Choosing Faithfulness Over Sensationalism with Dr. David Robinson

January 25, 2021 00:34:57
Choosing Faithfulness Over Sensationalism with Dr. David Robinson
Grace Ops
Choosing Faithfulness Over Sensationalism with Dr. David Robinson

Jan 25 2021 | 00:34:57


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Brian and Dr. David discuss how our woreld has been seduced by sensationalism and learning to choose faithfulness produces better results and overall health in the person and hte organization.

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 Podcast Description:
 We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life. 
Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:07 Hey, Brian Phillips here today with you. Welcome to the gray SOPs podcast. It's an honor to be with you and to speak into your life and to empower you to live upright. I'm in the studio today, actually, while I say in the studio, but I traveled to Elgin, Illinois to be with Dr. David Robinson. It's an honor to have him here in the studio. We're recording today. We want to talk about this topic here in a moment of the sensationalism versus faithfulness. Some of the errors that happen when we get kind of distracted with sensation, some of the wrong paths, we can go down. We're going to look at some of those, and we're going to offer some powerful solutions for your life today, before we get into it, I want to take care of couple admin items to, uh, I want to ask you to, to consider checking out our website, go to grace, Speaker 1 00:00:54 We were building a culture it's in the beginning stages, but it's a powerful, it's still powerful. Get into our culture, check it out, go overview. The five-star charge, subscribe to this podcast. And the greatest thing you could do right now would be just share it with some friends, bring some other men along. We've got, uh, we got a lot of powerful things happening. We've got a group on social media. If you're on Facebook, you can connect to us there at gray SOPs at, uh, at gray SOPs, two 12, you can find us there. That's our handle. So love to have you part of our culture, inviting you into what we're creating in our own faithfulness to our assignment to help empower the world to live up. Right. Well, Hey, Dr. David, it's good to be here with you today. Great to be with you again, Bryan, welcome to this episode. Speaker 1 00:01:38 Yeah, you're, you're a wealth of resource, man. I mean, I, we sit here and we have these pre talks before we go and we go actually into recording and, um, sometimes I'm like, we should just record the pre talks, but it's like, there's so much good stuff comes out of you. I learned from you every time I'm around you. So it's really cool to hang out with you and I appreciate your time. So I kind of have this issue, you know, this, this podcast, we really gear it towards men and there's a lot of men that listen, there's some women that check it out and I kinda want to, I want to kind of like help people see clearly, I guess is what I'm trying to say. Sensation is just part of our culture. You know, I can kind of identify it in the area of, you know, the youth culture growing up, things are going to be millionaires are rock stars by the time they're 2025. Speaker 1 00:02:28 I remember when I turned 30, my 29 to 30 year old birthday, I remember going, well, I'm not a millionaire, you know, yet, like I always kind of have that yet in there. Um, there's also this in, in church culture, there's this idea of just bigger, you know, it's like just big, big and mighty big and powerful. And you know, a lot of times I think where we failed in a lot of areas in this area sensation and bigger is we've got the largest churches we've ever had in our culture and our history. We've got more mega churches than, than we've ever had. But look at the day and age of our moral decline, you know, look at actually, if our purpose is connected to possessing the Gates of our enemy, we failed or did we really watered down and polluted the, uh, the idea of what it means to follow Christ? Speaker 1 00:03:19 And we've, we've replaced a lot of it. I'm not saying everybody everywhere, but I'm just saying at large Christian dome is so enamored with sensation the sensationalism. And I want to talk with you cause you're, uh, you're you you've lived through so much of the kingdom. I mean, you're, aren't you like 75 years old, be 75 in March in March. So coming up just a young man, just getting started, right. But you have such a good scope of just kind of like your life experiences and your own leadership and what you've. So I want to compare that today, where have we aired because of sensationalism and we'll offer some solutions today of how we can actually walk in faithfulness and how faithfulness is actually more glamorous to God than us chasing sensation in the earth. Speaker 2 00:04:08 O'Brian I don't think there's anything wrong with size. Um, as long as it's related to the purpose and, um, when we don't