91: What's got you by the nuts? A discussion on darkness and liberty.

October 31, 2022 00:27:13
91: What's got you by the nuts? A discussion on darkness and liberty.
Grace Ops
91: What's got you by the nuts? A discussion on darkness and liberty.

Oct 31 2022 | 00:27:13


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

In this episode Brian Phillips and Adam Reardon talk about darkness and liberty!  

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We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 So what's got you by the nuts? Yeah, that's the question. What's got a claim on you? We're looking at the liberty of Christ Day on this podcast. We're getting back into the rhythms here, man. We've been developing so much with, in the Grey ops world and culture, and I'm really looking forward to it all kind of cranking out here, literally any day now, you know, towards the end of fourth quarter. But so I looked at that question, I used that question outta my content pieces a couple weeks ago. You can find on YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, all that stuff. But, you know, guys, what has you by the nuts? What, what have you allowed in your life that's got that grip on you? Cuz the, the whole concept comes from Christ when he is talking about in, in John 12. He's like the, you know, I have to leave the Holy Spirit's coming. Speaker 0 00:00:47 The rule of this world is coming. And he's like, He has no claim on me. And I just love that that's the liberty that Jesus is describing. He's, he's talking about a liberty that he walks in where literally there's no darkness in him. I mean, John eight 12 says that right. There's no darkness in me. He, you know, he follows me, will never walk in darkness, but have the light of life. And it's like, I think we read those things sometimes and, you know, do we really believe those things? You know, is it, is it, you know, cause everybody is so we're also quick to make excuses for our darkness or sin, right? Like we're all, we're all quick to justify it. Like, well I struggle with this because of that. And well, I think counseling can be healthy. I also have a problem with some of it, cuz over time it's like, if counseling's leading you to wholeness, awesome. Speaker 0 00:01:36 But if it's leading to just know why you sin not awesome <laugh>. Yeah. Yeah. Because I run in a lot of people like, Well, I do A, B, and C, but now I know why I do it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, <laugh>. It's like, okay, that's not the point, bro. You know, the wholeness is walking out of it, you know, and becoming whole inside to where, um, meeting those inner needs where you don't have to walk on all that. So, hey, I'm here today on the podcast with Adam Reared in, and we really are gonna get back into some really strong rhythms of our podcast. So, sorry we haven't posted for a while, but here we are, man. We're putting some stuff together and we're really excited about where Grey Hops is headed. So, Adam, I don't know, what are your thoughts on some of this, man? Speaker 1 00:02:15 Yeah, I think it's a great question because I do think we, we talk about it a lot, I think in the grey ops culture, that life in many ways is a battle. Our walk, our walk with Jesus is a battle. And you, you pose the question, can we experience that liberty? And, and I think the answer is, is yes. I mean, I think that's what we look at in the life of Jesus, right? Like if we go all the way back to the very beginning, right? We go back to the garden, God creates the world, everything in it, He creates Adam and Eve and everything's good, right? No sin, no shame, no separation, no darkness. And then Adam and Eve believed the lies of the evil one rebel against God, Right? And sin, shame, darkness all enters the world. Speaker 0 00:02:56 Like we're naked. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:02:57 We're naked and afraid, you know? And, uh, and uh, uh, and filled with shame. And then when Jesus shows up and say, There's no darkness in me, well, what's he talking about? Like, well, God's, God's bringing about what he always intended for us. A, a life that's good. A life that's not filled with slavery and darkness and shame. And so, so this, this topic, I think is exciting for us because it means that God actually wants more for us than maybe we even want for ourselves. Right. That he's got something beyond what we've experienced that's possible for us in Christ. And that's to live that life of freedom and liberty. Speaker 0 00:03:31 Yeah. It's almost like, I think, I know we're, we're aim, we, we aim to reach men. And the using the word fairy fairytale isn't the most masculine word to throw out there, but I am raising four daughters. There you go. I have plenty of, uh, that type of stuff in my household, but the concept of just like the fairytale is too good to be true. Sure. You know, when you really look at, I admire the, the liberty that Christ is walking in. And the reason why I'm really looking deeper into that meaning the depths of his salvation and the depths of what he's actually giving us is because, you know, we like to think that his cross was powerful. We like to think that his death was, you know, we have this salvation because of his death. