Part 2 - A Discussion with Lowell Hochhalter about Human Trafficking

July 27, 2021 00:29:49
Part 2 - A Discussion with Lowell Hochhalter about Human Trafficking
Grace Ops
Part 2 - A Discussion with Lowell Hochhalter about Human Trafficking

Jul 27 2021 | 00:29:49


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Lowell Hochhalter and Brian Phillips discuss the global pandemic of human trafficking. Exposing some key statistics in part one and empowering us to take action.

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 Podcast Description:
 We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:06 Hey, welcome back to the Grace House podcast. Brian Phillips here with you today. We, uh, got a little off in July. I was out of town, uh, in Kansas city, helping at the ATC camps there for the teams, had a powerful time. Thanks to my friend, Lynn and LaGuardia for the invite also, uh, took a week of vacation. So July was a little bit hit and miss you might be just as busy as we were, so maybe you didn't even notice, but anyway, we're back at it. We're back here in the studio, getting on our weekly rhythms. Uh, remember to check us out on social media, grease ups two 12. That's where you can find us on our social media platforms, share this podcast and check out our website, grease We've got some fun events coming up. One of them is October 1st and second, we're going to be doing a grease ups advance for men in Kansas city at the international house of prayer. It's going to be a powerful time. So this is going to be, this episode is going to be part two of my time with low whole culture and talking about the lifeguard group and human trafficking. So, um, we're going to get right back into part two. God, bless you. Have a great day. My heart man, no Speaker 1 00:01:19 Human trafficking is, is in its basis, right? As a supply and demand. And so where, where the buyers are, the pimps or the traffickers, the exploiters there, that's where they're going to bring their, their, their victims. Um, and we know that the Superbowl, because it really truly is a perfect storm. It's a, it's probably the most testosterone-driven gathering, um, in our borders now, you know, people will say, well, UFC, you know, that's, that's, you know, Spartan like that's right, but that has nothing to do with it, you know? And, but you, you have majority of men, you have large amounts of money and you have, um, you've set this, this timeframe of almost that what happens at Superbowl stays at super bowl, or it doesn't really count because it's a once in a lifetime bucket list or whatever, whatever pretty glitter you want to put on it. Speaker 1 00:02:23 But, um, so the super bowl, and then, you know, you've always got a really right after that, the political conventions, you know, the Republican national convention, democratic national convention, the numbers spike unbelievably. So, and it's an it, but it's an entitlement or, or a perceived entitlement. Like I've got money, I've got power, I've got position and I'm going to take, I'm going to use that fake what I want. Yeah. Take what I want. And I should. And because I have this power place of position, I should have, um, immunity. Right. Even, and I, the only way I can describe it is that you've, you've got, you've got to numb yourself so much that you can't take responsibility for that, but then you begin to move down it, the other large, like sporting events, you know, NCAA championship, national football championship, college football championship, but then you start getting it down into that number four and five. Speaker 1 00:03:27 And this is the disturbing, uh, piece is because we see a huge spike in cities that host, um, denominational church, religious denominational conferences, um, like a general council or, uh, uh, general conference of, uh, whether it be Les or, um, the Catholic church conference or immune, right? None of them are immune. And again, it's that, I'm not in my town. These are my people that if there was, if I somehow allowed the thought that somebody being hurt, it's not my people, right. These are, you know, and this girl is out selling it anyway. And so, you know, we've even worked with, you know, the, on the John side, those that felt like they were like assisting, you know, like I, I gave this girl some money to, to, to go on. You know, now mind you, you know, she provided me with whether oral sex or intercourse. Speaker 1 00:04:40 Um, you know, we don't want to talk about that, but, you know, I gave her $200 or I gave her a $90 for a Cuvee quick visit, you know? Um, we had one, we had one young lady that, um, you know, we're, we started talking to her about faith and about Jesus and the help that was there beyond what a therapist could offer and all that. And mind you, you know, that, you know, we, we believe in therapy and we don't reject that. We don't just say, Hey, we're going to pray you through this. There's some practical steps that need to be taken. And that's, again, that's where grace ops comes in because there's this action. But, um, she, she told them one scenario, she got in the car and she recognized the man and he recognized her. In fact, he began to shame her. Speaker 1 00:05:34 He was an elder at a church. She just visited. And he said to her, what are you doing out here doing this? What are you, you know, you know, better. This is not the place. This is what God has for you on and on and on. And then after about 10, 15 minutes, he says, well, you know, it's time to get