understand our purpose or we ignore our purpose, then size becomes irrelevant. Speaker 1 00:04:29 Well, and I think when it, when I mentioned that, you know, you get into this megachurch mindset and I'm totally fine with it, right? Like if, if what I'm doing in my church grows to a thousand or 10,000, that'd be great, but it would stay consistent to the vision and the purpose and the mission of it all. But when I look at what people measure, like we're successful because of the size of our building or we're successful because of the size of our crowd, our offerings, you know, that's when it throws a big red flags, it's like, Oh my gosh. And this whole it's like our whole culture just kind of like, has this lusting after the sensational chasing after things that don't matter to our purpose, you know, we're going to talk about that today. We're, I mean, don't matter to our assignment. I mean, just, and it breaks my heart, you know, it really breaks my heart to see how this has happened. And, and I want to offer it here in an episode so that we can kind of get back in, in, in really kind of glorify what matters, put that on the center stage, you know, being faithful. We want, I want to kind of unpack that here today. So I agree with you, you know, I want, I would love to see churches grow as large as they can grow, but what's happening. We're we're where are we missing it? Speaker 2 00:05:41 Well, obviously a church of 5,000 people in a community of a hundred thousand people will have greater impact publicly than a church of a hundred. Nope, no question. As long as that church of 5,000 is related to the purpose of why they're in that city. It's like the mouse that ran across a wooden bridge with an elephant and got to the other side and the mouse looked up at the elephant and said, wow, we really shook that bridge differently. Well, the elephant does not want to discourage the mouse. Right. And in any city, there is only one church when God sounds the trumpet, he's not calling a dozen churches from any city, he's calling the church. Right. So forget the labels and forget size if it's not related to the purpose. Speaker 1 00:06:52 Yeah. And I fully agree with you, you're you're saying to what and for what, and we're going to talk about that purpose here kind of work it into the solutions I have. Uh, you know, this observation I have is like, I've come through a lot. I've been a kingdom church leader guy for 20 plus years. I've been around a lot of leaders and I long for the vision you just described as like that one, you know, one church, one regional, and boy, it'd be great to see us actually get into, at least even trying some of that out. Speaker 2 00:07:28 Well, you know where that, you know, where the church is most gathered together and where it's most scattered, where the church is most gathered together in the marketplace on Monday morning. And it's most scattered on Sunday morning when we all go to our families. And I believe in both, but if you want to win a city, there's not going to be one local church family, big enough to win the city. It's the church in every city. That's going to impact that city, the church, not this label, that label. Speaker 1 00:08:15 Yeah. And you probably listen to our podcast as one who is interested in the things of God, you're either maybe really interested or you're like, Hey, I'm open to the ideas of what these guys are talking about in this gray SOPs culture. And I think for me in my own life, I've been around 20, 25 years. You've been much longer than me, as far as leadership goes this way. I learned a lot from you just, just by a 10 minute conversation. But I, I kind of learned a while back that I learned this Hebrew word that really impacted my life. And it was the word that described a faith and in the Hebrew mind and the Hebrew language, it was, the word was <inaudible> and it simply just meant fate to be faithful. And I was like, Oh my gosh, how simple as that, you know, because you can, I kind of, you know, my masculinity, it's like, Oh, faith has popped in my veins believing in this. Speaker 1 00:09:04 Or, you know, it's, it's, uh, you know, making these declarations or doing this or that. And I, I believe in all that, but, but the greater foundation of faith was just to put the word full behind it, to be faithful to the purpose, to be faithful to the assignment. And I feel like where we, our culture, you know, the world goes after a sensation and it's, it's hard. You know, I want to bring this down into your living room, into like your, your commutes into your backyards. It's like, cause there's a temptation to compare ourselves with other people and especially with social media and we can even have that warfare against us of like, well, my life's not sensational and I'm not glamorous. I'm not, I'm not famous. I made a Tik TOK video. I made this, uh, you know, Instagram post. I did this and that, and it didn't go viral. Speaker 1 00:09:53 And there's this kind of like this lusting