The War on Truth

January 04, 2021 00:33:15
The War on Truth
Grace Ops
The War on Truth

Jan 04 2021 | 00:33:15


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Join Brian Phillips, Ryan Evan and Dr. Ken Hansen as they discuss The war on absolute truths and God's word. 


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:07 Absolute versus relative truth and its role in the rapid decay of morality. Big topic today in this episode, I'm in the studio with Ryan, Evan and Ken Hansen, part of the grease ups team. Great men, great men of Valor. Before we get into the talk, I want to invite you to check out grease loved. Have you subscribed to our, to our email? We would love to have you. We got a new thing. We just rolled out. We're actually got about 400 men in announced exciting. You can find us on gray SOPs at it's a group, and you can just search in the groups. And all you gotta do is search gray, SOPs two 12. That's all of our social media everywhere. You're going to find us everywhere. Grace ops two 12. So check us out. Love to have you subscribe to this podcast and share it with a friend. Speaker 1 00:00:54 A lot of cool things happen in the gray SOPs culture. We're excited about it, but we want to get right into this topic today. This has been a, it's really a, it's a painful thing in our country. It's a painful thing. Uh, in our, in the government marketplace, in our churches, there seems to be this tug of war and truth. What is absolute truth? What is relative truth? How are, how has the landscape changed? How have we gotten to some of the pain points we're in now and how do we even proceed forward from here? Because one thing we do know is that Jesus said that the Gates of hell are going to try to prevail against the church, but they won't be able to. And so the people of God actually have the power and the authority of Christ to rise up in this hour. Speaker 1 00:01:37 So absolute truth is kind of the concept that, you know, there is a truth. There is a way in, and typically that was kind of more from a standpoint of faith. You know, I have faith that what the scripture say is true, that it gave us an underlying foundation for morality. That's all been challenged and hacked away at over the last many decades of just a relative truth postmodernism, um, secular humanism, just science, science, science, science, and we've just really taken a bat and just beat faith down into the ground where, you know, it almost seems crazy to believe in something you can't see feel or touch approve. So this whole relative truth idea is kind of in emerging. And actually while it's emerging, it's actually creating some really cool opportunities in some changing of the way people are thinking, which is kind of healthy in a lot of ways, but it's also kind of really wreaking havoc on this whole idea of like morality and what is it. And, and people are kind of lost in this relativism nowadays. So we want to jump into this and Dr. Ken is with us and he's got a great, great intro into like post-modernism. And why don't you kind of talk about kind of where we are kind of hit this head on because we want to hit the pain points today and offer some solutions as go through this topic. Speaker 2 00:03:00 Yes. So the concept of relative truth we're, uh, some people would say today that there is no such thing as absolute truth is really one of the main teachings or tenants of a philosophy, uh, that is now the prevailing philosophy in our culture, which is called postmodernism. And many people have heard of postmodernism, but they don't really know what it is, or they don't know some of the teachings of postmodernism or how it's even impacting their everyday practical lives. But postmodernism actually began, uh, over a century ago in Europe. Um, it made its way into the United States and really started to gain traction, uh, in our universities in the 1960s. So if you think about all the things that were going on in 1960s, the free love movement, uh, the hippie movement, the drug culture, um, that was a decade in America where things really began to shift and change. Speaker 2 00:03:58 And people's ideas about morality began to shift and change. It came in through education and, uh, uh, there was a podcast, uh, if you didn't listen to the podcast and excellent podcast, um, the three Gates of influence in America, the, uh, the gate of the marketplace government, and then education. And we talked about how education, uh, contains the, is what gives us our worldview. It influences everything else. And so postmodernism was something that came in through that education gate, and it began to be taught in the universities. And now, you know, four or five decades later, it's become the prevailing philosophy Tuffy and our culture. So postmodernism replaced modernism, which