Choosing Between Two Forces - Brian Phillips

February 19, 2021 00:11:36
Choosing Between Two Forces - Brian Phillips
Grace Ops
Choosing Between Two Forces - Brian Phillips

Feb 19 2021 | 00:11:36


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Join Brian as he shares about the two forces we battle in our journey of Living Upright. 

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 Podcast Description:
 We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life. 
Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:07 Hey, what's up Brian Phillips here. Welcome to the gray SOPs podcast. This is like our 43rd episode. Really exciting to be able to build out all this content in the gray sobs culture. We're literally just getting started. I mean, we, we want to reach the entire world specifically the United States. We're going to go after the heart of men and train them and equip them to live upright through the power of God's grace. And the way we're going to do that is by infiltrating the backyards training and teaching leaders on how to do this in small sections of men, three men, five men, 15 men, 35 men all across the country. So we've got a lot of fun stuff. We'll be rolling out over the next two, three or four decades. It's going to be great. Anyway, I got to bring this, uh, episode here to you today. Speaker 1 00:00:59 And as I do that, please check out our website, grease, um, check out all of our stuff, subscribe to the podcast, help us spread the word. And when you might hear us say a lot, but we really mean it. Like literally go share this podcast with somebody. It helps expose them to, um, what God is doing and what God's, uh, creating. And there's two powerful elements to grace ops and it's evangelism and discipleship. It's real simple. God is using, uh, gray SOPs to actually get men who might not come to a church typically to come into some type of event for men. And, and we're seeing over the course of two or three events. We're seeing guys, Hey, I want to check out church or I want to get into your podcast. I want to kind of figure some things out, like how, like, I really liked the conversation where you're talking about, and I do like the idea of how you're presenting Christ. Speaker 1 00:01:49 And so it's actually been pretty cool. And just a couple of days ago, I got a story that was shared with me about, uh, an atheist, someone who claims they don't believe in God kind of tuned into the Grace House culture have been following us online. And I just got word the other day, um, that this is so-called atheist. If he is a hardcore atheist, that's what I was told is kind of digging the message and really like in the way we put things out there about the God stuff and what's going on with our country and all that kind of stuff too. So I want to lay out a really powerful thought for you today. It's a simple thought. It's really powerful. And as I do, so I want to use just a quick little illustration. So I've got this pantry door in my house and every now and then someone's in the pantry and the light switches right outside the pantry door. Speaker 1 00:02:39 So, you know, you can quickly like shut the door, kill the light. Then you got this like fun tug of war between the door who whoever's on the other side of the door. And typically me, cause I'm normally like a prankster at home. And so it'll be like one of my kids pushing with all their might to open the door and, and there's this tension and pressure on the door because I'm pushing it closed there on the inside, pushing it open and every now and then they'll get an inch or two on me. And then I kind of brute force it closed again. And you know, we have this little fun to, you know, 20, 30 seconds of just having some fun, but in the middle of that, the door, the pressure on the door is fun to watch and you can feel the pressure. Speaker 1 00:03:26 Now think about this. If I were to altogether, just step away from the door and just let it fling open. My one of my, my kids would go flying across the kitchen, probably hurt themselves, but you get the, you get the illustration, right? There's this, there's these forces, um, kind of working in opposition together. And if you just get out of the way on either side, the amount of force and power is it's going to be multiplied very powerfully and maybe even dangerously in this illustration. But I woke up the other day and I was thinking about men. I was thinking about my own life. And I was thinking about this culture. We live in, we live in a culture that is kind of coming through for our throats. I mean, it's a culture that's coming against Stephen believing in God, the destruction of the American family. Speaker 1 00:04:19 I mean, this isn't like theory anymore. Things that we think about or talk about this is happening. Our laws are changing. I mean, it's just interesting, difficult and hard to watch, hard to understand, but the hope in it all is that we knew this was coming. We knew these types of days would be coming. So we're not shocked entirely, but the hope of it all is the darker the background gets. And the harder the culture gets in the riskier, the gospel gets the more power it possesses. So this is phrase that Jesus Jesus spoke about. And you know, the point of this podcast is to talk about living upright, living a right, that living a life that's upright and godly before, before God. And man, and Jesus has this phrase and he was, he was talking to his disciples. You might remember right before into the cross. And maybe you're like, Hey, I'm not around this God stuff. I don't know the Bible at all. And that's cool. Just check this up. Maybe