after something like that happening in our lives. And I was in a youth camp in, at the international house of prayer probably three, four years ago. And the speaker opened up with it was great. It was a great message to open up with this. He's like, Hey, I just want to let you know, none of you are going to be famous and probably none of you are going to change the world. Now let's get down to the real work. I was like, this is a brilliant thing. You just broke it off right away. And I just want to bring it down into the, into your life where you live, because there's this warfare against it's part of the spirit of the age of like, well, you know, you've got to be famous and you've got to be all these things. And, and that can come into us and actually wreak, you know, reckless. It can, it can cause insecurity and cause us to be off focus off mission. But what Christ would want us to do is to understand our purpose. He would want us to model what he models. I mean, how, how is Christ in the, in the crowds of his day? How did he, how did he reject sensationalism? How did it, how did it present itself to him in the scriptures? Speaker 2 00:10:56 Jesus was all about individuals and not crowds. He ministered to crowds. Yeah. But he was always looking for that one person that connected with him. The little boy with the lunch. Yeah. The lady who had an issue of blood for 12 years and press through the crowd, the crowd was touching and bumping him, man, the disciples for who knows how long. And, and yet he felt somebody, you talk about faith. He felt faith draw on him. And he said, who touched me? And the disciples said, what do you mean? Who touched you, man? They're all around us. He know there was one person. And so crowds did not move Jesus. One person moved him. And when we go through this Christian life on a daily basis, it's so routine, so much of life is routine, but there are those moments. And we shared earlier in our informal talk about I've used for almost 40 years now, the little yellow sticky note. Speaker 2 00:12:17 And I started, uh, that 35, 40 years ago. And the Lord spoke to me one day in my quiet time and said, I want you to be sensitive to those that I put in your life on a daily basis. And so write it down and put it on a little yellow sticky note and put it up. And it was two or three years that I looked at the same note day after day. And I prayed that simple one sentence, prayer, Lord, help me be sensitive to those you put in my life today. So all of those that are listening Brian, to your podcasts on a regular basis, your life may be routine. You may not lead hundreds, but you are the leader of one and that's yourself. And I encourage people, whether it's a yellow, yellow, sticky note or whatever, but train your recreated spirit to be sensitive to those that are going to cross your life on a daily basis, because you may not ever speak to crowds, but that one person that you speak to and changed the destiny of their life forever, what's the value of a soul. Speaker 1 00:13:38 Yeah. So you take the sticky note. That's like a tangible way that you hope people connect. And remember the purpose that we're called to. And when we were talking about this idea sensation and I kind of, you know, it's, it's just this chasing after these feelings and you know, the Titus two 12 is the actual founding scripture, grace ops, and it's grace trains us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions. And then it trains us to live. Self-controlled upright and godly lifestyles in this present age, you know, right here and right now. So the sticky note is a tangible way to remember the purpose of the God, of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that goes all the way back to Genesis 22, which is what, what's the purpose Speaker 2 00:14:25 Genesis 2217, when God brought Abraham out of his tent and he showed him the stars of the sky and the sand of the sea. If you've been in church any length of time, you know that story, but the last phrase of verse 17, the purpose of all those children of which you and I are the part of the family of Abraham, you and I are here today because of the promise that, that God, the faithfulness of Christ, absolutely because of the faithfulness of Christ. And because of the promise that he may day Burnham, the purpose was to Abraham. You will possess the gate of your enemy and then God re repeats that. And chapter 24, verse 60, when Rebecca's getting ready to go back to be the wife of Isaac. The last thing her family said to her was may your children be thousands of tens of thousands? Speaker 2 00:15:26 And may they possess the Gates? The places of influence of those who hate them, who hates the Christian in America today are progressive liberals that progressive liberals, that politically correct elite, uh, those people who have been influenced by secular humanism, which started in Europe in the 15 hundreds, it was just repackaging Satan's plan to destroy the family of God. He has