was the philosophy of the enlightenment, uh, and in the enlightenment, you had modernism and you had the scientific principle that said, look at, unless you can see it, unless you can hear it unless you can touch. Speaker 2 00:05:00 Um, you know, it's not truth. You know, you have to, you have to truly, it has to be identified, but one of the 5 cent senses and all that kind of stuff. And so you had modernism. And so, uh, postmodernism is now replaced modernism or the philosophies of the enlightenment. And why does this topic even matter? Because what people believe matters, it has practical implicates. And so the whole concept of there being no absolute truth means that morality and ethics and all kinds of different stuff in our society has become the wild, wild West. That's why there's so much confusion out there. Nobody knows what to believe, because everybody believes whatever they want to believe. And that's what postmodernism teaches. The truth is whatever you make it to be. So I have my truth, you have your truth. And that has created a lot of confusion and animosity in our culture today. It's basically removed the morality of our culture because you can't tell me what I'm doing is wrong, because how dare you challenge them? And you can't challenge people because it's not rooted in anything. This is my truth. You can't challenge my truth. So that's kind of the background of how we got here. Speaker 1 00:06:23 Yeah. And it's had been an all out war and attack on morality. So if it's, if truth is based in my feelings, it's based in my own truth is what I not say it is, but what I feel it is, and it's, and that's kind of been the moorings and yes, this, this educate. Now this is affected all, all these Gates that we've talked about in previous episodes. It has affected the gate of government. I mean, the Supreme court, um, legalized, uh, homosexual marriage. So the LGBTQ community has, uh, has really ramped up their, their agenda. And I have homosexual friends. I've had homosexual people in and out of our churches and trying to help them, you know, I'm not against them, but the problem is if I come into the conversation and say, well, the scripture says, you know, they want to literally tear that out of the Bible. Speaker 1 00:07:15 And they've actually, they've actually come viciously against this whole idea of political correctness is killing us because really it's, it's really not about being nice to each other. It's about, it's about one way getting their way. It's an agenda. It's not about being nice or loving, and they're there kind of like lacing it with, be nice and be kind because Jesus would be nice and be kind to everybody. So you, you fall in line, you sheep, right? And, uh, and I, it sounds a little cruel to talk about that way, but it's not, it's not about being nice to each other. It's actually about an agenda. So it's like, Hey, shut your mouth. You don't understand their pain. Don't understand their confusion. You understand their truth. So go ahead. You know, so th this, this is like a Hackett, right? We've been hacking away at this whole idea of what truth actually is. So relative truth is killing us political. This political correctness is, is kind of like, you know, cloaking around all this stuff. And coming seeping into our culture, seeping into these Gates government is, is eyeball deep in it. The marketplace is eyeball deep in it, right? Like all these different versions of truth. And so, so where do you Speaker 2 00:08:18 Maureen's yeah. Media and entertainment is the main purveyor of all of this stuff with where you just see it displayed relevant truth. You know, the movies you watch, the TV programs, all of the characters, all the plot lines treat becomes whatever you want. The other dangerous thing that relativism is have led to is a change in our definition of tolerance. You know, there was a day in our culture where tolerance meant that everybody respected everybody else's viewpoint. You could disagree with another person, but you did so respectfully. So we had right to disagree as long as we were respectful, and that was tolerance. But now with relativism tolerance, the definition has changed. It's changed too. You are intolerant if you disagree with me because you can't disagree with my truth, because it's my truth. I make it what I want it to be. So we have moved as a nation, as a world away from absolutism, which is truth. Speaker 2 00:09:26 That's grounded in a source that is personal unchanging and sovereign over all creation. Like there is a truth that everybody abides by, you know, in many ways that started thousands of years ago with the 10 commandments, the 10 commandments were absolute truth. Hey, you know, don't steal, don't murder, don't commit adultery. But today people say, well, I can do whatever I