The Man In The Arena Part 1

January 10, 2022 00:16:53
The Man In The Arena Part 1
Grace Ops
The Man In The Arena Part 1

Jan 10 2022 | 00:16:53


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

The week Brian, Ryan, and Adam sit down with Lenny La Gaurdia and talk about being the man in the arena. We all have arenas in our life that require us to show up and wage war. Are you standing in the arena? 


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Podcast Description:
We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:07 It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who was actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood who strives valiantly, who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming, but who does actually strive to do the deeds? Who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions who spends himself in a worthy cause who at the best knows in the end, the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat Theodore Roosevelt, 26 president of the United States. Welcome out to the Grace House podcast. Speaker 1 00:01:00 It's good to have you here with us today. I'm in the studio. I'm sitting across from Lenny LaGuardia, Adam Riordan, and Ryan, Evan Hansen. I'm sorry. He has two last names, but anyway, if you know him, you know what I just meant, Lenny is good to see you, man. Good to see you. It's cold out here, man. It is a little colder than Kansas, Kansas city, man. It's always a little warmer there, but not much in the way it cuts right through you. It does cut right through this podcast. Cut right through our horse, man. Yeah, that's right. And you know what, like, we're it it's wild. When you think of the weather, like when you go the other day I woke up, it was minus 15. And like, that was like six in the morning. And by eight in the morning, it's minus seven is like, yeah, we're warming up. Speaker 1 00:01:39 Boys is feeling great. Right. And, and uh, but then you get on a day, like today, just a day later and the highs like 25 was like, oh, I'm gonna put my shorts on when it's summertime. It's good to be here. It's good to be here. And it's better to not be here. It'd be indoors. Good. Going to be endorsed with a heater. So welcome out guys. Thanks for being on the episode. This is episode 71. Believe it or not 70 episodes, man, you and Adam returns on the podcast. And if I want to continuously introduce Adam, because he's coming into the gray sobs culture, he's a friend of mine. We've known each other for six, seven years. And Adam is a taken on like podcast directing and helping us helping us in that area. So it's good live streams. And you know, he's going to kind of own a little piece of this thing. Speaker 1 00:02:23 So it was pretty cool. Hey man, ton of fun. Glad to be here. All right guys. Well, Hey, I wanted to start off. We're talking about the man in the arena and this is probably my favorite quote as a public speaker. I've probably used this quote, like it was already on my notes I'll have to do was search the word arena. Cause I've used this so many times in different avenues, motivational speaking, preaching, um, funerals, whatever, you know, I've just this, these words that Theodore Roosevelt penned, I were just, they're just genius. You know, I'm like, dude, this guy captured it just in a brief moment of, in very, very great writing where he kind of puts it out there and I can pull ethically feel myself in this writing. And I feel the energy of my life in this writing. And I feel the devotions of my life in this writing. Speaker 1 00:03:08 So like I love it. All right. Like my wife knows if you ask her what my favorite quote is, she'll go right to this. She just knows it. So the man in the arena, you know, I wanted to talk about it because you know, as men and as we discussed biblical masculinity, it's important that we understand what the arena is. And also recently I know ESPN kind of threw out a, uh, I don't know how many episodes they're doing, but the Tom Bradys meaning the arena. So it kinda, it kind of was on my mind as well too. And like who doesn't like Tom Brady, right? Like he's, he's a, he's a goat, you know, always a gangster, but yeah, like, yeah, he has a machine he's just a pretty wild man. Yeah. So he's a methodic. He's just one of those guys that like, you know, you got 38 seconds left and you want to four quarter when the game, the guy's gonna eat a sandwich in between downs and get it done. Speaker 1 00:04:01 Right. So anyway, we're not really necessarily here to talk about Tom Brady, but we're talking about what it means. You know, the metaphor to me is like, what does it mean to be a man in the arena? What does it mean to know to, to be your face is marked with blood, sweat, and tears. And what does it mean to know the great devotions? Right. So I've been planting a church for 15 years. I've been helping found gray SOPs for the last three years. And I've never really gone down the conventional paths of living. So, you know, to me to be a man in the arena means that you've actually said yes to something and you're going to continually live there in that place, on that arena. And it's no matter what battles come your way and you're going to valiantly live it out. So all of you guys, uh, to me are men in the arena. You know, I know that each one of us live lives of price tags, and even ridicule in a lot of ways, right? Like people look at what we do and they're like, yeah, you guys are morons. Right. You could do this. You could do that in the marketplace. You can make, you know, millions and trillions of dollars doing a, B or C. So I would just want to take some time. And let's talk about that. Let's talk about the arena for a little bit. