Don't Let Boredom Lead To Whoredom

January 03, 2022 00:34:11
Don't Let Boredom Lead To Whoredom
Grace Ops
Don't Let Boredom Lead To Whoredom

Jan 03 2022 | 00:34:11


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Brian, Ryan, and Adam talk about the dangers of boredom and what to do about it. 


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We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:09 In the spring of the year, the time when Kings go out to bow Davidson, to Webb and his servants with him and all Israel, and they ravaged the Ammonites and besieged rainbow, David remained at Jerusalem. Hey, welcome out to the Greece ops podcast. It's really fun to be back at the studio. We've come through the holiday. And I don't know, maybe, maybe we ate too much kind of moments in our last couple of weeks of our lives. Welcome back. It's going to be kind of back at making content and having the team all fire back up. We wanted to discuss this today. We want to discuss David's life and why he remained when all of his army went out to battle during the time that Kings went to war. So we'll come back to the Grace House podcast, Adam, what's up, Ryan, how you guys doing today? How was your holiday? It's going, I guys doing good. Had a great job. Yeah. I ate too much for sure. Start weight. I weighed myself this morning. So did you like what you saw too many rolls? Um, bread rolls. Okay. Biscuits and gravy. Speaker 1 00:01:29 Yeah. So you guys, we want to dig in today. Welcome out to the live stream. We've got about six, seven guys on here right now. It's great to be here with you. We just want to take a moment and we want to look at David's life as men. And we want to look at this concept of boredom. So where did David's border come from? Why was he bored? Um, and that's kind of what we're really honing in on here today. So, so you know, this concept of like, it's, it's something, one of my favorite little phrases in the scriptures is actually spring is the time Kings go to war. Like I, I, every spring I think of that every spring, I'm kind of like, I'm literally kind of like that sound like the, for forefront of my mind for at least a month or so. Speaker 1 00:02:09 And I'm always considering in the spring, this is a time for action because a lot of people get kind of more lazy, maybe a little more like all summers coming in and I can relax and I don't want to live that way. So it's a good way to kind of stay counter-culture. So David, so this is the time Kings go to war, obviously, because winter time is over and it's a better, a better season to fight. There's a lot of things that make sense about fighting in the springtime, but David sends his men out and they're, they're crushing it right there. They're hitting their targets, they're nailing their objectives. And all of a sudden, um, David David decides to stay back and I stopped reading at that point because David was basically, um, this, the next part of this story, which if you're, if you've been around the Bible, any shorter amount of time or long amount of time, you're probably familiar with this passage of scripture. Speaker 1 00:02:59 And it's the part where David stayed back. He, it, it actually says he was laying on his couch. He rose from his couch and he was walking on the roof. So his matter art war and he's like chilling on the couch and David's obviously bored. And, uh, David Robinson was writing earlier to us on the topic. Like, I guess he was trying to steal our notes or, or something. I don't know, but the guy's just brilliant. Right? So he's like, um, he actually coaches us and stuff. So he's, uh, he's like David was disobedient in his and that's what led to his boredom. And so, man, that's an interesting thing. We'll throw in the conversation here today. So just kind of setting the stage. So David actually sees best Sheba. He starts looking at, um, you know, nowadays our best Shebas are probably more in the form of like screens and online pornography, that type of stuff. Speaker 1 00:03:46 But David's form of pornography back then was actually viewing into the, to the, where this lady was taken a bath and saw, saw what he needed to see, to realize that he could use his authority to a summons that woman, and he did, and they had a night together and she becomes pregnant, which David goes on to. Uh, her husband was actually one of the guys that wasn't on the couch. He was out in the battles. Uh, he was on the field doing battle for David and David, uh, Uriah. You know, he calls him home a couple times, tries to get him to spend the night with his wife and your ride is just so pure and his devotions to the, to, uh, to Israel, into the battle and the springtime and that he won't even go spend the night with his wife. I mean, man, that is, I don't know if I could do that myself. Speaker 1 00:04:33 You know, I get called in for a night home from battle. I don't know if I'm wired that way, guys, you know, the king says, Hey, go spend the night or your wife. I'm all right. I got to listen to the cane. I'm not going to argue with any of that. But, uh, but you're right. I just won't do it. He sleeps outside, he just won't do it. And so David's panicked because he got his wife, you know, he got bashed super pregnant. So long story short, David tells, uh, the commander, Hey, send you Ryan at the fiercest part of battle. And when it gets really