want to do, because there is no absolute truth. So when you remove absolute truth from a culture, a society, it leads to chaos. Ultimately that's, that's ultimately, we're going to end up in, in chaos because everybody's doing their own thing. It's like the wild, wild West. Speaker 1 00:10:12 Yeah. And I, and I, I think that, like I've said, political correctness has weaponized. These agendas has weaponized this whole relative truth thing. And it's really actually caused so much division against us because to even say that I disagree with the LGBT community doesn't mean that I don't love him. Doesn't mean I'd go speak at their conventions. I'd go clean their toilets. I don't care. I mean, I don't have any issues against them of heck hatred, but right away, political correctness has weaponized it. Oh, see, there's a hater because he disagrees or see, Oh, he's going with that ancient Bible stuff. You know, what you're talking about is just simple moorings that the 10 commands are still absolute truth. You know, now it may not, we might be able to package it that way anymore, but it doesn't change the essence of the fact that it is rock solid truth that, um, it's, the world is better when I'm not murdering my neighbor. Speaker 1 00:11:03 I'm not less than from my neighbor has when I'm not trying to sleep with my neighbor's wife. You know, it's like, and it's, it's good if you're not trying to kill me or mine or sleep with my wife or in, you know, I don't want you to love snapper my possessions or being jealous of it. Right. I don't don't cover those things. And so you're talking about, Maureen's like, I mean, I've got four daughters, so, you know, you can say truth is wherever you want it to be, but then go have a daughter and see how, how it is to raise her in this world where men, um, don't have quite as like what we used to, not that the world's ever been perfect. We used to be way to get married, to have sex. You know, that's gone, like, that's, it's just gone. Right? Like now, now you've got people living together for years and years and years if they even ever get married. Right. And so that's part of this hacking away. And then the gradual, um, just the increase, right. And where this thing is going right. Already seeing, Speaker 3 00:11:54 Um, you know, the next step, you know, we just got introduced with the LGBTQ movement. Now it's now the next step from here. Right. And we're already seeing these things. We're already seeing sexual orientations in pedophilia ism. Right. We're, we're seeing the progression, right. That progressive thought, you know, take root right. Where they're now going to begin pushing as pedophilia, not as a crime, but as a sexual orientation right now, now think about raising your kids in that. Right. And so there has to be a plum line. There has to be, um, a moral law, moral principles that guide our culture, that guide us as human beings. Right. And I think that that's the war, it's the war on the God's word. And it's the war on God, himself, the create tour, right. Where the enemy is through, through this, this, this concept of relativism through this concept of, uh, you know, it's my truth. Speaker 3 00:12:45 Right? Um, that, that, that, that, it's a strategy that, um, that really is playing into an identity politics thing. Right. It's, it's making, you know, whether you want to call it politics, political or not, um, it's an identity it's become political, you know, because it's become an identity thing. Right. That, that, that my sexual orientation is now an identity issue. Um, what I believe is my identity, right? Like we've, we've grafted all these different things. How I think is my identity. You know what I mean? Like we've made that such a dangerous ground to play with. Um, and, and really what I, you know, the way I've looked at it is that we're actually seeing the all out assault on, on, on God, right on, on him, on, on him being the create tour of all creation. Speaker 1 00:13:30 And we, I mean, we have sexual confusion, gender confusion. I mean, cause it's, we're saying, Hey, if your truth is the truth and come out with, celebrate you in, in this whole overemphasize emphasis station on sexuality, it's just off the charts. I mean to think about, I don't even like the idea of teaching any type of sexual education in schools, period, right? I mean, God said, be fruitful and multiply. I didn't say how to do it. If God didn't teach Adam and Eve how to have sex, why should we teach kids all that? I just don't. I don't think that it's helping, it's not preventing anything. It's actually making things worse. The scriptures actually say, do not awaken love until it so desires. We should be guarding our children, guarding the tenderness, guardian, the purity, championing purity. If our culture champion