got a lot of cool technology we're going to have infused in that. We're we'll have courses, which is a 30 day training course that you'll go through simple. You can probably get through all of it in under two hours that first batch, we just want to get guys trained in the culture. So our culture, when we say that is the T2 12 culture. And when we say T2 12, we mean Titus two, uh, chapter two, verse 12. And, um, that's the GRI stuff's founding verse at grace brings salvation and it trains us to live upright basically is kind of the gist of it. And then the five star church honor, affection, Liberty, war, and valor. Those are our values or virtues that we basically, so you take all those, and you've got six topics of content per month, you know, are one per month for six months. Speaker 1 00:21:58 And we're going to be times set by two. So that's kind of how we do what we do. Just so you know, everything kind of flows in a rhythm. So our training we'll be taking you through the T2 12 culture taking you through. Why, why does it matter to honor God? Why does affection matter in biblical masculinity? Right? Like men affection, forget that, right? We don't want to do that. No, it's so matters. And there's only like I have four daughters and like, my wife's cool. She's got plenty of love and affection for my kids. But when I give affection to my girls, it does something totally different. And because it doesn't come natural to me. So when I put my heart towards them, I put my love towards them, man, it changes a generation. So we want to train, you, teach you in these, in these areas. Speaker 1 00:22:42 So that's the 30 day training. And then from there we want it. We want you to become a part of a, we want you to partner with us, become a member, become kind of like behind the wall with us, come into a private area where we'll do weekly zoom calls. We'll be constantly connecting with you and providing a great resource for you. Ongoing content, all kinds of fun things coming. I want to get bogged down in all that. Another thing is releasing. This will release January 1st is our devotionals. So we wrote 52 weeks of devotionals based on the T2 12 and the five-star charge. So that's going to be hidden social media and our website right out of the shoots of January. And why did we do that? Well, one, so you could kind of embrace the five star charge in your own life. It's all built on biblical masculinity and two, so that as you build your beta brothers, go through the training, get commissioned to build your band of brothers. Speaker 1 00:23:34 That's what you guys will be using kind of strategically to talk about the podcast as part of content that you'll be talking about. Eventually down the road here, we'll have a few books. You know, Ryan's going to have some really cool music down the road. Um, as the Lord develops his call on his life, uh, Ryan is amazingly a talented guy and, uh, you know, and, and to be honestly, Ryan, you know, we can hit this for a minute and then we can kind of close it up. But I think that's all I want to say on the technology side of things. And there's a lot of, a lot of busy days we're doing well. I'm doing a lot of tilts. I'm working on gray stuffs a lot from 5:00 PM to 2:00 AM. Just, I've been doing that for the last two or three weeks, just trying to get it ready to go. Speaker 1 00:24:16 And I probably got, probably got at least one or two weeks of that to go before we're ready to really hit it hard. And after that, we're going to celebrate slow down and really engage on focusing on connecting with all kinds of leaders across the country. So, um, but I wanted to, you know, I wanted to talk about this from home because most of what you'll see in grease ops comes out of Ryan and I's relationship. Like, you know, I met Ryan 12 years ago. He, uh, he came to, I'm a church planner, if you don't know that. And I've got a church in Papa Grove and Adam's a church planner too, but you know, Ryan came to our church as an intern and he, he, uh, it just, the Lord connected us. So it was really wow. So we're actually kind of build our story out and have it on our website, uh, probably sometime in first quarter, but the band of brothers, the five-star charge, the reason why grey stops actually is what it is and what, what you're going to see it to be and experience it to be. Speaker 1 00:25:09 Cause we're building this for you. We're building this to inspire you and to equip you in an hour where the enemy's like isolate in an hour, the enemy's like, oh, don't worry about, you know, living holy God's, grace will cover you. You know, that's, that's a wrong version of grace. And so, you know, we're coming in into the earth, the Lord knows what he's doing, right. We're not the only thing that's going to save men in this country, but we're one of the forces out there. Right? We're one of the powerhouses that's going to be hitting the country hard. So, um, but yeah, I wanted to just highlight that cause I love Ryan and rhino's relationship is really kind of like, what we really did is we extracted out kind of like who we were and how we live together. And we're like, let's, let's build these industry stategies and, and give the give framework for guys to kind of go out and do the same thing, you know? Speaker 1 00:25:55 So we always say it's not easy, but it is simple. It's simple, but it isn't easy. It's very difficult, but it's simple. And man simple is awesome. Cause we, we we've