108: Masculinity & Affection

May 19, 2023 00:06:40
108: Masculinity & Affection
Grace Ops
108: Masculinity & Affection

May 19 2023 | 00:06:40


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Brian is a taking a few minutes to discuss Affection, one of our five star charge values.


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We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:08 Masculinity and affection. Two words that I'm not sure how they sit side by side, or we could have even used the word masculine affection, which I dunno, that gets a little awkward, at least in my mind here and there. Do those words go together? You know, I'm in a series right now, mini series of just going of our values and affection is one of the five star values in the Grey Ops culture. And it is something that we want men to be skilled at and be really good at being able to give away the affection. But, you know, we live in a day and age where there's so much warfare. You know, women, uh, the, the women libbers, you know, the, the, the, the anti-man, the anything masculine's, uh, toxic. And I'm just tired of that. There is such a thing as toxic masculinity. There is, I call it broken masculinity. Speaker 1 00:00:56 There is such a thing, but most of the time, anything masculine just gets bullied down and beat down with this whole toxic thing. I'm sick and tired of it. I'm sick and tired of it. I mean, it's like they want their men, uh, castrated and drinking soy milk. You know, this is, this is the type of world it seems like that we live in. And, but you know, if you want to be a, a, a, a feminine ma, a masculine female, you know, more power to you. We'll celebrate that. But you wanna be a man. Hey, you know what? But I don't let any of that stop me. And I know you don't let it stop. You we're men. And so what we don't want to do is we don't want to be toxic in our, uh, we don't, we don't wanna have a broken masculinity. Speaker 1 00:01:35 We don't wanna be barbarians. And so I wanna look at this like, what is affection? How does it apply to your family, your friends, even your enemies? The Apostle Paul has some really good words for us. He says in Ephesians five, he says, he's talking about, you know, wives submit to your husband's. I mean, the word obeys there in different translations. And that just really, I know women love that today, don't they <laugh> obey your husbands, but listen to this. If your husband's like this, it'd be easy for him to obey. It says, submit to your husband's as to the Lord for the husband as the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and as himself it's savior now as the church submits to Christ. So also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. So the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. Speaker 1 00:02:22 So why do I submit to Yeshua? Why do I submit to Jesus? Because he is, you know, he is Lord. But as a leader and as the head, he's amazing. And I can give all of my trust to him in even areas where I would struggle. I still could work on getting that over to his, you know, working on fully trusting him. And that's why it, it's, it's easy to follow the lordship and the leadership of Christ. And that's what Paul's saying. Like, men aim to be like Christ. And your wife will follow you. She'll be part, you know. But Paul also teaches that male and female are equal. We just have different roles. So moving forward here to, to my point, verse 25 says, husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. That he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the was of the water with the word so that he might present the church to himself and splendor without spot or wrinkle or any such thing that she might be holy and without blemish. So we've probably heard that before. If you've been around Christianity at all, you've probably heard this passage. Or if you've been to a wedding, hopefully you've heard this passage at a wedding, right? So husbands, you know, it's, it's hard sometimes to not take this just one way or one sided or one director. Like husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church. So we hear that and we're like, okay, I gotta get good at loving my wife. Speaker 1 00:03:45 But did you hear what I just said? There's another, there's, there's something more micro sitting there that I think we blow past. There's a message here for you, man, after God. It's, it's, it's right there as Christ loved the church. Well, you're the church. So before we go into default mode of what I've gotta do, do go grind, get type A, whatever you are, like, don't just hear it that way. Just pause all that and go a little bit deeper cuz there's something in hi in this for you. Christ loved the church. He loves you. Christ gave himself up for her. That means you, he's washing her. That means you with the word he's washing you, that he might present the church you to himself in splendor. So you're part of this love, you're part of this, um, that he was making us holy without blemish. Speaker 1 00:04:34 So there you go. Like, how are you doing at pausing? Like I just walked through the hardest year of my life. I run two ministries and I just walk through the hardest year of my w my life, my family, my church, grace softs, all of it. And I've been working very hard. Oh my gosh, it's been so much pain and I've been working very hard. I just, how are my kids? How's my wife? How's my team? How's, and I didn't spend a lot of time like, how's Brian doing? But a couple weeks ago I got more into that mode. I was like, Lord, I need you to sanctify, to clean, to wash, to purify me. Now I think that this is like a tank. So as full as our tank is with the love and the affection crisis giving us, I think is the same measure we can give away. Speaker 1 00:05:27 So if our tank's full, we have a lot of that type of golly affection to give. If our tank is empty, we'll be running on fumes and that's not healthy. So there you go guys. I don't know how to, I, I I'm not, I've never been the type of guy to go to say, go do these three things and it'll just be amazing. Um, cuz I think this is more like an art. This is, um, go crash into it. Go open Ephesians five and figure out how to dive into the love and the affection Christ has for you. Fill that tank up. Spend time with God. Cuz this world is dying from masculine affection. It really is powerful in your family, in the camaraderie we build with other men, um, the, the tenderness, uh, and the the affection that a man can bring is, uh, is like no other. And I think there's, I'm not saying it's perfect. I mean, that's why God created male and female, two genders, baby, um, and two genders only. But there's, uh, there's something powerful in the affection of a man, something powerful in it. So take that and, and grow in this concept of, of masculine affection for your family, friends, for your comrades, and even for your enemies. Well, until next time as we stay on the podcast live upright.

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