parody, people, more people would want to be pure, but we were like a cultural horse because it's like live whatever you want to live, your truth is the truth. Speaker 1 00:14:19 And you can't challenge me and anybody that challenges me hates me and anybody, you know, all these labels. And it's just like, you know, we've lost our moorings and it's actually really sad. You know, there's pain in our cultures. This has created pain and confusion. And, and Hey, if somebody's, uh, got, you know, they want to come out and be celebrated, we're live in a fearless culture. So there's a lot of people, you know, that's a nice opportunity for maybe attention, you know, to go down these roads, but to mutilate somebody's body. I mean, really, I think that is a cruel thing to do, you know, to say, Hey, we go down this path and mutilate your body or go from man MUN Jesus, actually the script, here's the truth. Right? We're getting back into truth with it, which is almost absurd to even talk about in this, in this episode, in this day and age. But Jesus said, he went back to Genesis. God created them to be male and female and sexual identity is easy. It's very easy, but we've made it this like craziness, like I think in New York, there's like 31 does not male, female. It's 31 different genders. You can identify as like, how confusing is that? Right? Speaker 2 00:15:22 I think that one of the things that we have to understand in that the church has missed and has allowed to happen is the enemy has declared a war untruth, right? Because if you don't have truth, you know, in the new Testament, it says, you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free, right? So that means that if you don't have the truth, you're going to remain in bondage. And truth is a powerful thing. And so the enemy has waged a war on God's truth, uh, because truth is the things that sets people free. And so that's why we have all of these people that are living in false realities in bondage. And they're being deceived. They're being deceived by the enemy because of this war on truth. And the church has not stood up and said, Hey, you know, there is an absolute truth. Speaker 2 00:16:15 Um, so in relativism, relativism, just think about this truth is created, right? Not discovered you create your own truth. How does that work? That's not going to set anybody free. That's going to lead you into further bondage. We're an absolute ism. Truth is discovered. We have to believe that God, the creator of the universe has put principles and we discover those. We don't get the chance to determine what truth is by ourself. The other thing about truth is truth is the same across all different cultures. Truth is unchanging, right? Truth is knowable, but under relativism, truth is always changing. It's w again, whatever you want to make it to be, uh, we create our own truth. And so for our listeners today, we have to understand what has happened in our culture and why we're facing the problems we're facing. We've got to get back to a belief, an absolute set of truths. You know, uh, we are the created ones. We don't get to choose our own truth. We have to align ourselves with God's truth. Yeah. We're Speaker 1 00:17:30 Making, we've made him into our image, correct? Speaker 2 00:17:33 Yep. And now we're dictating to God, what truth will be. And then we wonder why our society is a mess and our homes are a mess. Speaker 1 00:17:42 We're a simple phrase in the scriptures, the days of Noah, right? Yeah. There's the arc was made for a reason. Right? Yeah. And we're in those same type of days, those days of nowhere, right. The things that are right. These, this truthful things are actually being called wrong. Yeah. And the things that are wrong are actually being called. Right. And it's actually on the one hand it's maddening. And on the other hand, I'm filled with hope because this is, these are the great days of opportunity because it should be, it's actually leading, I believe millions of people while there's this cloud of foggy confusion, they're also aching for freedom and truth. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:20 And so one of the interesting things that's come out of the postmodern movement as compared to where we were, uh, really up until the sixties and, you know, postmodernism has really taken root in the last 20 years. It's really become the prevailing philosophy, but it used to be, it even, uh, defines how we speak to people about the gospel. Um, because under modernism or the enlightenment, the question that the number one question people asked about anything was, is this true? They wanted to know, is it true? Empirical evidence? Is it true? And that gave rise to apologetics and Christianity, you know, Josh McDowell evidence that demands a verdict, all of these guys, Ravi