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I'm like, Yeah, that's, that's one half of it. Speaker 0 00:04:21 But we also have the power of salvation because of his life. Yeah. Like the way he lived. Yeah. Like, isn't itlos versus he's the image of the invisible God, Right? Yeah. Like, he's coming to show us the father. And so I just, I I'm trying to grasp in a way that motivates me. And, you know, inspire might be a cheap word, but it's it de zeal more of a, I want God zeal for his liberty. Yeah. That's, that's what I really want to tap into is like, what did Jesus give us in his life? Yeah. <laugh>. I mean, you know, like he's wake, he's, he's, you know, Hebrews is saying he's, he's just like us, Right? He can simp. He, we don't have such a great, you know, savior or high priest that he's unable to sympathize with my weaknesses, Your weaknesses, our weaknesses. But we have one who can sympathize. He was tempted in every way where we were, but was without. Speaker 1 00:05:17 Right. And I think that's, I think that's important. Cause I think sometimes, like, I, I don't want to get super theological, but like, we'll, we'll kind of thread the needle here in the sense of, you know, Paul says Philippians that even though Jesus was equal with God, he did not count equality with God. Something to be grasp. But he, he lived as one of us. Right? And so I've heard people talk about it this way, that Jesus always had his MasterCard right. But he, he kind of put it in his back pocket, and he lived as one of us experiencing everything that we experienced. So, like when we see Jesus being tempted by Satan, I think we have to, we have to get to the point that go like, Well, Satan's not wasting his time. Like Jesus could have made a different decision, decision than he made. Speaker 1 00:05:58 Right? Like, he could have been tempted. He, he could have chosen a different path than he chose. And I think in America, maybe, maybe this is a specific American Christianity thing. Like I think we get Jesus's savior, right? Like, Jesus is gonna forgive me and he is gonna save me. But if we stop there, we miss out because Jesus isn't just our savior, He's also our Lord. Right? He's our king, which means he doesn't make suggestions. Right. He makes commands like he, he demands me to walk in a certain lifestyle. But then what you're talking Speaker 0 00:06:28 About, I know that version of Jesus isn't so Speaker 1 00:06:30 Popular today. No, not popular at all. Like, what do you mean? I mean, just Speaker 0 00:06:32 My friend, he doesn't tell me what to do, Speaker 1 00:06:34 <laugh>, and then he is also our model. Right? Like, I think we missed that. That we're supposed to Yeah. I mean, the scripture says, I think it's first John says we're supposed to walk as Jesus walked, Right? Like, we're supposed to live as Jesus lived. And that's a, that's a high bar. I mean that like, I would experience grace and mercy and love in such a way that I, my life would actually look like the life of Jesus. That I could experience that liberty that he experienced and it would actually show up in the way I treat my wife, my kids, my neighbors, the way I show up to work and all that kind of stuff. And I think maybe we're missing that a little bit. Speaker 0 00:07:08 Yeah. I think, you know, when we go a little further into this, this was, this has been an age, you know, age old question. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, it goes back into, uh, and you know, go back and book a mark, you know, they're asking the question of Jesus. Like basically what defiles a person, you know, pertaining to like their food laws and just some of the customs they had back in their day, like washing their hands and what they're eating and Right. You know, Jesus clearly describes it, you know, and, and Mark seven 15, he says, there is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what to file him. And so Christ goes on and he talks about how, you know what actually can come out of a man. Speaker 0 00:07:54 So, and you skip down in verse 21, he's like, you know, he's like, What? What comes out of a person is what defiles him for from within out of the heart of man come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, slanderer, pride, foolishness, all these evil things come from within and they defile a person. Wow. So like, how does that stuff get in us? Like what's, what are your, you know, let's talk about that. Like, that's interesting, right? Like theft came from in me Yeah. Before I ever took that thing, Right? Like sexual immorality. Sensuality Yeah. Came from within me before I ever lusted after Right, Right. A woman or a thing or something, you know, it's like, Speaker 1 00:08:44 Yeah. Well, I think some of that, like, I think the Bible categorizes as the flesh, right? The, the not not talking about our skin that covers our body, but inside of us is this sinful, fallen nature that will desire things that go against God's will for our lives. Right? So, um, you know, I mean we, we see that right out of the shoot, right? Like, you know, we get into Genesis, Adam and Eve sin kicked outta the garden and we got two brothers and one's covets and jealous of the other one. So he decides to kill him. You know what I mean? Like, hey, I'm gonna smash your head in with a rock and it's in us. I mean, some of that stuff is just in