109: The Bacon Covered Shrimp Mentality is Killing Us

June 15, 2023 00:13:46
109: The Bacon Covered Shrimp Mentality is Killing Us
Grace Ops
109: The Bacon Covered Shrimp Mentality is Killing Us

Jun 15 2023 | 00:13:46


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

There is a bacon covered shrimp mentality that is killing us! Check out this little rant about the evil we must resist. I also share how I met Eric Metaxas in Nashville. It was very cool talking with him. He loved Grace Ops. 

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We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 2 00:00:08 Have you had the bacon covered shrimp <laugh>? Dude, I wanna share with you a story of what happened to me recently. Uh, last month this happened. Have you had the bacon covered shrimp? And I just kind of stared at the guy asking the question and, Speaker 2 00:00:27 And he, I was like, yeah, I, I had, I had one <laugh> and he isn't this a great country? And I didn't know what to say to that. So I'm in a room, uh, I was at a political meeting, a fundraiser, and you know, you, we can say there's a lot of good people in the room or whatever, but this question comes up from a, from a local elected official. And, you know, have you had the bacon covered shrimp? Kind of like this, that tone of voice too, just, and just a great country. And I didn't know how to respond. I, I, I remember thinking inside of myself and speaking, I can't remember exactly what I spoke out loud in my mouth, but I was, uh, speaking out loud at the same time I was responding, going, I don't know how to respond to that. I do remember saying, I don't know how I feel about that because right now, as we stand in this room, there's a noose around the necks of our children. And when I look around this room, I, I see a lot of, uh, people who've, who've kind of failed. There's a lot of elected officials in here who have, who, who, who haven't s been standing against evil. Speaker 2 00:01:35 So I, it was, it was an interesting, obviously it killed the conversation <laugh>, there was nothing left there. But that, that's okay. I'm, I'm usually that guy in the room. I, the Marxist agenda, the liberal, the the L G B T Q, this pride month is saturating. I mean, if you just go look at their events on, on the annual like calendar for the United States, it's off the charts. Blows your mind. This isn't going away. This is coming to your front door. It's already at your front door. It's already in your child's head. Their mind is already being, um, raked over the coals. This gender confusion is absolutely insane. Speaker 2 00:02:22 Have you had the bacon covered shrimp <laugh> just makes me laugh, man. That's like, and know as I, Hey man, a lot of these guys in this room have failed. But you know, that's another lesson I've learned in the recent years is it's not an elected official that's going to, an elected official's not gonna save us. We want to get the right people elected. So if you haven't voted and you, and you're one of those people that are like, well, I don't, I don't wanna vote cuz my vote doesn't matter. Well, you're part of the problem and, and you really do need to take that one in and don't just glaze over like it do. The simple things we can do, take advantage of every leveraging point that we can take advantage of. That's the only smart thing to do. So, you know, I, I actually have filled with a lot of hope for our country. Speaker 2 00:03:07 I believe there's a lot of good people out in the, in, in this land. I, I think there's a, the remnant of the followers of Yeshua are, are getting stronger. Those are the ones, the, the resolved ones in the father. The, the, when you're resolved in the spirit and you're, you are resolved. And what I mean by that is you're, you're resolved to, um, honor God over honoring man, fearing the Lord, besides fearing the man. When you, when you get into that fear of the Lord and that's, that drives your life, you become resolved. You have a backbone, you can stand against evil. And, and the, we, the people part of this country need to stand against this evil agenda. I was recently at a pastor's conference hosted by Charlie Kirk. It was, it was the best thing that I I had been to in 30 years. I I I've been to a lot of good things too. So I'm not playing anything else. I'm not saying I, I don't have, you know, my top five or whatever, but it was up there. It was, I've never been treated that way as a, as a pastor. It was 1100 pastors there. Speaker 2 00:04:11 And they made a statement very often over the three days. They would say, you must unite for liberty men and women pastors. And if you don't unite for liberty right now and fight for liberty, you'll be debating theology in your prison cells