Zacharias, whoever, you know, as an apologist is this true, but that's not the question of the postmodern person or the millennials. The question is changed from, is this true to, does it work because in America we've now become pragmatists. Speaker 2 00:19:17 Everything's about practical outworking. Does this work? I don't care if it's true or not. Does it work for me? And so what that means for us in sharing the gospel with people is that people in order to reach people's hearts, we have to lead with experience. They have to experience the presence of God, the power of God, that all of a sudden opens their eyes. And once they've had an experience with God, then they'll pick up the truth. We're able to share the truth with them on the backend. So it's a reverse, we used to lead with truth and sharing the gospel. Now it's more effective. We have to lead with experience because they don't care if it's true because there's a million philosophies out there. Right? But what they can't deny is when the Holy spirit touches their life. And this is why worship is so important and powerful creating environments for people to experience the presence and the power of God to touch their life. They can't deny that when all of a sudden they, they experience this, they experience God. It doesn't matter what they believe, their experiences. They want to know what it is. Speaker 1 00:20:28 You just threw in a whole bunch of stuff. That would be really fun to unpack. And I just want to take a little pot shot. Um, so biblical worldviews, you know, there's a Western review of thinking the Greek Western mindset that Roman rooted mindset, which isn't all bad. And that Roman mindset, as far as worldview is concerned, some of the underpinnings it is proved to me, there's a God. Right? So prove to me which secular humanism fits good in that. Right? Like, prove it scientifically let's prove it right now. The Eastern world view. So the Western Burr is proved to me, then I will believe so. I first I need the evidence. Yeah. I personally really struggled. Dr. Ken, I really personally struggle. I have for years with the sole kind of concept of apologetics, um, there's a huge part of me that thinks this doesn't even belong anywhere because that's not my main role is to defend the Phen God, or even the gospels, or even prove anything to people. Speaker 1 00:21:22 My main rule is sexually be filled with the Holy spirit, this whole first century way of living, being tender beef, being on fire, fire, rebuild witnesses of resurrection, where when I walk into culture, signs of wonders, follow me. Yeah. You know, I don't have to stir them up. I don't have to conjure them, but I can speak to the man who's broke down and say, raise your head. You know, strengthened what remains, you know, follow Christ, right? Like we can bring that power to the Eastern worldview is one. I love more. I, I'm not saying the Western mindsets all terrible throw all the way, but the Eastern worldview is more of this. We assume there's a God. Therefore we'll discover who he is. Like, there's, there's this based on experience. They want to assume it. Right. And so therefore the Eastern mindset actually has a little bit more room for mystery intention. Whereas the, the Western mindset is, uh, it's, it's more puffed up on knowledge. It's like, Hey, let's get together and spar. That's why I think apologetics falls more in that category. I know the apologists out there with tear meta threads. Well, even hear me talk this way, but I just defending the gospel and defending God. I struggle with that concept because if I'm lovesick for the King, I'm going to be putting them on display. I don't have to go prove, I don't know. I struggle with that. I struggle with, Speaker 2 00:22:35 So I think there's a false dichotomy here. It's not either, or we need apologetics because the scripture clearly says be able to give an answer for your faith to defend your faith. Apologetics has its place. Right? So it's both, it's both, but we <inaudible>. We lead with Speaker 1 00:22:56 Central world. It has a place. Okay. I get it. But does, does it have to have a conferences that have to have 15 books? Does it have to have it? So here's my thing. Right? We missed it when we stopped making disciples. It's the church stopped doing that. Right. We, and I'm just, I know I'm not offering the greatest solution. I just struggle with the whole, well, let's get up in the shade and do apologetics. We're missing the point, right? Speaker 2 00:23:22 Apologetics should be a part of the discipleship process. I'm learning to give an answer for my faith. That's all apologetics. And, but how do we, if we look at the first century church, if we look at the early church, how were people wanting to Christ? How did the gospel spread throughout the Roman empire? It