of us. I mean, both you and I are parents, right? I mean, we, we both went on that journey. Speaker 1 00:09:23 You don't have to tell a kid to say no. I mean, kids just know. They just say no. I mean, there's a stubbornness and something inside of us that's rebellious against God and that stuff is in every single one of us. I mean, none of us wanna talk about that, Right? But we all fight that. I fight that like you cut me off in traffic. There's a, there's a reflex that that comes outta nowhere. Right? When I stub my toe, my first reaction isn't, Lord bless you and keep you right. You know what I mean? Like, there's some stuff that's in us and we've gotta be real about it. We've gotta be real that every single one of us, and it might be different for all of us, but we all have these inner things that the Bible would cata categorize as darkness. Speaker 0 00:10:02 Yeah. I mean, and you know, we live in a culture that's kind of like, well I did this because you did that. Right. That like to blame you Speaker 1 00:10:14 Triggered me, but Speaker 0 00:10:15 Like to blame you triggered me <laugh>. Sorry. It's a real thing. But it's just funny. Uh, Yeah. That makes me laugh, dude. So, Speaker 1 00:10:23 Well, and it takes, Speaker 0 00:10:24 And it takes, I need a, I need a comfort dog, Speaker 1 00:10:25 People. Yeah. Well it takes the, it takes the responsibility off of me. Right. Speaker 0 00:10:29 It's not my Speaker 1 00:10:30 Fault. Yeah. Had you not, then I wouldn't have got Speaker 0 00:10:32 Me. Yeah. <laugh>, I cancel you. Speaker 1 00:10:35 That's right. Oh man. Speaker 0 00:10:37 Well, I think, I don't know if I said it or not, but that la I had one lady on my what's got you by the nuts? She was like, You, uh, you lost me. You know, Basically she said, You lost all credibility with that question. Yeah. I was like, Oh my gosh, I got canceled from, I'm like, Okay. But then I had like five or 10 other ladies share the, and like it and Yeah. You know, so yeah. This concept of the sinful nature, this concept of, you know, but you also brought up a good point cuz I think there's a, there's a tension here with the sinful nature and then you also brought up a point about how God created us in his image and he said we were good. Yeah. Um, that's also at play too, right? Speaker 0 00:11:21 You know, um, one of my great teachers had brought up the concept of David's repentance prayer in Psalm 51. And he was like, basically David is making the, um, the statement that he was kind of like cursed from his mother's womb. Right. Or, or he makes a statement like that. And, um, I heard, you know, Dwight Pryor was like, Okay, maybe you're being a little over the top David, you know, maybe, um, because he also would bring in that tension of like, we are made in God's image and that nature's still in us. Like we are, Yeah. We are Speaker 1 00:11:56 Good. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:11:58 Um, yeah. And I think when we're being raised as children, there's certain things, you know, I've learned this just through, uh, a good friend of mine who's gone through some really interesting content and material of just learning, you know, the process of when you do get triggered and we're, you know, flight or flight and you know, what needs you're looking for in those moments. And you know, I think a lot of this stuff finds life in us from when we're little kids. Sure. You know, like we're shaping world views from when we're like 5, 6, 7 years old, you know? Yeah. We're starting to look at the world and you know, we're not, you know, we can walk, we can, we're you're starting to, maybe you can go open the fridge now and get your own snacks <laugh>. Right, Right. You know? Um, I don't know. Yeah. So, cuz I think this stuff comes in from maybe what we're agreeing with the way we view the world Sure. Our own pain maybe. Yeah. I don't know. It gets there somehow. Right. And then it starts to come out of us throughout life. It's, well it's kind of like, you know, we've said this many times, like God takes us out of Egypt and then takes Egypt out of us. Outta us. Yeah. And uh, and I think that the liberty, what I want to get to and continually grow towards is I want to keep high belief inside of my heart mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that this liberty Christ walked in as the liberty we can all walk in. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:13:26 Like that sound almost sounds crazy to even say, doesn't it? Cause people are like, well he's Jesus, he's Superman. Right. Yeah. But he, he, that's why we have to remember his life and his death. Speaker 1 00:13:35 Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:13:36 We're not just remembering, you know, we, because like that's a ch challenge I think for us cuz we meet Christ at his death and his resurrection. Yeah. And we've gotta do, um, the work to go into those 30 years of his life and mm-hmm. <affirmative> remember him as a man. Yeah. And remember he was like us. He came as a man. Yeah. Not superman. Right. Speaker 1 00:13:59 But I think, I think even that statement of what you just said about, you know, God takes us outta Egypt and then takes the Egypt out of us is, is true. I think it's a hundred percent true. And then I think it gives us the freedom to acknowledge