bad pull back so that he gets so that he dies. I mean, he writes that he writes it very clearly. And then at the very end of a chapter 11 of a first Samuel or second Samuel, it says that the thing that David had done displeased the Lord. So we're talking about this thing out of second Samuel chapter 11. So guys let's, uh, let's talk about some of these components that we've laid out here, like boredom and sin. I mean, that's an interesting thing, right? Like, do we think that somehow, you know, so David's boredom led to whoredom and we'll talk about that. Like what that does it mean? What does that mean for us? Um, you know, so w w what do you guys do in here? Speaker 1 00:05:45 How would we, Speaker 2 00:05:48 I think, I think what's interesting is that, I mean, on the simplest level, right? If David would have been where he was supposed to be doing what he was supposed to, he would've never been in this situation. Right. I mean, that, there's, there's the idea that if he would have been at war doing what God had called him to do, this whole situation would have been avoided. Right. And yet, but because he disengaged from the mission of God, the identity of God, the purpose of God in his life, he's now, he's now on the couch, which leads to the rooftop, which leads to doing the bathroom, which leads to the bedroom. And so I think it's interesting to think about that for us today, uh, that it doesn't just end up in that spot. That there's, there's kind of steps in our lives. There's things that happen in a progression that kind of lead to lead us to a place that we don't really want to be anymore. Like, I don't think David ever intended to get there or be there. Uh, but he got there. And I think, I think there's that thing of what happens in our lives when we disengage what happens in our lives, when we get bored or where do we go for that next fix, Speaker 3 00:06:53 Right. Yeah. I would say that that's right. That's right on, man. Uh, I, I fully agree that boredom boredom is just a product of an already existing condition. You know what I mean? It was a, it was a process to get there. It was, um, you know, it doesn't happen overnight. I think, I think whoredom is where we ended up finding ourselves, um, after, after disengaging our hearts, um, and moving out of the position that God has for us, you know, um, it just like king David, like when he, you know, he was supposed to, it says that springtime was the time for Kings to go to war, you know? And when he, when he got out of that position, you know what I mean, and decided to stay home. Um, he, he was now, he was now positioned outside of what God had called them to be, um, to call them, to be doing in that moment. Speaker 3 00:07:40 You know what I mean, whatever his assignment was, um, you know, for, for that season and for that moment. Um, and then, then for me, what, what happens is, is that, that, that disengagement of our heart, you know, we, we, we, uh, we're going to find something else to be, to engage with, you know? Um, and I think that that's, I think that's the danger, um, of, of, of how we get to that place of boredom in our life is, is we stopped. We stopped engaging with the purpose of, uh, the purpose that God intended for us, you know, um, the assignment that God's put on our heart to do, uh, you know, and I think it, I think it takes a progression, you know, how do we get disengaged while we could have got frustrated? Um, we, we, you know, we could have got frustrated with what we haven't seen yet. Speaker 3 00:08:21 We could have grown tired, um, you know, in doing good things and, and, and remaining faithful and not, um, not kind of seeing what we wanted to see. Um, and I think all those things kind of lead us to, to a disengaged heart. And I, so I think ultimately, um, when, when we're talking about boredom, leading us into whoredom, um, boredom is kind of like that last, that last cue for us, like if we've hit the stage of boredom, uh, the red flags should be in the air. You know what I mean? Because we've already moved through the process of, of, of whether it started with bitterness moved into, uh, disengagement, you know, uh, disengagement I feel like is, is, is, uh, is the longer period for us that, that we should be, you know, realize, okay, what's going on, man. My heart's disengaging from the word, my heart's disengaging from the place of prayer. Speaker 3 00:09:07 You know what I mean? I'm not, I'm not, I'm not excited. I'm not, I'm not digging into my prophetic history and looking, looking with hope towards the feet, towards my future. And, um, you know, I'm not pressing into the things of God are pressing into my assignment. You know, I'm not getting busy, I'm putting my hands to the plow, um, in the work that God's called me to do. And, you know, so I, I think that, I think those are things that we got to pay attention to. You know what I mean? Um, you know, when my heart starts getting disengaged, my next step is that I'm going to find myself in a place of boredom because I'm no longer at work. I'm no longer going to war. And now I I've been knocked out a position, you know what I mean? Um, and I think that that's the, the introduction, right? It's the introduction into, into whoredom where I, where I begin to, to allow my, my heart to engage with other things. And often those things are things of the flesh. Speaker 1 