down to business and do what I can for what I paid you to do a little lecture. Yeah. So you see the separation there. That's a frustrated man. That's, that's bringing destruction, you know, and his vigilance tried to find its place, but because it'd been suppressed and been empowered and there was no action behind it. Now he's frustrated. Now he's going to destroy a life in many other lives. I mean, she wasn't the first and certainly wasn't going to be the last, you know, what kind of goal, right. Does it take as an elder, the number one throughout condemnation, right. And then like require some stuff, Speaker 0 00:06:36 Regulate yourself. Like, uh, maybe I shouldn't be here during this, you know, or maybe I shouldn't understand the deeper pain in my own heart, you know? Yeah. Wow. Speaker 1 00:06:45 So it's, I mean, it's prevalent in the church, you know, and I, I, it doesn't make me popular. Doesn't make the lifeguard group popular. Maybe that's why churches run from supporting because, you know, in the light of the gospel hits, you know, it, it, it, uh, exposes things that we don't want exposed. And so it, yeah, it's dirty and it's messy and it's gross. Speaker 0 00:07:17 Well, it's hard because Paul said in to the book of, uh, in the book of Ephesians, the church of emphasis, he said, you said, don't even let there be a hint of sexual immorality among you. And, you know, that's, you know, and you think he wrote that in the days of the Roman culture where we're, we're, we have a lot of bad things in our culture, but not quite as bad as what they had, you know, and their cultures when you study the differences. And, but nonetheless, so yeah, like the church, the church has, um, it, the church is supposed to be a place where you can be, find healing where you can find grace and, you know, you and I talked about this, that the reason why human trafficking is such a global and especially us, I use the word pandemic because of all the scam demic. Yeah. Cause it's, maybe it feels like the word got lessened, you know, but sure. But it's a problem. It really could be in your neighborhoods. It's definitely, you know, if you even drive, uh, if you even drew a 30 square mile, you probably have human trafficking somewhere guaranteed somewhere in your book. Absolutely. Speaker 1 00:08:26 I did. Uh, I did, uh, a search this morning on your area. I dunno, to willing to talk about your area. I mean, is that I don't care. So in Rockford, you know, I did, uh, I did a search. So, uh, in the last four days, you, that you have 65 ads posted just on one site, like that's just one site and there are thousands, you know, they're, they're the sites that are out there. Um, so that's 65 women right now in, in the Rockford area, Rockford, Illinois. Right. And so, um, my small town in Montana, like on any given day there's, you know, by the time the day's over, there's going to be 50 ads posted. She just in my town and realizing that, that that's a small number of, um, that's the small avenue, the small on-ramp for trafficking, where you've got the traditional, the pimp that's, you know, exploiting a group of three or four girls we're seeing in America. Speaker 1 00:09:34 And especially in our rural communities that it's familial trafficking. So it's families trafficking their own children. And as, as hard as that is to hear it's happening. And it's it's, I don't know about Illinois. Haven't studied that enough, but I know in Montana, that's the number one. Wow. Uh, type of trafficking is you've got family trafficking their own, whether it's for drugs, we had one young girl, her mom, her mom sold her for, for, uh, to a man to get money for a TV, for a TV. And so when you say, draw a circle, you know, that's where my mind goes. Right. And I think it's the process, right? I w the minute I heard from you, grace ops, I, I started to think of grace in a new way, like in, in so many areas. So is grace given, or is grace received, so am I supposed to be given grace or do I receive grace and his grace a state of mind, or is, uh, is it active? Speaker 1 00:10:48 Right. And I think it's obvious, you know, where I'm at with it, right? Yes. We receive it, but we receive it to, to become active in our life. Right. And that's why it's gray, SOPs, grace, operational. Like it operates, it, it does something, you know? And so, um, I think that's, you know, it's when I dig in the gray soft stuff and I'm, I'm fairly new to it, but I, I know you, and I've known you long enough to know good and well, like, this is more than a, like a t-shirt and a hat. This is more than a merge, right? Yeah. This is the culture, Speaker 0 00:11:28 The five charge. Like, they were kind of like the anvil of our culture. So when you master it, we it's forging us as we grow up as men, as we mature in Christ. So this culture Speaker 1 00:11:40 Has to go to war. Yeah. With this, with this dark culture, that's trying to destroy men and families, um, masculinity trying to destroy faith, like, right. It's, it's a grace culture. It's an active culture that, that has to go to war. And so it, you know, sometimes I guess when I growing up, even as a, a Bible college student, I saw grace more flowery. Yeah. Or glittery, Speaker 0 00:12:15 I told you the other day, if, if you would've told me 10, 15 years ago, I was going to run an organization with a grace in it. Right. I'd have been like kiss off, bro. Yeah. And here we are the same way. I'm like, grace is soft. It's a, it's been watered down. It's been compromised. Uh, I, I