there's some Egypt in me. Right? Like I think, I think so often, at least I think about it in even the context that I grew up in when I first got introduced to Christianity and that kind of stuff is like, you weren't supposed to talk about that. Like what don't, you don't talk about the Egypt in you, you hide the Egypt in you, you know what I mean? Like, hey, you don't, you, you keep that, you keep that under the surface. We don't, we don't talk about that stuff. It's Speaker 0 00:14:35 All good, brother. Speaker 1 00:14:35 Yeah. I mean, you know what I mean? Like, you, you know, if you, if you admitted that then maybe, maybe you don't have enough faith or maybe you're not a good Christian and, and that kind of stuff. And yet, like I think we have to acknowledge there's some Egypt to me. And if that's true, then I have to be able to ask the question like, what, what part of Egypt is still in me today? And that doesn't, that doesn't bring about, or at least in my opinion, shouldn't it bring about shame, Right? Like, that shouldn't cause me to go hide. That should cause me to lean in and go deeper into Christ, to my band of brothers to go like, Hey is I follow Jesus? The more I get to know Jesus, the more I'm in his presence. And the more, I mean, I love the way John talks about it, that Jesus is the living light and life of men. Speaker 1 00:15:13 Right. Well, what does the light do? It illuminates right? And it guides. And so as, as Jesus begins to pour light into my life, it, it lights up the shadowy places where I can begin to see, hey, there's some darkness in me. There's some things that don't belong here. And that doesn't mean I should hide or be ashamed or, or keep people at arm's length that I can actually lean into Jesus and go, I want to deal with some of this stuff. Like I, I I got some darkness in my life and I actually need your help, your accountability, your encouragement. Cause I wanna deal with it. And that's what Christ wants for us. But I think so much what the enemy does is causes a shame, Right? Like, I recognize them Egypt to me, and now I isolate myself. I don't want to be in a small group. Speaker 1 00:15:50 I never want to talk about that. I don't wanna talk about the hurts that happen to me as as a kid, or I don't wanna talk about the, the skeleton in the closet. Because what if you find out, like, what if you find out what I really struggle with or what I'm really like, or, or, or the things that keep me awake at night? Like, would you think I'm less of a man if you knew that? But that's actually that journey, right? That's actually what like Christ has called us to in communities, to let him invade those areas of our lives and redeem them. Right. And do that work. And, and I just have to be willing to acknowledge, like, you know, to a brother like you, Hey man, there's some stuff in my life I'm dealing with and that's okay. Like, that's okay as long as we're not justifying it. Right? Like, well, hey, that's just, that's just your struggle. Like, that's just how you're wired. It's like, no man, like Christ wants more for you than that. Like Right. He died for you, He rose for you and he set the example for you. So let's start building those muscles. Let's start, start building those habits. Let's start renouncing the darkness and the evil and growing in the image and likeness Speaker 0 00:16:46 Of Christ. And that's where Yeah. I think what you're seeing is right on. I think, you know, you want to hide and put our fig leaves on. Yeah. We want to, we want to hide the shame high the guilt. And I think the difference is the way we approach it. So if I'm approaching the liberty of Christ through humility and, and uh, self-awareness and low loneliness from a low place and, and I'm walking in the context of community with my brothers, I should be able to tell you anything with a humble heart. Yeah. Because I'm already telling it to you from a place of I know it's Egypt. Speaker 1 00:17:22 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:17:23 I already, I already know it's dark. So just wanna let it out. A lot of times when you let, when you know where you can shine light on darkness more and more, it loses more and more power over you. You know, it's, that's part of renouncing. It is not just, we're not called to just, this isn't Christianity's not an isolated movement. Right. And that's what I think the enemy's trying to get at more and more too is like just you and Jesus on your Instagram post or whatever, you know, just you and Jesus, you know, go in your prayer closet and do that. You know, it's like, it's not an isolated movement. It's a movement of a, of a redemptive people. Right. And so I think on the other side, if I'm approaching the liberty of Christ from a place of pride like we see in our culture today mm-hmm. Speaker 0 00:18:02 <affirmative>, and I'm not coming, I'm, I'm, I'm saying Egypt's in me, but I'm gonna now try to tell God it's, it's okay. Right. <laugh>. Yeah. Sorry man. Yeah. You know, like we don't get to define the liberty. We don't get to define the terms of our salvation that's already been that's already been made. Whether you like it or you don't like it. Right. It, it, that doesn't matter. Yeah. You're not gonna change it. I don't care if you get 10 million people behind you saying no, it's okay