because you're the last standing obstacle between global evil taking over this country. And, you know, I actually believe that we can see that very clearly. Um, if you're a pendulum, swings back the other way, pen, the pendulum's broken. Welcome to the new conversation and wake up cuz the pendulum's broken. We need you to, uh, have a voice to show up, to be present, to come to, uh, I'm gonna, we're gonna start, I got some ideas. I'm gonna start hosting some local rallies. Um, I'm a full on Yeshua, Jesus gospel guy. I'm in the fight raising up, you know, biblical, just strengthening men in biblical masculinity. Speaker 2 00:05:06 We aim to challenge men to step into the rightful place to lead their families in strength, to raise up men after God's heart who are bold leaders, men who understand their imperfections and how grace is training them to live holy lives, upright lives, powerful lives men who build a brotherhood of two or three other guys in their lives so they're not walking alone and they can confess their sins and they can, they can just make it through the journey and this battle. But we need more than ever, we need men to rise up and lead, not dominate their families. I'm talking about lead being a leader in barking commands. It's setting an example. It's changing the world by the way you live. It's, you know, if you, if you live in a particularly, um, attractive way, a powerful way, um, whether it's popular in the world, world or not, it'll draw people into you. So pray, pray for the grace ops. Pray for grace ops. We're, we're, we're running gonna be running strong in this country in the next couple years. But the, the time's ticking on this Marxist gen, gen, Marxism gen, uh, agenda that's coming against this culture, this church. I mean, the schools are, we gotta get our schools back. How do we do that? It's a battle. It's it, it's not gonna be easy or pretty. Speaker 2 00:06:25 We need less bacon covered shrimp mentalities. I have a lot of hope for our country. I have a lot of hope for where we are. I believe that we're gonna see, I, I believe these are great days of opportunity in the midst of like an evil backdrop. So whether the evil all goes away and it gets pretty and peaceful again, which I hope kind of, some of that stuff kind of grates against me. Because when you're, when everything's good and calm, you know what most Americans do? They fall back asleep, chase the American dream, go after the 401ks. I kinda like it. I kind of like the gnarly terrain. I like, I mean, I like how it's gonna make you alert and awake. You're gonna have to choose what you believe, who you stand with. So do you have a banking coverage, shrimp mindset? It's a good country. Are you just focused on your 401K and your, you know, you know, the, the size of your bank account thinking that pendulum's just gonna swing back the other way. Kind of not really looking at all of this literally pure on sexual immoral, immoral evil. That's called pride month pumping. Its lies down the throats of our children. Speaker 2 00:07:40 I think the whole pride thing needs to go away. Like if, if, and what I mean by that is it needs to just go away. It's, it, it, it's destructive. It's not about tolerance at all. It's, it's totalitarianism. It's, and it's actually a pawn to the Marxist agenda as soon as the Marxist people, if they ever get what they want, which I'm hoping they don't, because I'm hoping the people of our country, we, the people would wake up and, you know, I I get a little tired too of like people who are like, oh, well, you know, you're, you're a pastor and and you shouldn't be so focused on, you know, politics or, or talking this way cuz you're, that makes you a nationalist. Makes you, you care more about our country than you do the kingdom of God. And so people are, can you imagine the founding fathers as they were forming the Declaration of Independence, getting breaking free from tyranny, forming the governance of a nation that was first founded in the scriptures, the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights is not my, it's not the founding document of my of, of from God. Speaker 2 00:08:41 I mean it's, it reinforces what the Bible already tells me. Uh, God has given to us, all humans across the globe. Speaker 2 00:08:51 They're breaking away from tyranny and they're forming a new government. This is beautiful stuff. Uh, people died so that I could live the way I'm living. And we all have to have that same mindset. We have to literally be willing to lose wealth status. You know, that's one of the reasons I really respect Eric Metaxas. I actually met him in Nashville, Tennessee. I met him and he definitely doesn't have a bacon covered shrimp mindset. I talked to him about 10 minutes in the