Grace Makes Us Passionate for God

July 29, 2021 00:15:14
Grace Makes Us Passionate for God
Grace Ops
Grace Makes Us Passionate for God

Jul 29 2021 | 00:15:14


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

David was either running or ruling it seems in this life! At the center of his success and failures we find this constant passion of his in Psalm 27, this one thing I ask. He wanted to be with God no matter what and he desired to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord. David was fascinated with God and grace empowers us to be passionate for his presence in our daily walk.

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Podcast Description:
We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:06 Welcome to the Grace House podcast. Brian Phillips here with you today. I want to take a moment and say thank you to, to some of the team that we have around this. I want to thank Phil young Ryan, Evan, who partners and runs endlessly with me and grace, SOPs, Phil young, spin, Phil and Caren. They've been great, man. They've contributed some funds to help us get to where we are and just really rally around us. And they're like, we'll do anything we'll help with all kinds of they help with all kinds of cool stuff. So I want to thank them. I want to think a million OSHA NICU helps us with our website and she's kind of like a, just a media mastermind. And she's helping us with all kinds of connections and building out the framework and the base for this thing. So our goal is to take grace ops global. Speaker 1 00:00:47 We do believe that God has spoken to us very clearly that this has to be a national and global impact. So we believe that and we're going to go strong after it. I want to thank the grease ops board. We have a great group of, uh, of guys who meet quarterly and speak life into this and speak direction. So I'm very grateful and indebted to everyone. Who's helping build the gray SOPs culture. If you would like to, uh, to give and help us and become a partner, I would encourage you to go to our grease and help us in our launch days. These are launching days. Uh, any amount of fuel that we have in the tank is very, very helpful and very needed to be honest with you. So if you would like to partner with us and you see the impact of the vision, we have, uh, any amount of $5, $10, you know, maybe 20 bucks a month, a hundred dollars. Speaker 1 00:01:39 Some people have given 10, 20,000, um, but we need big chunks of money and small chunks of money. All of it helps work together. So Indian mountain would be a blessing. All right, here, I want to get into just a, what I'm going to share with you on this podcast is it's basically just an excerpt of one of our grease ups men's advances that we did in lake Geneva. I took a 12 minute excerpt out of it, and it's basically just kind of, it's kind of like sizzling just on this one idea of like this one thing, Psalm 27, this, this passion for the presence of God, passion for God's presence. We cannot lose sight of that. That's the essence of who we are as believers as men of God. If we're doing the five-star charge, it's all centered around passion for God's presence. And I love David's passion in it, his expression at this one thing I do this one thing I'm asking is that it would be that I would dwell in the house of God, which is just another way of saying, I want to be in your presence. God, I want to be where you are. And then David gets later on. He gets into this whole gazing upon the beauty of the Lord. So how do we become fascinated and fix our eyes on the beauty of God? So enjoy this a 12 minute clip that I took out of this advance. I'll probably share a couple more of them over the next a week or two. God bless you. Speaker 2 00:02:58 If I was going into a foxhole with anyone, I would want to go into a foxhole with this guy. Let me tell ya. And, uh, I just really love this brother. I love his zeal. I love his passion. I love his boldness. And, uh, tonight let's just receive pastor Brian Phillips, as he comes to minister the word to us tonight, Speaker 3 00:03:36 Grace is not an excuse to stay weak. Grace has been under attack. It's been watered down. It's been the standard of the gospel has been so muddied and mucked up in our culture that the grace of God, sometimes we think it's, it's just excusing our next sin or it's excusing a pathetic lifestyle. Rather. It, it, it, it empowers us to conquer. That's the misconception of grace is that it is actually power to be holy. It's the grace of God that enters into your heart, into your mind, your body, your soul. And it begins to take a hold of you. I mean, this world we live in is awesome. God created it. It's great. It's good. But it, God is other worldly. I mean, it's beyond what we can think. He's beyond what we can imagine. I mean, do you got a master tonight? All right. As if we got them figured out and it's, I think of my life in the 25 plus years, I've been giving my heart and my devotion to Christ. Speaker 3 00:04:57 I think of worship. And I think of my encounters with grace, man, counters have to be empowered by grace, not using me. It's so easy to get kind of slip into that. Like, oh, God loves me so much. Cause that's the, that's the, like the dopey part of it in it. God's love kind of gets us so high. He's loves me so much. And I can just now go do whatever I want because he loves me. I mean, you know, you have, I mean, I believe that's an enemy tactic. It's an enemy. Tactic gets you doped up on the love of God so much that you even leave the presence of God and go, and you go right into the broken soul. And we, we missed the, the healing. We missed the deposit. So grace hasn't caused us to perform for God. Doesn't cause us to become religious. Speaker 3 00:05:52 Grace actually empowers us to conquer much like David did. You know, we think about David conquering lions and conquering bears. And in David conquering Goliath, it was June, 2016 on father's day. I was in Israel. I was on the valley of Isla where the battle of David and Goliath actually happened. It was one of most epic moments of my life. It was epic because it was hot, like super hot. Like if you go to Israel, don't go in the summertime. Big mistake in our tour bus, the AC broke. Yes. Thanks for the dramatic response. I needed that. So, and, and so there's kind of like this, there was this nasty and sticky and NA and they stop at the valley. Eli, it's not a tourist attraction. You don't get to pull the bus in. There's no driveway to it. You just pull off the side of the road and you'd literally have to hop over a fence and run a quarter mile to get some stones from the same place. Speaker 3 00:06:51 They believe David got those five smooth stones to kill Goliath. So I'm running on this field and I was just epic. I'm like, man, this is where David was like, who is this Philistine? Who is this uncircumcised Philistine? And you