to be this way. No. Yeah. God defined salvation and liberty and we, we have to be on his terms. So yeah. I think in humility I can talk about Egypt, I can talk about things and again, like you already said, like not, you know, Paul's not saying, you know, talk about these things in a way to where you can use your grace as a license to do more of it. Speaker 0 00:18:48 Right. But we want to use that tightest too, you know, the concept of renouncing this Egypt inness renouncing the darkness and you know, renouncing is to formally declare that what, what you once allowed to have power over you, you're saying with a formal declaration outta your mouth, because I'm belonging to Christ now I renounce any power or claim he once had on my life. Yeah. And you might have to renounce something every day for a while, you know? And so I think, yeah. I think, you know, what are some takeaways we can, as far as like what can we do in our lives? I kind of, I kind of say we should set some liberty goals, you know? Yeah. Look at the liberty of Christ. Like one of my goals for liberty is I want to understand it more. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I wanna see it more clearly through God's zeal. Speaker 0 00:19:42 Yeah. And I want God's zeal to be in me for, to live in this liberty. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, another goal I have is I want to believe that this liberty isn't achievable through my own strengths. Right. But it's achievable through the Holy Spirits enabling me. Yeah. Grace is empowering me Yeah. To live this way. Yeah. Like you said before, like to Jesus was a model. I can live that way. I mean, and then what kind of focus do I need to have? Like that's another goal of mine is like I wanna focus on the word and focus on being with God abiding with God to where I have a more sensitive tender heart to these things. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Cause I think, cuz I'm like, you, you cut me off, you know, But if I'm more, if I spend more time with God, like some of those things don't really bother me as much. Speaker 0 00:20:31 It's like, you know, and then it all comes down to having friends, Right. Like I have Bayer brothers, like I gotta have some people in my life to do this with. And so yeah. Liberty is amazing. It's powerful, it's deep. I want God zeal for it and I want to take it seriously. I wanna model it to the next generation and model it to my neighborhood. You know, my, my local area. Cuz this liberty is something we're supposed to be shouting from the rooftops. We're supposed to be proclaiming this liberty. Right? Like, you can be free, you know, you can walk, you know, the enemy has no power of you cuz of Christ. Right. You know, so it's not about a man earning it, it's about a man. But you know, what you do with liberty is you prove that you received it. Yeah. We don't earn it, but we prove it. Speaker 0 00:21:19 You know what I mean? Yeah. I'm gonna prove it to people by engaging it, growing, doing the real stuff. You know, I think the whole world's tired of like this fake Christianity. Right? Yeah. I think people are sick and tired. I think the church is struggling at large, like massively struggling. Yeah. You know, I think megachurches are gonna start caving by the, the, the dozens. And I'm not against the megachurch, I'm just saying like that whole approach of like inch deep, mile wide, I think people really want the Christianity Christ gave. Yeah. Like it needs to cost me something. It needs to be hard Speaker 1 00:21:57 <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:21:57 Yeah. Oh yeah. It's like I actually need to change. Speaker 1 00:21:59 That's right. Speaker 0 00:22:00 Yeah. You know, I can't just come to Jesus. What does that statement you come as you are, but don't stay there. Don't Speaker 1 00:22:05 Stay. Yeah. God loves you. Come as you are, but God loves you too much to leave you that way. You know, like, and I think, I think that's the thing is we're talking about like is just the idea of hope. I mean that maybe, maybe there's somebody listening or, I mean, I just even know as we're talking that like, it's a reminder to me that like this is a reality. I mean this is possible, right? That that that God wants to transform me and lead me to life. Right. He wants me to lead me to freedom and it's gonna be a battle. It's not, it's not gonna be free. It's gonna cost me something and, and God's gonna, God's gotta do the work in me, but I also have to make myself available to him. But that like, that means that Egypt stuff, that darkness stuff that's in me can be conquered. Speaker 1 00:22:42 Right. Like, I don't have to be defeated. Like, I, like there's, there's a real, real, real God who loves you, who died for you, who wants to give you his righteousness and wants to empower you to take this stuff out of you, but you've gotta partner with him in it. Right. And so, so it's achievable. Like, it, it's, it's achievable in Christ that I can be different, that I can actually experience liberty. And I wonder how many people just go like, man, I could never have a life like that. Like this is just how it's always gonna be. It's how it always is. Just who I am. But like, but engaging. I love that word abiding in Christ. Right. Like he's the vine. We're the branches. As