gym at this hotel and he was a keynote speaker that night. And I was in the gym and it's funny, I'm like looking around and trying to figuring out how I'm gonna accomplish this workout I wanna do and kind of wasn't really looking at who was in the gym. And when I did, I was like, that's Eric Metaxas. And I'm like, I like this guy a lot. Speaker 2 00:09:36 You know, he's an amazing author, great speaker, and uh, he's got a set and he'll stand against it. He and I, I told him, I said, I'm, I'm glad that you stood the way you've stood because it makes a man like me very encouraged. And we talked for like 10 minutes. We actually hit it off really well. Um, but I was just encouraging him, like, I'm so glad that you're out there standing cuz I saw a lot of national platforms not stand, you know, and I'm not gonna go through names cuz I love all these guys, but it was hard to watch. It's hard to watch. You know, we, we need to, uh, if you, if you have a bacon covered shrimp mindset, you need to die to it. And you need to, you need to get an alert and get awake. And if you don't know Yeshua, you don't know Christ, I would encourage you, you really need to open the Bible. Speaker 2 00:10:19 You need to get your heart right with God. I mean, you really need to get on fire for Christ. I don't need all the scientific backup. I mean, I, I don't know, some, I guess maybe some people are wired that way. I was asked a question a couple weeks ago, how do we know the Bible's true? And you know, in my mind I was like, oh man, it'd be nice if I had all the facts to quote about the Bible and, you know, the 66 books or the history of the Bible and how it all came together. And I'm like, you know what my answer at the end of the day is cuz the Bible says it's inspired by God and I have impacted and encountered the presence of God deep inside of my heart and my spirit. So that's how I know, and that's I'm simple. Speaker 2 00:10:55 So that I believe it because the Bible says it's inspired by God. I believe the Bible is, um, what you need in your life. And it's definitely as a man after God, you've gotta get in the word of God for a, like, get in the word a lot, right? Like you think about we go hit workouts or we go run. And that usually takes 30 minutes to an hour. You gotta do the same thing in your spiritual development. You've gotta stop yourself, stop the madness, slow your life down and get in the word, shut everything else out and just go to the throne of God and learn how to bask like, wait, like linger in his presence. So I am filled with great hope. I do think we're gonna see great glory, powerful things happen from God's heart in the midst of this evil that we see rising up. Speaker 2 00:11:42 But we also, as we the people in getting back to constitutional type stuff, I'm not a nationalist because I believe that the, uh, constitution Bill of Rights is a gift from God that doesn't make me a nationalist. When, when Romans 13 talks about obeying the rules of the land, it, it says how they should be acting. And when they stop acting that way, we should be questioning if we are gonna follow them. And then I've always kind of looked at it this way, like, the rulers of our land are not people, it's actually the Constitution. It's a document. So that's what, nobody has the right to be a tyrant in the United States, but we've got 'em. And that's the problem. So I'm asking you today to kill your bacon covered shrimp mindset, if you've got it. I'm asking you to build a brotherhood of men. Speaker 2 00:12:30 I'm asking you to, uh, strengthen yourself in biblical masculinity. Our values are honor, affection, liberty, war, and valor. I'm inviting you into our culture and you know, we've got some exciting stuff coming. We're building a brand new app. It's gonna drop sometime in July and it's gonna drive our culture and it's gonna make us, I believe it's a strong pivot in the right direction as we're, you know, in our startup days that's gonna make us nation ready. So anyway, that's my little rant for today on bacon covered shrimp and, and, uh, these, these crazy things. But I, I pray that you'd be awakened today. Pray that your eyes would be open. We need Calebs and Joshuas out there. You know, the greatest sin is unbelief. So we, we want to be men like Caleb who would stand with heart, filled with courage, wholeheartedly standing there believing in the things of God, even though the masses were all against it, cowering with fear. Don't let fear in your heart, kill it. Come alive in faith. Doesn't mean you don't ever get afraid, but you sense it and you, and you can learn and you learn how to kill it with the spirit of God. Well, until next time, live upright. God bless you.

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