no new tactics. He just repackages them. Right. And if we ever need to stand up as individuals today, wherever God sends us on a daily basis, I've had people get discouraged because they say, well, I go to wherever I work and I'm the only Christian there. And I said, and you're upset about that. All right. What do you mean? I mean, you know, I've gone fishing in Canada for years and up there and Lake of the woods and we pull into a Bay and there's a half a dozen boats in there. We turn around and go out. We want a Bay where no one is fishing so that we can have all of those fish to ourselves. And so I said, don't be discouraged because you're the only Christian. You have that whole opportunity to yourself. Now, believe God for one other person, cause where two or three are gathered together, all you need is one other believer with you, wherever God sends you on your assignment, your purpose. And then you control the land. You control the territory. Speaker 1 00:17:03 Yeah. There's so much sensation, static noise, comparing yourselves with yourselves, all that stuff's happening at such high levels in our culture. I mean, it's easy on these. These devices are carry around right there. You're going through somebody, else's feed looking at their best photos, their best memories. Speaker 2 00:17:19 Yeah. How many followers they have. I mean, Speaker 1 00:17:23 How many video views they got, we're always comparing. And I just want to give you, give you permission today to live differently. You don't have to live with that sensation. It's like a warfare. I call I go, it's like a war against your very authentic self, your very authentic soul of who you were created to be in God in Christ. So, you know, like I said in, we, we talked about this, so you might be for different reasons on this podcast. You might be in, cause you're like, Oh man, I'm all in. I want to go all after God. And ultimately I'm not going to lie. That's where we want to take care of it. Listen to his podcasts. But you also might be a guy that came to a steak night or heard about this event or that event. You might be just checking out, like, what are these, what are these schmoes talking about? Speaker 1 00:18:05 You know, what are these knuckleheads talking about? And you might be like, you know, kind of checking us out. And we, we just want to bring you in, you know, we want to help you see why we're passionate and what's going on. So the sticky note, I love the sticky note because it's, Hey, God helped me be sensitive really to your will. You're leading. Let me have a tenderness about myself that I'm not just living for myself and we can take this warfare of sensation and actually learn how to throw it in the trash can. We don't have to be moved by sensation. We don't have to be, we don't have to live with comparing ourselves with ourselves. We can have a social media account and not allow those types of word war to come against us. I find it all. I fight all the time. Speaker 1 00:18:49 Sometimes when I feel myself getting like that, I'll just turn it off for a few days or out people get shocked. When I tell them this, I delete the Facebook app almost daily off my phone because I only want to go to it when I need it. It doesn't. And when it does come on my phone or any of these apps, I turn off all the notifications. None of them like tell me, Oh, you got 15 things or you got one thing or this person, no, I go to them when I want to go to them. And when I don't want to go to them, they're not coming to me. I don't give them permission to come to me on my phone. Like, Hey, this guy just liked your video. Who cares? Speaker 2 00:19:20 I use social media, Brian, the same way I use the yellow sticky note. And when I scroll through whether it's LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, whatever it is, I'm searching for lonely people. I'm searching for people who are ripe, who are ready. I just saw one this morning. Um, you know, again, related to the last election and, um, you know, one, one human being is not going to change the course of America now together with many others that can make life better or worse, but it's not up to the church to get involved in the cesspool of the politically elite and the narrative that's being produced by those who don't know Christ. See, it's not about us as the body of Christ getting caught up in all the social warfare, that's going on the church pretty well in America has already lost that battle. Our only hope is that we change the rhetoric and tag it to Christ right. To the creator of the universe. And so I'll be scrolling through and I'll add a comment now it's seldom critical, but it will be provocative, right? I mean, you know, I pray that God will help his people think and not just react. Yeah, that's right. Our thoughts, you know, must be programmed by God before we start putting them out on any kind of, Speaker 1 00:21:28 Yeah. I mean, we actually brought that up, lit about it. It kind of relates to this