know, man, I don't, I don't stand before the problem in our culture today, I stand before the solution. You men are the solution that this world needs, that your family needs, that your neighborhood needs, that your business needs. And grace, the grace of God is here to strengthen you, to empower you, to actually taste and see how good God is. And then to actually bring that into your lifestyle, into the fabric of your DNA and actually begin to live apart. Right? Speaker 3 00:07:39 And it's the peace of God that gives us identity. Like David knew who he was on that battlefield because he knew God, David spent time with God. Now I call what we did here tonight. I call it worship by song because all of our life is worship. And actually the highest form of worship in Jesus's day was actually the study of the text that would lead one to open. Hey, it wasn't a little song concert. It wasn't like Jesus culture of Bethel. It wasn't like where we would say, oh, that's the epic, the lights in there. The God was there. And it, you know, it's cool. It's not that we don't dismiss that necessarily, but we've missed some of the greeter emphasis. The heart of God studies, David knows God. Think about David's life. Most of his life he's either running or he's ruling, right? Speaker 3 00:08:33 He's while he's running, he's the character. He stayed faithful, the Hebrew word immunize. He's he's walking out faithfulness before the Lord, but he has these epic moments in life. And it's because he w he w he had encountered the heart of God, the spirit of God, the presence of God and the grace of God, to where he knew his identity. See, when we soak in moments like we've just had, and I encourage you to build endurance in this style of worship, build endurance, where you can, you could do that for another hour to build endurance where four hours of that would be like, oh, man, that was nothing. Do it to where you can every now and then pull off eight hours of that in time in the Bible. And just, I know it's a radical Chandler. Whoa. You know, I mean, it's nothing for us to drain four hours on a football game. No, it's nothing for us. And I'm not like guilt tripping, but I'm just saying have stir your heart. Because on the battlefields of life, the grace of God has actually called us as men to conquer. Speaker 3 00:09:38 And I'm here tonight to talk about this culture that actually was born in my heart 15 years ago. It's just now coming out where we've been honed in on development. Uh, Ryan, Evan and I, Ryan Hanson, who him and I have been running together for, well over a decade. And, and, uh, I'll pull all these big chunks of vision and we'll sit together and we mull it over and he's got this great skill set of like honing and crafting and shaping. And so we've had a lot of that stuff going on and now we're honored bill, bring this out. Just, just kind of get it out there a little bit. And there's so much more coming, but I want you to write up the front. I want to have a heart like David, to be a man of war. This whole conference, this whole advance is called man of war. What is that? I mean, I mean, it's an interesting phrase to use in a day like today, right? Come on. Let's just pause and think about that. Speaker 3 00:10:45 David said is Psalm 27. This one thing that I seek, this one thing I desire, this one thing that I will do is to actually be with you father. The language is to be to 12 on the house of the Lord. That doesn't mean the church. It means the presence of God. He wanted to be close to God. And he uses words like to gaze upon your beauty. Now this is a man who was a king of rule. He was busy. He had a busy life like we do, but yeah, way before he became a ruler, he was a worshiper. He was a son. He was in the backfields taking care of these little sheep. So when he gets on the valley of Elah wires running in Israel, he could stand and say, you uncircumcised Philistine. I'm going to cut your head off today because I'd rather, I'd rather live. I'd rather die, fighting and live like a coward. That's what he's saying on the battlefield. I'd rather, I would literally rather die in this battle than live, like the car Howard's of all. These is Israel. Like this whole Israelite army. Who's been here 40 days and 40 nights cowering you. Where the heck does that come from? Speaker 3 00:11:58 They get all amped up one day and didn't read like the daily verse. You know what I mean? Like, like it came from a lot deeper place than just some kind of quick, quick hit. And the quick hits are good, but far too often, we L we try to live off those. We don't do that with our wives. They'll do with you. They don't let us, and they smack us around. Right. So I say, you will spend time with me. I mean, I want to spend time with her, you know, so good. She's not here, man. And, um, you know, cause she can't hear that. So it is, but it's not being shared. So just relax a little bit. Okay. So we have to understand that grace produces holiness. And when we have these encounters with the love of God in such a life-changing way, I think about my life. I think about these, these David moments in my own life, even in this room, many, you know, a couple of decades ago, I was on like a retreat or two here, even in this room, I remember being marked and lingering and I fell asleep under the stage they had over there, like, like three in the morning I woke up cause I just was under the stage praying I fell asleep and three o'clock no one's here. I was like, I better get to my room. No one knew where I was. Speaker 3 00:13:26 Those times that marked my life changed. The trajectory of my life. Heart literally changed me. It caused me to become a calculated risk taker. Me too, change your trajectory of my life. Work in my life call when I was like 17, 18 years old, radical changes happened in my life. This being compelled to the gospel, being compelled to share the gospel. And I S I stand here tonight while we live in a cold. That is absolutely not a fan of you guys. Right? And I'm going to share some things here quickly, not to foster any type of victim mindset or, you know, we're just poor men. No, it's quite the opposite. You know, when God comes to, um, to Gideon, Gideon's having a really bad season. I mean, it wasn't a good timeframe and he doesn't come. Um, and like joined the pity party. It doesn't come like, oh, it's pretty bad. He came and spoke identity. He came and spoke Valiant warrior. It's this what grease does in our life. It focuses on the identity of our sun ship. It focuses on the power of who is making us to be, and it gives us, it empowers this Ash actually to live upright, to actually conquer him and talk about that. And I'll break that down. That's the T2 12 culture we're getting into that, but I believe men are under attack for a long time. There, there is a Jessebelle spirit that tries to <inaudible>.

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