it's the first time you've ever heard it before. Speaker 1 00:05:28 And Jesus has said simple words, watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. You might've heard that phrase somewhere shape or form somehow, you know, it's, it's kind of a con that's kind of a more popular quote from Christ here. The spirit is willing, but the flesh and the scripture says spirit spirit is will, is the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. And sometimes if we're not careful, we can focus on the latter part of that. We can focus on the flesh being weak. We can identify with that cause we struggle with stuff or we, we didn't hit the Mark. Maybe we didn't live up. Right. We, we kind of bonded in some areas so we can think, we can always think all the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, but the flesh is weak, but the flesh is weak. Speaker 1 00:06:16 So we kinda, we kind of gravitate. We get that side way more than we get. The, the former part of the spirit is indeed willing. I mean, I want you to focus on that with me for a couple of minutes. It's like the pressure on that door. My flesh is pushing the door in one direction, but the, the willing indeed spirit inside of me is, is pushing the energy in the other direction. So this door can go one way or the other. And if I may, but I'm the one that kind of controls the decisions in this battle of the spirit indeed is willing. The spirit is willing. What does that mean? Does it just mean your human spirit or does it mean human, human spirit as a temple and fused with the living? God God said believe when, when we yield our hearts to Christ and we receive the powerful work he did for us on the cross, we become filled with the Holy spirit in the proof that you're filled with the Holy spirit. Speaker 1 00:07:26 Some people would say, Oh, you have to speak in other tongues. Now I believe that I believe in speaking in other tongues, I'm not, I don't believe the way I just said it though. I don't believe that just speaking in tongues is the proof that you've been filled with the Holy spirit. I actually, this is what I believe. The Bible teaches that the proof that you've been filled with the Holy spirit is that you are a bold witness of resurrection. So now you've got this, you've got the very spirit of Christ himself living inside of you, very mysterious, but living inside of us as temples. And yet this thing, right? The spirit indeed is willing that Holy spirit inside of us is willing to live upright, willing to renew our mind, willing to if we just get the flesh out of the way, right? Like if you just look at that door analogy and say that spirit is trying to open the door and that flesh is trying to close the door. Speaker 1 00:08:23 Well, if you just take the flesh energy out of it, through the renewed mind and you just get one good thought going and you go, I'm just going to get out of the way that that spirit of God in us is so willingness and a combusting out of that door. And it's going to take us down paths of righteousness for his name's sake. It'll blaze a trail of God's glory and glory for God in ways that will, we've never experienced. But see, sometimes we get stuck on a star like this flesh is weak, the flesh is weak, and we're always talking about where we're weak and maybe identify with how we didn't make it, but I want it to help you to emphasize the, the first part of this, that inside of you as a man of God, the grace of God will train you and show you that the Holy spirit in you is so willing. Speaker 1 00:09:16 So mightily willing like that door now just boom. He knows this full on energy to live your life, to infuse that Holy passionate zeal for God's house to overcome the flesh, to renew the mind, to be in tune with your authentic self and who God created you to be, Oh, it's a beautiful journey. Ron, this podcast probably will encourage you. It won't solve all the issues in your life. That's why this journey is awesome, right? I've been on this journey for 25 years and not nowhere. Can I point to one thing? There's like, Oh, that one did it. I got a point to like, you know, 16 things and all my gosh, this one over here, I can't forget this. And all through the years and the miracles in the stories, the key is to always be hungry. Don't get so satisfied. Be focused on your divine purpose. Be focused on living a godly life on living upright and godly in this present age. That should be a focus and it should be something that we put discipline towards. So I just wanted to bring that to you today. Let that be a powerful thought for you. The spirit, the Holy spirit inside of you, man, Speaker 0 00:10:30 Man of God, Speaker 1 00:10:32 Maybe say, Oh no, I'm not a man of God. I don't know about all that. That makes me nervous. I talk that church talk. I'm going to run the other way. Don't run. You know, you're in this conversation, you're drawn to this for a reason. Maybe it's your time to yield your heart to the living. God, maybe it's your time to say father, forgive me for I've sinned against you. I want to receive the beautiful work that your son did on the cross. I want to just receive it to feel good in the moment. I want to receive it to learn how to live it. I want to devote myself to, as a disciple is one who follows, Hey, maybe that's you pray that prayer get ahold of me get ahold of somebody. But nonetheless, today, wherever you are listening to podcasts, remember that the spirit of God in you through his grace is indeed willing to do mighty things in you and through you until next time Speaker 0 00:11:26 Live upright. <inaudible>.

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