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:05:08 Brian, I love, I love the fact that you're doing this because I've got to see some of your story up close. Right. And uh, you know, you don't kiss up Speaker 1 00:05:19 No Speaker 2 00:05:20 Individuals, but there's many times you could have just thrown in the towel. You could have just walked out of the arena, said, forget this. And I know for a fact that this has to be passionate in you for us to talk about. So I, I want to compliment you. I'm not kissing up to you, but I want to just say, I've seen it firsthand to the audience right now to our audience. I seen it firsthand. You know where every time we feel like we're going to walk out of that arena or we're going to call it quits, you know, because there's a ton of trip, wires everywhere. We want to get us out of there. You Speaker 1 00:05:57 Know, how many times have I called you to, you're saying this is it right? Like a few, but blow the whole thing up Speaker 2 00:06:03 A few, a few. But you know what? The passion to see others, when the passion to see your family wind the passion, we have to see our marriages work and our children to just see honest and truth. You know, there's a witness to me, you've been a witness. And so I appreciate this operation. Speaker 1 00:06:25 Yeah. And you've been encouraging to me in that, in that journey. And I've seen the same thing in you, man. I go into your world and I see the battles you guys face. And I see the, you know, one of your famous lines to me all through the years is I'm like, how are you doing, man? What you up to Scott? My head down, man. I'm just plowing. Isn't that kind of how you say it? Am I saying, I say, keeping my head down and just the more, the Speaker 2 00:06:45 Less I hear. Yeah. I can see where Speaker 1 00:06:48 I'm supposed to be. There'll be moments I know in your world. There's a lot of static, a lot of things going on. Speaker 2 00:06:53 Every time we want to leave the arena, the man in the arena, every time we want to leave or shut it down, there's a strategy right around the corner. There is a teaching right around the corner. There's a revelation, uh, right around the corner. And it's in those times of, let's just call it quits or let's just, let's put it on pause. You know, I always like to say, let's, let's put this on pause, but right around the pause and I lean in on the pause. I get, I get the goods, I get the goods, God delivers the goods. Speaker 1 00:07:25 And I think too, I think some of the words and adjectives I throw into this are things like trailblazing, pioneering, you know? And, um, I'm not saying everybody has to live up to this arena thing the way we define it, because it also comes with your gifts. You know, those skill sets the way you're wired and stuff like that. But I think if, you know, I respect people who are in their lane, understand who they are and understand what they've said yes. To like, I have a deep respect for that. And if you're, if you're willing to pay price tags to actually, you know, model something better, sacrifice for something better, make the world better, make the name of God, better, that kind of stuff. Um, I really struggled because in, in Christianity, in what we call institutionalized religion, um, you know, you do see a lot of the, uh, what I call ring kissers. Speaker 1 00:08:13 They, they have no idea what their Rina's like. They just play the politics. Um, they're just working up a ladder, you know? And it's amazing how high up those ladders they can get. Ryan and I were talking about that the other day. Weren't we Ryan? Cause I had some confrontational issues I dealt with with some other leaders and a whole other thing, no one on this podcast would even know anything about, but it was just one of those things where I went back to Ryan and I was like, how do you guys get in those places of power like that? And he's like the kiss a lot of rings. Or did you say that or something? I can't remember pretty much. I can't remember. It was something, it was something that ended with S it's one of those S words, plural. So talk, let's talk about that guys. Speaker 1 00:08:57 What's your experience been like? We're fighting what you talk about your arena for a moment. Like what's your passions and just kinda let it out a little bit, like what, you know, I am going to try to puff ourselves up and make ourselves better than anybody, but there is a life, there is an arena life that not a lot of people get to. So the purpose of this podcast is actually to inspire guys to go, oh, I want wanted to keep saying yes to the things that maybe the world laughs at. Right. I want to say yes to that thing God's told me to do or whatever. Speaker 3 00:09:26 Yeah. I think I love the idea of the arena because it's the idea that there's things that I have to fight for in my life. Right. And I think no matter what your calling is, I mean, God has given us all specific callings. Like, you know, I think right now all the guys around the table in the room, we'd all say God has called us to ministry and that's like different ways, but there's other things, right? Like my relationship with God, my relationship with my wife, my relationship with my children. I mean, uh, the way that I walk with Jesus, like those are all different arenas that we have in our life. And the reality is that takes energy and commitment and battle. And I appreciate what you were saying earlier, Brian, about the critic, right? That the idea of the arena is that it's public, right? Speaker 3 00:10:05 There's, there's stuff that happens in private, but there's people who think, Hey, you're crazy or I'm going to do that better. I wouldn't do it the way you're doing it. And we all need voices in our lives. But the reality is there's people who've never actually been in the arena who kind of mock people who are in their arena. And so recognizing that that life is war something that I, I really appreciate. I mean, I think there's a battle cry with that. And I think, I think every man, if you, if you talk to most men, right? Maybe I won't say everybody talk to most men, you ask them what their favorite movie is. You're going to get something like, you know, Braveheart, right? You're going to get, you're going to get something like gladiator. I mean, you're going to get movies that are all