00:09:58 Yeah. And it's interesting to me too, because when you look at how many sins David committed in this chapter, in this passage here, you think he committed murder, he committed adultery. He, he, uh, but to really look at the concept of him not going to battle as a sin, like that's that you might even overlook that part, right? You might, you might even overlook the concept, like, is that our choice? Because when God puts an assignment on your life, it's between you and the father and nobody else, you have to do that assignment. And if you're not engaged in the assignment, then it does lead to boredom right there. So there's a disengagement from obedience, right? So we're not obeying, you know, what do, what do I teach my kids? I teach them that, you know, BD is rewarded, right. And disobedience is punished. I mean, that's something I taught. Speaker 1 00:10:45 I've been teaching my kids for years. And, you know, that's one of the fruits that God wants us to put on displays that were actually faithful to him. And we actually walk in obedience. So David, you think about it, right? Like he's a king he's supposed to go to war, our 21st century culture. Probably we, I overlooked that. I I'm glad that, uh, David Robinson put that character because it's like, I maybe think about it as like, oh man, I never really considered that at that level. Because I guess I think that it's okay to decide whether I'm going to go to war or not. Right. I think it's okay if I'm going to decide to remain engaged or not. Um, Adam said something, um, before we got on the live live stream, he, he said, well, we should, you know, he was talking about, you know, why don't you start out reading the word, that'll give us some authority to talk about this. Speaker 1 00:11:31 I'm like, oh, that's a good way to look at it. Right? Like reading the word gives us authority to talk about the word. Like, you know, you almost thinks like who do we think we are sometimes, right. We, we w one of our whoredom things that we fall into is we actually fashioned God into our own image. We think he's like us. And that's a big mistake that we make. So the concept of disobeying God, equally boredom, let's talk. I want to talk about borne and promote because you got to learn how to recognize when you're bored. It's really hard because you're bored and you're not thinking about being bored, but you've got to think about that in the cycle of behavior. Um, and we're not saying that your whoredom is always pornography pornography. That's not what we're mainly addressing here. We're addressing boredom, or whoredom actually as anything that is a distraction. Speaker 1 00:12:26 It can be as simple as being on the endless scroll too long on your phone. Like, I mean, we're talking, it could be really simple things that you have alive in your life that are all connected to boredom. So, um, a few years back, I had to start recognizing boredom. I had to start recognizing, oh, I'm just bored right now. Like a lot of times I've noticed I want to eat when I'm bored. Just because eating is fun. Eating tastes good. Eating is rewarding in a lot of ways. It's not rewarding. After days like this, you get on the scale. You know, when you come through the holidays, you're like, Hey, what was I doing? I was eating. I was having fun. But a lot of that stuff is, you know, when you have to recognize you're bored, um, cause you can become a whore quick. Speaker 1 00:13:08 All of us can. I mean, and, and this isn't like grease ops languages, biblical language, right? Where the word whore is in the Bible, just it's all over the place. Whoredom idolatry. You know, that we would not play the harlot, all kinds of things. So God knows that we're, we're quick to turn to different things and he wants to be the thing that captivates us. So if you, if you are a board and you start realizing, Hey, I'm eating too much because I'm bored or I'm struggling with, you know, whatever the idolatry is because I'm bored. Learn how to put something different in the cycle there, learn how to call a friend, go on a walk, like, um, break the cycle, put your phone down, do something different to get yourself engaged. Because really what you got to get back to is you got to get back to the, going out to war. You got to get back to your assignment. You got to get back to a biting and Christ and going after the heart of God. So that's a few areas of boredom. Well, how's boredom affected you guys. Or what else would you throw into the mix here, gentlemen? Speaker 2 00:14:06 Well, I think as you were talking, one of the things that came to mind was Ephesians chapter five, right? That says, starting verse 15 says, look carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise making the best use of time because the days are evil, therefore, to not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And I think one of the things, at least it happens in my own life. And I think it happens in all our lives. I think culture tries to convince us that certain things are neutral, right. That, Hey, if you're bored and you decide to put your time, your attention, your worship, I mean, whatever it is into these things, they're just a neutral, right. But they're not nothing nothing's really neutral. Right? I mean the, and so what happens is, is all of a sudden, I go, Hey, I'm bored. Speaker 2 00:14:49 I'm disengaged. I, I'm