met a lot of people that didn't like words like obedience and responsibility because God's grace and that, that, and it gets real flowery real quick. And I want to punch him in the face, like get away from me, you know, militant. Right. It's, it's robust. It's the, it's the training. It's, it's, it's living determined. And, you know, it's, it's tenacious, you know, towards holiness. It's, it's really in his love. It's the love of God. The kindness of God that won't let us stay the way we are, you know, or the culture, the way it is. Absolutely Speaker 2 00:13:04 That church, the way it is, right. Concentric Speaker 1 00:13:07 Circle starts right. Where we learn to live in grace and learn to live with grace. And then we begin to like go to battle on the culture around us, you know, in our home, in our community, on behalf of our church, on behalf of our city. And so that's why I tell people all the time, like, I know that these, you know, 40, you know, 42 million, 2 million in the United States, 1% success rate, but God, we can win this. Like we can come back from this. Like, if not, then I'm out. If I can have people around me that don't believe that way I'm out. Right. Um, and so, you know, that's where, that's where I see what, you know, really the, the agreement and what we do, the lifeguard group, gray SOPs. And, um, I just, my, my greatest yearning in my gut, Brian, is that the church that men of faith, people of faith would like good grab a hold of this, whether it's human trafficking, um, whatever, you know, domestic violence, or like, we've got it. Speaker 0 00:14:26 You said it before the supply of human trafficking exists. And is there because the demand and the need for it is there, which is absolutely the demand and the one, the main, yeah. The, yeah. People demand it will, they need it? Yeah. Not saying it's a healthy need. These people have gotten so sick in their minds. And, uh, you know, so the supply and the demand, I mean, it's like, and if you really think about it, like we could end ended all over, over the course of a, probably 10 years. Right. We really wanted to, but we don't want to, we don't want to not saying we don't want two different reasons. A culture just doesn't want to end the money. A hundred Speaker 1 00:15:06 Human trafficking is $150 billion industry. Google is $136 billion a year. Yeah. And looking like, I mean, look at that. Yeah. And human trends, like, so there are days I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna lie to you. Right. I mean, there are days I think, you know, we're trying to raise a million dollars Speaker 0 00:15:29 To combat for at $150 billion. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:15:34 You know, and so like, it's the greatest, it's the greatest comeback story that God's writing? Speaker 0 00:15:40 Well, it reminds me of the Dave and Goliath. Exactly. It's, uh, it's in, you know, so when we look at the supply and the man, and kind of how this episode can tie into being trained by grace. So I kind of want to offer, um, some takeaways because it's the supplies there, because the demand for it is there. And why is that demand? There's because of the human heart hasn't, um, you know, fully been trained by grace. And obviously even these religious guys is religious, um, denominational meetings. If that's number four on the list or five, I mean, that's really has to break the heart of God. You know, it has to break breaks my heart to hear that when I heard that I was, I was so shocked when you said that Friday night when we were hanging out. And so I looked at the tightest two 12th, so was for the grace of God, brings salvation, um, to all mankind. And then it says, training us. Speaker 1 00:16:39 Yeah. Training, clipping. Speaker 0 00:16:40 Yeah. Training grace. God's grace. God's kindness. As a father, through his spirit is training us much like a, a military trainer, right? Or like a coach, somebody who, because a coach is only going to pull the best out of you. He knows your potential, and he's not going to deal with your excuses. And grace is the same way. And we've been sold that grace kind of somehow excuses my pathetic life, but grace actually empowers me to live holy to be powerful. And so I think that, uh, you know, then the next part, it says, uh, you know, training us to do something specific, which is to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions. So the word renounced means that we make a formal declaration with our mouth. I see it from my mouth that you no longer have, right. Or authority over me. I once partnered with the spirits of darkness, I once partnered with the spirits of lost and the spirits of the age. Speaker 0 00:17:36 Um, maybe you just fell into pornography last night, right. Or maybe you slipped up or, I mean, and we talked about that too. We live in a culture of lust, you know, it's like yoga pants and booty shorts and, you know, social media, like you just, you know, you just look at one ad and it's like, oh my gosh, it's just everywhere. Everywhere. No commercials now are just more blatantly talking about sex and sexual things. And like, LGBTQ is like, is, is, is a whacked is all that is there, they're infiltrating our school systems. And they're like, train our sexual history. It's like, Speaker 2 00:18:09 What are, what are we thinking as a culture dude? Yeah. It just boils Speaker 0 00:18:13 My blood sometimes. Like, why does a, five-year-old need to know about that? Why does that eight year old? Why does a