was by, they were on fire. They walked out in the power. The Holy spirit did signs and wonders people's lives. They experienced God. And then they taught them. Then they discipled them. We have come full circle. Now back to that, right? With postmodernism, we're set up for that. But the challenge of the church is, is the channel is the church living that kind of unfair life, where people are going to experience God through our lives. And then, Speaker 1 00:24:09 So when I heard about the kingdom of God, there's nothing else. I'm like that parable. Right. I went and bought the field, sold everything I had to buy the field. So I could go on bury that treasure. I mean, you got to give your life to the kingdom for it to work, right. There's no halfway half in, you know, I'll try it a little bit. You know, when you brought us in early, I'm really passionate about, and I think it's the answer. And I think we need to, let's focus on the ache and the solution to this eight, because the answer hasn't changed. But when you talked about, you shall know the truth, you know, that word in the Hebrew is actually to AAT, to Elohim the knowledge of God. And that word knowledge is actually the same word that Adam knew Eve, the children, right? Like intellectual, Speaker 1 00:24:55 There's this intimacy in your heart. And so the it's not just knowing the truth, just knowing truth, you know, a great teacher of mine put it this way or a dot verse and you could mix the letters up and it'd be data. And that's actually on our notes for this episode, right? The overload of data, the overload of data, we can Google everything, data won't change your culture. Right. I can, I don't even need a teacher or Google this, Hey, Siri, Alexa. I mean, we have information just right at our fingertips. Right. Which, which kind of dolls Speaker 3 00:25:24 Well, and it's dangerous, it's dangerous. Right. And that's like, you know, Speaker 1 00:25:27 So it did make Bible study easier too. I mean, you got a whole library. Well, not just Google, but like all these Greek life, like I use all this bloody tools. I can just look up in 15 minutes, what you used to have to do in the day took you anyway. So Speaker 3 00:25:44 I think, I think what you're hitting on is, is yeah, it's that, uh, D versus that data concept, right. In, in, in our culture, the, the search for truth. That's what I, I think it's like the greatest set up, like, like, you know, Ken, you were just saying, it's the greatest setup that we're experiencing for those that are going to give themselves to the oil of intimacy with Christ, right. That they're going to become a vessel of honor, a vessel of power, a vessel of glory, a vessel of presence. That's going to move in there in their spheres of influence. That's going to move into their cultures, move into their business places, uh, move in their schools, you know, for, for those, for those of you that are listening, that are young, you know, um, you know, that, that is the greatest setup, you know, and I love, I have lived off this for so long, but, um, when, when, when Paul came, um, and he said, I, I, I could come to you in the most eloquent of speech. Speaker 3 00:26:36 And I could, I could give you revelation after revelation in the knowledge of God and who he is and who he says he is. Um, but I decided to come to you in the simplicity and the power of the gospel, right. I came to you with a simple message of truth, knowing that the Holy spirit would move on my behalf in your heart. Right. That, that, that my spirit would bear witness with the spirit, um, you know, with, with your search, right. And that, that, you know, and I look at it at Paul's earlier life, and really what we're needing in a, in a, in a generation, um, that we're growing up in is, is that, that road to Damascus, that it's, that Damascus encounter, right? Where, where, um, I'm sorry, but our classes, aren't going to fix this more, uh, um, um, better teachings. Speaker 3 00:27:24 Aren't going to fix it. We have all the teachings we need, right. And, and in an age where the search for truth is, is, is covered with mass information misinformation, you know, you can get into the arguments of propaganda. You can get into all this, the false doctrines that are flowing are flowing around, even in the church that are just beyond dangerous, you know, that are, that are burying people and deceiving people. Um, you know, I just, I think that it's, it's, it's where are those, those burning ones that are going to rise up in the, in the simplistic truth of the gospel of saying there is a moral law, there is an absolute truth, and there is a moral, moral law giver, right. And there was an absolute truth in the God that is created and created, or sorry, the God, the creator who has created us, you know, and has