not really engaged in anything in my mind. So intellectually, emotionally in my heart, my soul is so what am I going to do it? And so, you know, like, I mean, we all probably have games on our phones that we've downloaded, that we start to engage in that. Or maybe, you know, you start playing poker online or, I mean, you know, I'm going to watch another show or I'm going to binge Netflix or, you know, I know for me, that's my thing. Like 10:00 PM. I can just find myself at the fridge. Right. I don't even know how I got there. It's just like, oh, I'm, I'm, I'm here again. You know what I mean? And I think there's that idea of like, what are we engaging in? You know? And going, even back to what you were saying is I wonder, I mean, I'd love to have this conversation with David. Speaker 2 00:15:28 I wonder if his plan was like, yeah, I'm going to eventually get to war. I'm just not there yet. And what we all know is, cause we're all, we're all fathers, right. Is delayed. Obedience is still disobedience, right? Like I ask, one of my children go clean my room and he's like, Hey, I'm going to go, I'll go do that in two hours. I'm like, no, no. I asked you to do it. I asked you to do it now. And I think there's that false idea that, well, I can keep putting stuff off and it won't really have a negative effect. Right? Like it's not going to catch up in me. Like, I'll get to it tomorrow. I'll get to it later. I'll get to it eventually. But then the question is, what if, what am I filling my life with in the meantime? And I think sometimes it doesn't have to be like what David did. Speaker 2 00:16:07 Right. I don't have to go up on the rooftop, see my neighbor naked, get her pregnant, kill her husband. Right. Like I can just totally disengaged in the heart of God. Right. I mean, I can just say, I'm just going to put everything in neutral and do nothing. Right. I'm just going to think about my own desires, my own wants. I'm just going to waste time. I'm just going to binge watch. I'm just going to whatever. And the reality is I lost that time. Like I didn't redeem the time. I didn't honor God with the time I didn't benefit the people around me with that time. And I think it's a loss, but I think our culture will try to tell us, well, that's, that's just neutral, man. That's not good or bad. It's just, it just is what it is. Speaker 1 00:16:44 Yeah. That's a good thought. And I think that we have to maintain passion for what God is placed before us, you know, and I, and I think that's a really good thing to point out that there's, there's gotta be this, uh, this view of time and like urgency for the things of God that, that kind of ramped us up to a whole new, a whole new level of living. You know, let's just be honest, right? There's a lot of competition in the world. There's a lot of competition in the church. There's a lot of, um, there's a lot of reasons that we could become known in this day and age. And I, I like to think it's harder for us to live in this day and age and culture than it is any other time in the earth. But I don't know that I could say that. Speaker 1 00:17:24 Cause you know, you go back to the dark ages that would really suck. So it's like, uh, you know, we'd like to say we have a bad, but you know, I don't think we have as bad as we think we do, but nonetheless, the pressures of the age are still there in the same temptations have been through all the centuries. And so I think it's about living with purpose. It's about living with, and that's kind of why we created the grease house culture is to help you keep your, before you to keep a challenge before you, right? So there's three things that we're about a gray SOPs. We want to engage you into the, into the culture of the five star charge and we'll do a whole podcast just on the five-star charge and kind of break it down and kind of put it out there and really kind of go over where it came from and why we think it matters. Speaker 1 00:18:08 And the second thing is we want to equip you. We want to equip your life to actually have the skillsets and actually have the mindset and the passion to actually live the way we're talking about so that when it's spring and you're supposed to be at war, you're at war, right. There's a time to rest and there's a time to be a war. There's different seasons of our life. And the third thing that we do, uh, we agree SOPs is we want to empower you to advance the kingdom. And specifically we want to help you build your band of brothers. So we want to help you get three guys. And we want to, you know, so we're, we just released our first devotional today. We've got a 52 week devotional that our team wrote. So Brian wrote a chunk of it, Adam, or you didn't write a chunk of it yet. Speaker 1 00:18:51 Right. But you're going to, you'll be on rounds. I'll get on that. Oh yeah. I mean, but we got Jake and Phil and Dr. Ken Hanson. So we've got a great team of guys that are very passionate about God and really are real and authentic too. Right? Like, um, one of the greatest things that turned me off when I, in my early days of Christianity was, um, and I don't know, I don't want to say this in a bad way. Cause you might be like this. I don't want to hurt your, uh, affiliation with, with this type of expression. But it didn't work for me. I tried it three or four years. Maybe a couple of years I tried it, um, was just this