ten-year-old no, dude. It's like the madness. So it's like, you know, but, but the grace is training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions. And it's a, it's a training ground. So when, when I train, I'm practicing and I think that's what the scriptures are clear on. It's like, he, who, if we're practicing sin, there's no hope for us. Right? Like we can't continue on practicing sin. I have to practice righteousness. I have to practice breaking things. And Jesus started to set me free, but I have to apply that. Right. Right. Like he provided the soap, but I've got to take it and wash my body. Right. Like, like, um, so if I'm going to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and then it says, so that we're trained still there too. Then it says, trains us to live, trains us to renounce. We call it two parts darkness, but we train, we're trained to live three parts life. So the emphasis on life is, is a third grader to live so control to live up. Right. And to live God, that's the mission of grace right there. Yeah. Active, active, Speaker 1 00:19:22 And it's vigilance. And I love Speaker 0 00:19:25 That every day and guard your heart. And just Speaker 1 00:19:27 Like Paul said, listen, I literally have to, like, I literally beat my body daily to bring it into submission. Right? Like this, you know, we'd love to like at the end of this podcast, right. Set in 1999, and we're going to send you this packet and you know, and this, this whole thing will be done for you. Like take the man, this packet will Speaker 2 00:19:53 Renounce fate or will renounce evil. And it will bring back, you know, prepare you for blah, whatever version of worldliness, you deal with this little pill, Speaker 1 00:20:03 But you and I both know, writes that that's not. And so it's that, that, you know, Paul said buffeting and see, that's where I got confused right at. I thought it was buffet. And so that's what got me where I'm at right now. But I mean, Paul literally like laid it out. He said, like, I'm telling you, like, you gotta, you gotta beat this thing down. You've got to like destroy it and you've gotta, you've gotta make it crumbled before you, that's the only way vigilant. That's the word somehow that's kind of fit in that gray SOPs. Oh bitch. It is. Speaker 0 00:20:40 Yeah. It's the, it's the diligent lifestyles to it is to be vigilant in your, um, awareness of your surroundings. I mean, that's kind of the heart of a sheep dog, right. It's kind of part of the assignment on a man's life anyway. Um, I, I believe men in general should be, I choose to accept Speaker 2 00:20:58 It, this message, Speaker 0 00:21:01 Um, you know, even driving down my neighborhood, I need to be vigilant. You know, when I'm at a store like, dude, I was at a, um, salvation army just about two months ago, shopping the retro. Uh, no, I was having, uh, just a timeout in my truck, listen to audio books and my kids are in shopping and I noticed this, a Muslim guy walks right up to the building and he's just kneeling down pregnant. I didn't, that didn't fit right in my brain. I'm like, okay, I get that Muslims pray. That's cool. I respect that. But I'm like, you're at a Christian facilities. So it just sent off some really weird signals. Sure. So I just pulled my truck up, literally three feet behind where he was dealing, looking for anything that could be, uh, explosives or a vet, the bulkiness, you know, um, and nothing was really there. Uh, and I did take a picture of the license plate or, you know, no one has it, I haven't given it to anybody, but I just thought if something blows off or happens, I can go, Hey, I saw this one day, you know, or whatever. So yeah, vigilance, it's just being vigilant, you know, um, confronting them. What's the, what's the opposite Speaker 1 00:22:08 Of vigilance? Is it lazy? Passive, passive. Yeah, Speaker 0 00:22:12 Probably, um, sterile neutered. Yeah. Could we could go, you know, uh, and that's an interesting thing too, that just came to my mind, like the difference between, um, um, an ox and oxen, you know, like the ox, uh, I'm trying to remember, I posted this on my Facebook, but the oxygen, the cattle's like, they're just neutered. That's the difference? Um, the neutered one can be more controlled, right? It's the ox is wild and just, you know, the bull, you know, he's he's, am I saying that right? Bull and ox, like, I don't know. You're from Montana. You should know that. Yeah. Well, you got, you know, you've got the bull on the steer, right. So the ball, when he's neutered, Kansas steer too, and they like it cause he's, you know, and that's what culture tries to do. And so I think in the context of like supply and demand, and I think about that, that how grace trains us to renounce, um, and how we can get involved. So I would say like, yeah, you might struggle with the culture of lust. That would be like one layer. Yeah. Which might go a layer deeper into like pornography. Um, and it's really, it's really hard to talk about this because like, those are symptoms of like something going on inside of your heart. Yeah. Pain, rejection, fear, uh, you know, um, Speaker 1 00:23:38 Well, it's, it is the new Speaker 0 00:23:39 Really long. You really longing for intimacy. Yeah. And you're going to go to something that can provide intimacy, but it's as close as you can get. Um, and then you could find, so, so the supply chain for human trafficking is, is shallow. When you back it all the way up as a shallow, as the lustful heart, it's really