we abide that life and that liberty comes from him to me and we start to see, we start to see that work out. Right? Like not always immediate. Right. We go, it's not always a, it's not always a like, Hey man, I did a a 10 minute devotion today and I'm, I'm free. Right. Like Right. It it, it's, it's like compound interest man. It's, Speaker 0 00:23:35 It's a marathon, not a Speaker 1 00:23:36 Sprint. Yeah, it is. And it's a battle. And and it's, and Speaker 0 00:23:38 It's, it's a battle. It's a battle. Oh my god. It's a battle Speaker 1 00:23:42 <laugh>. You know, Speaker 0 00:23:42 That's a battle. Yeah, I know. Yeah. And I think the patheticness of it all and that patheticness lives in all of us is, it's not that we can't, it's that we won't. Yeah. When Israel got free from Pharaoh, she had to walk out mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, you had to pack your stuff and move fast. Yeah. And you had to go into the unknown of the liberty mm-hmm. <affirmative> that you were walking into that liberty. Yeah. And the only way to survive in that terrain is trusting the father. Speaker 1 00:24:18 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:24:20 Yeah. The only way to survive in that terrain is trusting the father and, you know, going after, you know, receiving what he's giving you. You know, cuz they're, they're up against the Red Sea. They're, they're, you know, Ferrell sends his army, you know, and we encounter that same type of stuff in our own Yeah. In our new covenant. Right. This new, I like to say they continued covenant. Right? Yeah. Like I don't look at the Old Testament as like something that isn't valuable today. You know, it's like we, we have a wrong view of a lot of the, this type of stuff, but you know, we have to trust God. Do it again. Yeah. He'll do it again. Like, you know, God, we're up against the Red Sea, the enemy's coming down on us. Oh well the sea com part. Oh we didn't think about that. Yeah. Yeah. Didn't think about that. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:25:06 <laugh>. And I think as you're talking about that, I think that's where, I mean we, we bang this drum all the time cuz we believe it is that we all need a band of brothers. Cause even thinking about that, they go from Egypt, cross the sea into the wilderness, you know, and wilderness isn't fun. No. No one would say like, Hey, wilderness is a great time. And yet, like the thing that I go back to all the time, not, not because I want a dog Israel or them that experience, but because it reveals my own heart and weakness to me is they're actually following God. Like his presence is leading them in the wilderness and they get to the point where they're like, you know, there was Taco Tuesday back in Egypt, you know what I mean? Like there was meat. Right. Like there was meat back there. Speaker 1 00:25:41 Totally. Anybody wanna go? My truck was back there. That's right. Anybody wanna go back to Egypt and get some, and get some meat, like some tacos, You know, your favorite food truck was in Egypt. And the reality is that's true for all of us, right? That on this journey of liberty, we're gonna have these moments where it's gonna hit us. Where we actually desire to go back. I mean, there's gonna be that thing of like, you know what? That that way is so ingrained in me or there's a comfort in the, in the ritual or the habit or it's familiar to me that that like darkness will try to lure you back. Right. It'll try to lure you back. But its claim is only in what you give it. You know, it only takes the territory that as much as you respond to it and allow it back in. And in those moments of going, Hey, I'm thinking of going back to Egypt. You've gotta have somebody you can call. I mean, you've gotta have somebody who knows you and still loves you that goes, Hey man, don't, don't do it. Like, don't, don't Speaker 0 00:26:29 Go bad. Yeah. It's, it's, yeah. So liberty is so powerful that our current day liberty in Christ, the enemy has no rights over us or claims to have suffered that which we allow. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. It's powerful. Powerful man. Yeah. So yeah. Call someone before you go back to Egypt and reach out to 'em even after you went there. Yeah. You know, it's both and Yeah. And well I think we've uh, dove into this topic pretty well today. It's been good to be back with the Adam. We're gonna be getting back into these podcasts and cranking 'em off, so. Well it's been great to be with you guys. Thanks for your time. Until next time. Live upright.

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December 21, 2020 00:18:00
Episode Cover

Train and Strengthen Self Control - Brian Phillips

Join Brian as he shares transparent thoughts about strengthening self control. With out it we are like a city without walls.  Please check out...



January 24, 2024 00:06:27
Episode Cover

124: Kill Excuses & Rise Again

On episode 124, Brian talks about killing excuses and rising again. He talks about how a true man after God deeply desires to live...


Episode 0

January 18, 2021 00:41:37
Episode Cover

Why a Strong Work Ethic Matters - Brian Phillips & Lenny La Guardia

Join Brian and special guest Lenny La Guardia from IHOPKC as they discuss how a strong work ethic is necessary to fulfill the call...