over hyper religiosity, right? Like every time there was a good point, you just say amen, or, you know, bless the Lord. Speaker 1 00:19:33 Or, you know, you had to make these certain things. Like I saw certain people, very powerful and I tried to mimic that and uh, it didn't make me any more powerful. It made, it made, it didn't work for me, but I, I didn't just honor the people that did that. I thought, oh, that's really cool, but it's, we can't be somebody else. We have to be ourselves. So we have to go after the heart of God. So, you know, it's one of the things I love about David David and how to be authentically himself. So those three things we want to kind of keep working into this culture. So we're just getting back at it. We've actually, haven't been busy. We haven't been lazy, uh, taking all this time off. We've been building a lot of stuff that you're seeing like today, our 52 week devotional launched. Speaker 1 00:20:09 Um, if you're not on our emails, you need to get our emails. Um, Hey, if you're, if you're live with this right now, feel free to make comments. You know, we can actually see your comments and interact with you a little bit. So I'd love to just have you say hello and, um, share these streams. That'd be a cool thing to do, you know, get more and more people on here. Be good to have 70 and 707,000 people joining us one day. It'd be great. So, but yeah, we're here to help you in any area of your life to keep you focused, keep the battle before you, cause you know what? My walk with Brian has been a lot like that. Like we've kept each other focused and we still do that. You know, we still do that. We've been like iron sharpening iron to each other. Speaker 1 00:20:51 Um, and Adam and I's relationship has been like that. You know? Um, the bottom line is you can't do this alone. Jesus had 12 right of the 12, we had three and uh, he actually had more than 12, but that was like the, you know, the smaller God, the more intimate God. And, uh, Jesus had his three. So you need to have your three, right? So we're here to help you, um, empower you. Like there there's the challenge of the culture because it's like how, how much of the church is actually activated in the Greek commission actually activated in making disciples, right? Like, oh, I'm sorry. I can get really fired up and annoyed right now because everybody just wants to be keyboard warriors. Everybody wants to talk. Everybody wants to do the theological check boxes and they want to, they want to take something you say and they want to devour it and you know, well, you didn't add this and then I'm gonna put all the ingredients there and it's like, dude, are you making disciples? Speaker 1 00:21:43 Do you love God? And are you, are you pouring your life into other people? Most of the Christian culture, can't say yes to that question. So we're not here to condemn, but we are here to empower. We're here to say, Hey, try what we built because it could really help you if you dedicate yourself to it. There's not a lot of things out there that I've found that help you make disciples, but they're out there. And we'd like to be one of those things in your life that helps you do that. So, all right, Adam, put us back together. Speaker 2 00:22:16 I like everything. I think I like everything you're saying. I think if we reduce it down, one of the things we're talking about here is passion and purpose, right? That when, you know, David, David was a man after God's own heart, we can't, we can't take it away from him. Right. I mean, the scripture says that, but the reality is, is he disengaged at this moment? I mean, that was, that was really the deal. Is he disengaged? I like what you guys have been saying, like Ryan talking about how he positioned himself, you know, in the rat is we can all do that. And I think what we're saying is, is the answer for that in many ways is, Hey, let's, let's look at our own lives and be aware of when we start to feel disengaged. And we're saying boredom is kind of that moment when I go, Hey man, I got nothing to do, nothing to think about, not really engaged with anything I'm bored, that that's actually like an indicator light on the car, you know, Hey, it's time to check the oil. Speaker 2 00:23:06 One of the tires was low. And in that moment we have an opportunity to choose, right? Am I going to engage back with the heart of God? Am I going to engage in the identity and the purpose and the mission and the column that he's given me, or am I going to choose other things? Am I going to choose to engage in, in other stuff? And I think back to what you're, you're just getting fired up about is that Brian is at the truth is, is that if I'm engaged in the heart of God and if I'm engaged in, uh, honoring him personally and making disciples, right. All connected, there's probably not going to be a whole lot of time that, um, that I'm bored because we can redeem the time. Right. So I got a few minutes that I don't know what I'm going to do with that. Speaker 2 00:23:44 Well, an opportunity to text the guy in my band of brothers, like we got a, I got a text from you a couple of days ago. Hey bro, how's your Bible reading going? You know, how, how, like how you doing with your time with the Lord in the morning? Right. And we had a, we had like a five minute, I mean conversation via text, but that was like putting a log on the