a, um, definitive and, um, you know, a defined purpose, um, in us that believe, you know, and, and in his creation of saying, you know, he has desires, you know, he has, uh, a moral principles that he's laid out through the Bible that he's, he's communicated to us, you know? Speaker 3 00:28:34 And, and I think the danger is that, that even for the church, um, the danger that we're facing is bowing our knee, um, you know, to, to the re to that concept of relative truth in culture that says, well, you know, and then we begin changing doctrines. We begin doing all these different things, you know, and, and the Bible and truth stands on its own. Um, truth is unchanging. And, you know, for me, it's like, it's not about your feelings, right? It's truth is truth causes you to align with it. You don't get, you don't have the right to change it. You don't have the right to alter it. Um, you know, and, and I, but I, but I just believe, man, the opportunity that is, is, is before us, as the church, as the remnant, um, you know, that we get to burn for God with, with, with, uh, with, with zealous passion. And, um, we have the opportunity to say, you know what, let's forsake the, the 10 step processes and let's, let's get rid of all this stuff. Let's begin to move in the power of the gospel. Again, back to the words we got to get back to the ancient past. Speaker 1 00:29:44 That's how God made his, when God says, go in, advance my name and my kingdom in all the earth, the great commission going all the nations, that is the eight plan and God doesn't have a B plan. Speaker 3 00:29:58 Yeah. Well, and that, and that goes back to that whole thing that you were talking about earlier, Ken, about, about, um, you know, does this work like we have to be the living example, you know, of, of, of, of, of demonstrating the power of God, the power of grace upon my life to live this way. Speaker 1 00:30:18 Yeah. These are days of exposing and kind of, as we wrap this up your truth, you're the relative deception is that, you know, truth is whatever I say it as well. It, we can say that all we want, but deep, deep down a person that really believes that really doesn't have peace, right? Like sleep good at night, kind of peace, like lose your anxiety kind of piece. I mean, we're talking about when we talk about da Elohim, we're talking about building intimacy with the truth of God, because the Holy spirit will reveal true to us. And I'm going to say this right now. It's faith and science. You, you hit it right on the head earlier when you said it's both, it's not either, or because that's another Greek way of thinking, right? It's either this or it's that it's both. And so it's faith and science. Speaker 1 00:31:07 It's, it's both of those mysteries combining together believing even the unseen realm. But intimacy is so important here that for us to actually know the truth, the type of truth that sets us free, we have to, it comes from a place of intimacy, which actually is born from a place of repentance. You know, we said it earlier. I don't, I don't know if we set it on the episode where we send them pre-talk was a great way to get to know truth is father. My truth is not the truth, my creative truth. Isn't the abs, isn't the discovered truth. You know, he just summed it up like this. And in his repentance, Speaker 3 00:31:43 Once you eat them in there, like freedom and the blessings of God flow into our life, when we align ourselves with God's truth, Speaker 1 00:31:51 Even freedom, freedom from yourself, freedom from your own version. The self-deception Speaker 3 00:32:00 Sometimes when I aligned myself with God's truth. Yeah. That's the only way. Speaker 1 00:32:04 And I was saying this recently was, we love that idea of Jesus says my, my burden is easy. You know, my yoke is light. My burden is easy. Um, but, but you have to put, you know, coming to me all your heavy Laden and you know, we love that, right? Like it's such a cool version of Jesus. Like, Oh, isn't he so nice. It just it's so easy. But the keyword and there's yolk, you still put a yoke on, you know, <inaudible> right, right, right. And he's very loving and kind, because you put the yolk on and then do you do the next day? You take it off, you stumble right. Then three days later, take it off. But he's so kind and loving, like, no, you got to see, Hey, the yolk actually has to do with your identity. And when there's an intimacy in this whole concept and repentance, we're learning, we're learning the moorings of our identity. Yeah. So it's been a really powerful discussion and it's fun to cut things off. Sometimes. Let it be what it is. All right, guys, we love you. We're here to empower you. And until next time live upright, Speaker 0 00:33:09 <inaudible>.

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