about war and yet we never transitioned that into our actual lives that we're actually called to war. So I, I love the topic and the idea of my life as an arena. I battled, Speaker 2 00:10:48 I think it's in terms of staying in the arena. I mean, I look at soldier field, you know, you look at Madison square gardens, you look at arenas that have history out the wazoo, and yet many men and women have played in those arenas prior to you getting there. So the arena for me, I don't have to build that arena. You know, I have some arenas that I'm building that I'm walking in, you know, because of my assignment. But I think the key is to learn how to play in a arena that another person bill, but then understand the game you're in the outcome that God wants for you. And walk that through without trying to be like somebody else be who you are, be secure in who you are. That's been my biggest concern about myself is that I don't compare myself to other people who played before me. Yeah. That I'm, I'm where I'm at. Speaker 1 00:11:50 You come from, you know, where you're plugged in right now, our last two decades. I mean, you're, you're plugged into a, just an amazing, very unique global ministry that you have a very unique part and role in. Right. And you know, so you got a lot of moving parts, a lot of people, um, not necessarily that the people are political, but it's just the politics of people, right. Just to posture and whatever, and all the personalities. So you just navigate that stuff for two decades. Well, I think putting your head down, you're insecure in an arena. I mean, and you've done. I mean, it's amazing what you've done. It's amazing how you've just stayed the course going after the heart of children. It's pretty awesome to watch what you've done. Speaker 2 00:12:30 Yeah. I think in doing that, we have to listen to the right voices. You know, we can't go into an arena and do what we're called to do. When you say the man in the arena, we can't do that. If we're constantly waiting for affirmation, you know, it's game to game time and we got to get going. So I can't wait for the, the affirmation. I can't wait for the attaboy. I want it. Can't right. That's good. I like that. You know, when I go to the bench or I get benched or I have to get refreshed or whatever, you know, I it's good to hear, Hey man, you're doing good. You know, we met today with your core leadership team and you know, out of 12 that were, there are 15 that are going into a huge arena coming up for you. Uh, one person comes and says, Hey, thanks. Right. And also like, are you willing in the arena to play to an audience of one? Speaker 4 00:13:25 Yeah. And I like what you said earlier, man. Cause I think you're really hitting it on the head with, uh, when it comes to being the man in the arena. Right. Th there are, there are levels of that, of arenas that we build right. Within, within our own context. But I think the arena that we're building is, is, is learning to be authentically you and be okay with it. Right. So, so we're learning how to play these games, but I'm not, you know, you know, it's kind like, I, I think it's really goofy on like, you know, you watch ESPN and it's always like, it's LeBron James, better than Michael Jordan. Is he, is he, the goat is, you know what I mean? But there's, there's always this comparison thing, right? Like I'm Chicago born. So Michael Jordan all day, you know, nobody will ever Trump Jordan. Speaker 4 00:14:07 Um, he's amazing. But I agree the point, the point is, yeah, I think everybody agrees except for, uh, uh, the millennials. Um, but I think the point is, is that LeBron James doesn't have to be Michael Jordan. They played in the same arena. They played in the arena of the NBA. Right. But LeBron brings his game. You know what I mean? And he's great at his game. And Michael Jordan brought his game and he's great at his game. And it's that we get so caught up in the comparison game with one another, right? Like whether you're a pastor, whether you're, you know, uh, uh, any sort of speaker leader, managers, CEO, worship guy, whatever you are, you know, it's easy to get into the comparison game with somebody else and how they do it and what they're doing or where they've been successful or, um, or at least where they try to appear successful. Speaker 4 00:14:54 You know what I mean? So nobody else sees what's really going on on the inside. But I think that that's the most important thing. The, the being the man in the arena is being willing to be authentically you and play your game, you know, and getting good at your game. And I think what stops a lot of men, um, from entering the arena is the fear of that rejection of like, if I'm, if I'm truly me, you know, and it goes back to say, I don't want to die a copy. You know what I mean? Like I want to die on original, you know, um, let me maintain who I am through this process and fight the way God, um, equipped me to fight. You know, Speaker 2 00:15:29 I know all of us are totally into what we do. You know, our work, I am, I'm passionate about my work, you know, but I think the most important arena that we could have is the arena with our family, our own living room with our wife, if you're married or a loved one or wherever you're at in a phase of life with a loved one, their arena really starts there. You know, because I used to take my arena in work home and I would have my wife, remind me, look, I'm not part of your staff, I'm your wife. I'm not, you're not recruiting me to your next vision. You Speaker 4 00:16:12 Have to convince me. You don't have to. Speaker 2 00:16:14 Well, yeah, but the bottom line is, I don't think she listened to this podcast. No, but I want it to, I want to say, but I had to learn that the hard way, you know, she's right. My arena is at home and it starts there when I get up and I get dressed, I'm going to the arena of my living room, my sanctuary, whatever your sanctuary is, guys, go to that and be secure with that.

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