fire. I was like, Hey man, like, this is about me and Jesus, but Brian's going to ask me again, like, what's that look like? How's it going? And so like it redeems it redeems the time and we have an opportunity to live that way for the glory of God. And then also for the benefit of people around us. Speaker 3 00:24:22 Yeah. What do you got Ryan? No, I was just going to say, I think that the only other thing out there is, uh, you know, kind of getting away from the illusion. I think, you know, in our 21st century Christian mindset, we kinda think of Christianity as this whole, uh, this peace and like this peaceful pursuit and this almost like a transcendence, right? Like we're, we're looking for our cheat. We're looking for that, that perfect. Everything is good and everything is healthy and everything is growing and prosperity and all these other things. And w w we get away from the fact for, you know, for old Testament all the way through new Testament, that battle warfare, um, the spiritual fight is very real and biblical language. You know what I mean? And I think, I think in terms from God's perspective and it's necessary for us to understand, but, uh, we've gotta learn how to fight. Speaker 3 00:25:17 You know what I mean? Like you've got to learn how to fight, um, or else we're going to end up disengaged. Right. We got to learn how to actually engage in spiritual conflict. You know what I mean? Um, and, and, and have the understanding that, that how we war, right? Like determining how we wore will determine the result of our engagement. You know what I mean? And it goes back to, you know, for me, like second Corinthians, you know, uh, it's like it's, uh, second Corinthians 10 where he talks about the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty for the pulling down of strongholds. Right. Casting down arguments, every, every high thing that, um, you know, and, and I think that, uh, you know, when, just, even in that, that concept of bringing every thought captive, captive, um, it, it ends with saying into the obedience of Christ, you know, and here's what words we're talking about. Speaker 3 00:26:06 Like those moments where we want to delay in our obedience, um, and, uh, you know, or we get frustrated or, or, or, you know, because it's the enemy coming in to get us frustrated. It's the enemy coming in. That's saying, oh man, you're doing the same thing over and over, and you're not getting any results. Right. You know, it's all these different things that come in. But when we start learning how to, how to actually take the fight to the enemy, you know what I mean? And begin taking those stats, cop a captive and subjecting them in obedience to Christ, you know, um, and learning how to fight, you know, through God's lens, through God's perspective. Um, I think it's going to be, uh, the way that we, we stay better engaged. Um, and it keeps us out of that place of boredom. You know what I mean? Like, we've got to go back to the source, we've got to go back into his heart and his heart for us, um, you know, in the call on our life. And so I would just, I would just say that, say that, say that, you know, that that would be like, kind of, I guess, one of the last, last things is that how we war determines the results of our engagement. Speaker 1 00:27:06 Yeah. So take inventory your heart, because it's really key to identify kind of like where your board, where it's leading you in, and more importantly, what are you to be obeying in your life right now? Because if your life sucks, it's totally your fault. That's a hard thing to hear some there, right? Like if your job sucks, it's your fault. If your life Sox, it's your fault of your marriage sucks. If your kids are terrible. Yeah. Maybe not your fault with your kids, but, you know, cause they kind of become their own after a certain age. But I'm just saying like, be responsible, take responsibility for your life. That's a message. The church has really failed at over the last, you know, in my opinion. And I've been in the church culture for two decades, uh, two and a half decades. And I think it's a strong and a good opinion that the church has failed us in the area of say, be responsible, be covenant people. Speaker 1 00:27:56 You know, David was a man after God's own heart. David was passionate. David did worship the father. David did know the heart of God. He knew the things God loved. And he, and he knew the things got hated. And in the proof of that is when Dave gets my favorite part of the story is David doesn't tell him himself because that would really suck if he did, because he'd be like, oh, David's a man after God's own heart and even told on himself, he's so great. And righteous. Nope. David brushed this whole thing under the carpet and went on with his life as if nothing happened. And then the prophet Nathan goes to talk to him about it. And that's an interesting thing to talk to a king because if you go on the wrong day and then they're in a bad mood, they could just kill you. Speaker 1 00:28:36 Right. Like we don't even understand that concept today, but we think, oh, that's needed. He went and talked to the president. No, that's not like back then the president didn't like you that day he'll kill you. Right. So it's a really interesting, uh, thing to approach a king. So David gets approached by Nathan with this scenario and David's