simplified it. We've got to boil down to a training. We've got to boil down to mottos. We got to boil down to just really helping you take an on-ramp into partnering with the great commission and honoring God. I mean, how awesome will it be to know that you brought one or two guys with you to heaven or you made one or two guys grow in Christ, which is really the essence of everything. Any closing thoughts, gentlemen. Okay. Speaker 2 00:26:30 Well I think, you know, let's just assume we got some people engaged, maybe engaging for the first time. Where would you tell them if they want to really stay connected to this? If there's a fuse that got lit, where do we want to send them? Speaker 4 00:26:46 Uh, for now I would say grace ops, grace apps.com. You can find us there. Um, you know, like we said, we are working, we do have a website currently, but we are working to put on a new website. Um, so that will be up here very shortly within like, like Brian said within the next couple of weeks, a couple of minutes, Speaker 1 00:27:08 Maybe now I got to have a talk with you maybe, Speaker 4 00:27:13 But that, that would be the main, um, yeah, that'd be the main, main place right now to connect with us. You can find us on Facebook, search grace out. What is it? Brian grace options. Uh, two 12 is the handle. Speaker 1 00:27:24 Yeah. Yeah. On social media grease off social media. You can find us on like Tik TOK, Instagram and Facebook. Um, yeah. And I think go to the podcast for now, the website's going to be somewhat something that you want to stay in tune with because pretty soon you're gonna be able to sign up for training. You're going to be able to get engaged with everything we're building. It's going to be, it's going to be awesome. It's going to be, I really believe there's going to be thousands and hundreds of thousands and even millions of men that are going to come into the gray socks culture. Cause that's what we built. Whenever people ask them. I agree, subsidies. I always answer the first part of my answer is always like, oh, it's a culture we built for men that empowers them to live up. Right. And people are like a culture. Speaker 1 00:28:02 Yeah. It's a culture, man. It's got a model. It's got values. It's got a shared, shared goals. It's got, you know, it's got a lot of good definitions of a movement, you know, so, and we didn't do that on purpose kind of actually figured out we have built it. Right. So I think God's in it. You know what, anyway, we love, uh, all the guys on this call. We haven't done this ever. And so to have 12, 15 guys kind of stopped in on lunch group, you know, great blessing. We're doing this for you guys. We're going to be doing a lot more live stream calls. We're going to be doing coaching calls, zoom calls, kind of on the membership side. It's going to be, it's going to be really awesome guys. And we want you to kind of jump on board and start really please pray for grace ops, ask the Lord to, to bless it, ask the Lord to open doors of favor because we've been prayed before we went on this call and I was praying this. Speaker 1 00:28:54 I was praying verse strategically. I was like, Lord, you know, we're doing this with your name and we're doing it for your name. And quite honestly, guys, this scares me because I know I have ego. And I know the man that I am, I know the good parts and the bad parts. And then it scares me cause it's like, you know, I don't want to, I want to walk humbly as a son. And that's what I prayed for us was that we just walk as humble songs and we just go where God wants us to go. And we'd, we'd be like, that's that stone? And David's sling and take down some Goliath when you like to take down some Goliath skies. I mean, one of the Goliath out there is this false doctrine of cheap grace. I'd like to just take that down. You know, I'd really like to, I'd really like to take down some of the cultural Goliath, but you know, the church never have power in the world until we actually live upright and we live holy and we actually have purity on the inside. Speaker 1 00:29:47 Again, I man I'm studying Jeremiah right now in Jeremiah in the days of Jeremiah was so bad that it said that it said something like this. It said that they send in sentence end and they didn't even know how to blush anymore. And I think that's kind of where we are as a culture at large. And I'm talking about the church culture. So, um, I couldn't be more excited man to, to come up, come to come out with this stuff right now and, and just empowerment to, to be take on the five-star charge and do all the stuff that we've been talking about. So guys, thanks for just a little bit of time at launch. It's been an honor to be with you guys today. God bless you. And until next time focus your life on living upright. Adam, welcome to the team Ryan, an honor to be with you all these years, man. Speaker 1 00:30:36 And I look forward to the dates ahead. Uh, pray for Ryan, Evan. He's got some really deep stuff in a man. He's got some deep, deep things when it comes to worship and in leading men into a place of worship. I mean just, just pray for them. Just keep them in prayer because God's doing some stuff inside of his heart. It's going to be really cool to see how that, that kind of like comes out hot, flushes out so well God bless all you guys. We love you. And uh, we'll be back live again soon until next time. Live on Brian.

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