just a man that says, okay, I'm going to go outside today. And there's going to be girls running around in shorts and I'm just going to soak them all in. You know, there's going to be yoga pants all around. I'm just going to soak them all in. Are you going to go out with a diligent heart and be more vigilant to cause that's actually what we're trying to say here. That that's part of an action. You can get involved in, stop lusting, driving down the road, stop lusting in the office, like kill that. Speaker 0 00:24:23 It's a spirit, you know? And so we have to kill these things. And David even said in Psalm 51, he said, those words he's like create in me a pure heart. Now that was after David had fallen with best Sheba and killed her husband. Right. So yeah. Big, big, big problem happened in David's life. Right. But, but he depends. Uh he's he depends on 51 and he has that. He has that desire cause he already saw Saul, get the anointing removed from him. So he's already seen a king go mad and he's like, don't I don't want, I don't want you to do that to me, God, to take not the holy spirit from me creating me a heart, that's clean, you know, what's beautiful about David is he never did that again, that one thing he never did that specific type thing again, which is to his car. And if you've Speaker 1 00:25:11 Ever been trapped in that place of pornography, you know, that or lust, you know, that's not an easy feat to just like, that's the end. You, you, you know that that's not easy. That that was a war that had to take place. Speaker 0 00:25:27 Yeah. And it's um, yes, it's, it's about the longevity, you know, and it is about understanding your own heart and understand how real it really isn't turned to understand. It's not about the symptom. It's about the problem. Yeah. And we always are like, stop doing this. Or, you know, we're always focused on stopping something. That's why I love the whole Titus two 12. Cause it's like stop these two things, but get busy doing the three, like you got a lot more life to live. You got a lot more energy towards life than you do towards death, you know? And so that's perfect. So I think, you know, if you're stuck in something that's painful or addictive or you're nervous that you could be teetering on some type of human trafficking behavior, self, um, I'm gonna have my email in the show notes and we will email us, you know, we're w we will do everything we can to help you and get you connected to the right resources. And we want to be here for you that way. So any closing thoughts lo or closing remarks? Oh, Speaker 1 00:26:25 I think I always say no. And then go on with one, right? No, I think no, no, but no, but I got these three, the important thing is, you know, the takeaway, like you said, I know that there's that level of shame that covers this. And we, in our training, we tell people like, that's, that's a pimp's number one avenue of manipulation. If, if I was a pimp, which I'm not, but if I was, and I wanted to capture the heart and soul and the body of this young girl, I, if I take her and entice her into one act of shame, I own her, I use that shame over her, uh, in so many different ways. And it's what the enemy does with men. So you're a, you're a pervert you've this is what you're doing. You go ahead, share it out there, see how you're treated. Speaker 1 00:27:23 Right? Yeah. You're, you're disgusting. It's um, you're whether you're married, not married, um, single dating, whatever, like the enemy's gonna bring that. And so again, uh, like be strong in, in just take, like, be strong in one moment and, and send an email. And that's that sending that email is, is a part of that renouncing ends. Right. And the longer that the enemy can use the power of secrecy over you, the longer he'll hold you captive. So like, let that like find one moment of courage. Like, just like I'm begging you as from man to man, right. Just find that one moment of courage and reach out and just say, this is where I'm at. And I can tell you that you send your email to Brian and to gray SOPs. There's not going to be condemnation, but there will be active grace, vigilant grace to, to help you overcome. And then once that happens, once that becomes viral, then we start to see our numbers go down and the 1% becomes two becomes 10 becomes 50, becomes a 100. Speaker 0 00:28:40 Yeah. Cause we can actually win this thing. Absolutely. But if we just ignored it and didn't do podcasts about it, or you didn't talk about our church day, it just keeps on having life that we're not. So we're actually in a battle against this stuff, we're in a war against us. So we do live in days that are very, uh, Speaker 1 00:28:59 Challenging to say the least Speaker 0 00:29:01 I, the eye gate, you know, as a man, you know, and I've talked about things very openly on our podcasts, but so, so everyone on the podcast, I know we've got a lot of men who listen, we've got some moms who listen, we've got some sons who listen, you know, it's really cool. So we've got kind of a little odd cross section of the family, listening to the Grace House podcast, which is great. So share this with men, share this with family, uh, and you and your family members would be encouraged by this, uh, check us out on our social medias. Um, you can find us on any platform at grease ops two 12. So until next time, remember to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions and to get busy living upright, <inaudible>.

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