mad, right? He gets mad about this injustice and he goes, well, let's bind this guy who did this. And Nathan goes, oh, you're actually that guy, you did it. And he puts all the right characters in the story and David becomes undone. That's what we gotta really pull away from. Right. So yeah, you disobeyed, we're not going to battle. And he, he felt, you know, the chaining, the chain of sin kind of the domino effect happened. But when David was confronted with it, David repents, we get Psalm 51. Speaker 1 00:29:24 We get words like take, not that holy spirit from me. Right. And where does that come from? Well, when David was a child who he was underneath Saul and he, he saw Sahgal mad because salt was the first king of Israel. And uh, in, in, in salt, didn't obey the load Lord Foley, but he acted like he did. And that was his sin based in the fear of man. But Saul never repents. And Saul goes mad because the father removes the anointing from you. So David in Psalm 51 is aching. God, don't, don't do that to me. Don't re don't take, take not the holy spirit from me. I mean, this is deep in the heart of David. Like David changes his life. He doesn't just say, sorry, David actually never has a best shave a moment. Again. He never goes down that path. Again. Speaker 1 00:30:14 Think about the power of this guys in our, in our culture, the disobedience that equal boredom that led to whoredom and David's life never happened again for David. Maybe we be able to say the same thing. Let's repent. That's what repentance is, is changing. It's not going back to it. It's realizing no, I don't want to touch that stuff. And I don't want to go down that path. And you know, I really want to honor God. Like we, we, and there's a battle there guys, right? There's a daily battle and you can win this battle, right? Like you can be holy, you can actually live a life with zero sin. I believe that otherwise we would offend the finished work of the cross. I believe we would be like, oh, is there still some work left to do? No, all the work that's left to do is us actually putting it into our lives. Speaker 1 00:31:04 You know? So David has this powerful time of repentance. And at the very end of Psalm 51, I think it's really powerful. David says towards verse 17 or 18, if I remember correctly, he goes, be good design. And I love that because he realized his sin as the king affected the community. And guys, our sin affects our communities. It affects our families that affects the people around us even affects our neighborhoods. You just don't see it, but you got to see it. You know what I mean? You got to know, got to see you spiritual eyes. So we just want to challenge you today. Identify boredom, understand the power of disobedience and where it leads. So that'd be like a simple call to action. Take a moment today and just write down on a piece of paper. You know, where am I bored right now? And this is a great time to do all this cause rattle shoots of a brand new year. You know, w where do I need to have a Psalm 51 moment? Speaker 1 00:32:08 And how am I going to move forward and power? And, uh, we'd love to have you connect more and more to the grease ups culture, because we believe what we're building is from God. That's why we haven't stopped. Even though we've had a million reasons to not move forward with this work, but we didn't stop. And now you're going to see us in a way you, you haven't seen it's, it's going to blow a print out of the ground, right? So, uh, we have a new website launching any day. Now we'll be, we'll be bringing that to you as soon. Um, it's a training website. You can go on and get trained and you can started on building your band of brothers. It's going to be pretty awesome stuff. So that's the call to action. Identify boredom. Where do you got to have a Psalm 51 moment. Um, and then just see, engage, go hard core after advancing the kingdom. So well guys, great episode today, man. Good to see you. I'm glad we all wear the same hoodie that was Adam, your beer dude, bro. The thing's just, uh, something else, Speaker 2 00:33:06 Uh, you know, just a little longer every day. So what Speaker 1 00:33:09 If one of your kids did a Tik TOK with you and they just accidentally just drink? Speaker 2 00:33:12 Just, I don't know. I don't know how that would go. I don't know how I'm going to Speaker 1 00:33:15 Have to ask you. I'm going to attempt them to do that. Like grey stops shaving Adams beer. Speaker 2 00:33:20 There we go. Uh, I dunno. I dunno if you've bet Speaker 1 00:33:24 Your identities in that beard, you could feel it, man. Ah, Speaker 2 00:33:26 It's not my identity. I just thought think anybody would recognize me. So I think I've looked funny so, well, Hey guys, great episode today. I appreciate your time. And uh, I appreciate your willingness to share and talk about, about this topic. Hopefully for our listeners today, you found this to be encouraging and engaging and challenging, uh, take Brian's challenge. Seriously. Think about that where you board were needed to do something. And then here's the thing. Do something about it. Gage in the heart of God, begin to do some more in your life. Thanks for tuning into this episode. And we can't wait to engage with you and connect with you until next time. Thanks again for being here today. We'll talk to you soon.

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