concept of maturing. You know, when you, when you believe in Christ and that's why there's different water levels on this, even on these, our audience on the podcast, you, uh, you're like a baby and you have to actually mature. You have to actually apply disciplines to your life. You have to learn and grow. And I want to offer for you guys. I love the sticky note. I want to keep that out there as this kind of like a thread throughout this thing. Cause it's, it's actually a tangible thing that you can do today to walk in two key things that we're going to throw out here right now. But before we do that, I want to just give yourself kind of give yourself peace to actually walk in faithfulness. Speaker 1 00:22:15 I don't have to be in, in, you know, you might be like, Hey dude, I get it. You know, I'm not gonna be a rockstar by the time of this time, but I'm not even talking about that. I'm just talking about the warfare that comes against us as human beings. Human nature are, you know, the scriptures actually say, it's a terrible idea to compare yourself with yourselves. I'm not supposed to compare myself to your life. I mean, I could get discouraged real quick, right? You've written seven books. You're you've been a great leader. Like I could easily be like, Oh man, I don't know if I could live up to that. Or, or maybe could I surpass that or that doesn't matter. None of that matters Speaker 2 00:22:45 All what we are by the grace of day. And Speaker 1 00:22:47 Like, even today, just in your living room, in your cars, with your house, your house, your family, and your homes in your backyards, just get your mind shifted to this. This idea of being faithful Christ was faithful to the father's purpose. Christ was faithful to the assignment upon his life. And that's the only thing that matters for you right now today is that you would learn how to be faithful to the purpose and the assignment. And we're going to clearly identify. We already identified the purpose. The purpose of God's peoples is to possess the Gates of the enemy of those who hate them. And we don't do that by, um, physically warring against them or starting some type of crusade against them. Some type of war. We do that by the way we live in the assignment. Let's talk about the assignment. The assignments in Matthew, Speaker 2 00:23:42 The assignment is that we are to go into all the world, share the gospel and make disciples of all nations. Historically the church has been pretty good at making disciples in a nation, but after 2000 years of having this assignment, I still don't know of one nation that has been discipled. In other words, it's driven by kingdom principles. It's governed by kingdom principles. And so, uh, you cannot fulfill the assignment of discipling nations unless you control the Gates of influence. Yeah. They go hand in hand. Speaker 1 00:24:27 Yeah. And so we're encouraging you today to walk in faithfulness to the great commission, which actually is rooted in the purpose of God. God's heart was actually to why does God want his people to possess the Gator army? What's the point? Speaker 2 00:24:46 Well, Jesus said in John, I believe my purpose. I have come for this purpose to destroy the works of the enemy. What are the works of the enemy? Well, his main goal is to destroy God's people because they carry the gospel. If you're a believer, you carry the very presence of the Godhead, wherever you go, the spirit. So whether you're walking in Walmart or you're walking in to get your oil changed before you leave your vehicle, you should bow your head at your steering wheel and say, thank you, Lord. That greater is he that's in me. Then whoever is in charge of whatever business I'm going into or whatever opportunity I'm walking into. And then you go in with that confidence. Yeah. So I tell the devil, every time I go into Walmart, Hey, you might've been here all night long. You may be in there now, but I'm coming. And when I come in, I'm going to have divine appointments. I'm in charge now Speaker 1 00:25:54 With what God spoke to Joshua about where his foot would trip. And so this is part of the solutions of, let's just kind of, let's learn how to deflect sensation and that whole travel, all the trappings of sensation. And let's get our eyes on something that's way more glorifying to God and way more powerful and centering to you and I, which is being faithful. So we want to be faithful at these powerful ideas, right? There's this, this image of scripture like where my foot treads. So I find in acts one eight, I find this, I find this little formula, if you will, it's I call it L three L 3g, right? Local, local, local global. You know, Jesus said, I want you to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea Samaria, and then global let's just go global with it. But I think there's a lot to be said, focusing on our families, our own lives. Speaker 1 00:26:46 I mean, learning how to actually love and tend to your own heart, your own emotional needs, learning how to actually grow in those areas and mature and grow in the faithfulness of God. All of this as a powerful journey that we're on. But right in our backyard is the local, the local Walmart, right? My local neighborhood that I drive through every day. How can I, how can I actually impact the neighbor 10 doors down, seven doors away, right? Maybe you live in apartment complex. What about cross street? Yeah. Next door. How am I actually bringing impact? So how am I actually participating in being faithful in the purpose of God's people possessing the gate of my enemy, the ones who hate me and how did, what are the tactics Jesus gave us, right? Go love them. Go pray for him. Go bless him, go get up in the middle and bring my presence in my spirit there. And we've got to get good at being low. I think we've lost the local battle, which leads us to not, we we'll never get a nation unless we can get local. You know, at times 10,000, Speaker 2 00:27:59 The battle for the kingdom and the battle for America is at the local level, the federal level has failed. Us. State level has failed us. Well, reason they failed us is because we failed at the local level. And that's the reason the unrighteous people get in places of authority. Speaker 1 00:28:21 Yeah. And I think the church pulls out a local level and they put their hope in a higher, Speaker 2 00:28:26 They want somebody else to carry the water for them. Right. Speaker 1 00:28:29 All right. And so that's the thing. Okay. That's the, that's it right there. It hits a sweet spot. So we've got like, I've been around 25 years. You've been around longer the church culture. It's just, I've seen sensation kind of distract the church here, distract a church there, you know, all look it's rabbit. You know, there are no chasing rabbits and, and I, my heart aches because we've polluted it down. We watered it down in the area of just being faithful to the purpose, walking in the assignment. So the sticky notes awesome. The mindset of like wherever my foot treads, that's where I'm going to bring the Holy spirit. That's where I'm going to bring God. That's where I'm going to, I'm going to show up the enemy. Yeah. He's all around. But I'm actually coming into your turf today to possess the Gates, to possess. Speaker 1 00:29:12 I'm gonna, I'm here as an influencer today for the kingdom of God. And you actually can change the dynamic of not just where you are, but where you're continually going, because you're more local than you ever are global. I mean, we're, we, we, we repeat that mundane lifestyle on in a thousand. I mean, how many times do I drive back and forth to where I work? Right. I just drove a thousand miles one mile at a time. You know, locally, I many times I've gone to my local supermarket, my local, all these local places. And what are we doing to actually present the glory of God through our own faithfulness and actually live a better life. So how are we engaging the Greek commission, this assignment to make disciples? Because that's the thing that breaks my heart. As I see the church, I see church people. I see Christians. I see they get they're chasing this way, chasing that way. And I'm like, Hey everybody, this is the glory right here. The purpose in the great commission, that's the glory. That's the sweet spot of the center of God's heart. And you're you you're missing it because you're chasing the wind. You're chasing all these other ideas. When you've got to get busy about getting someone across your dinner to dinner and table, getting some bread out, cook a mistake. How are you doing? Speaker 2 00:30:19 You have to learn to be comfortable around sinners. Most Christians that have been worn again for five years or longer, no longer, really have any unsaved friends, close friends, because they are no longer comfortable with that lifestyle. Now we don't have to be comfortable with that lifestyle, but the Bible says Jesus was a friend of sinners. It doesn't say he was a friend. Two centers were pretty good at being friend to centers, but what's center in your life. Everybody that's listening today and myself included what center is in our life that if someone were to ask them would count you as one of their best friends. That's what you're talking about. Brian is having that kind of relationship on a local level at a local level, in my circle of influence to where Christ in me, helps them get to know him Speaker 1 00:31:32 And see that's such a powerful thing, man. You just say, and you're like kind of wrecking you that can wreck somebody's world in a powerful and a God way. Right? Like, cause we were so like divided nowadays. Right? Ever. So polar polarized, like politically all they believe this, I'm not going to talk to that guy or this. I mean, I'm guilty of that. Right? Like I, I can get tripped up in that, but it's like, like what you just said kind of just empowered me or inspired me to think a little different about like, how can I be that person's friend? I mean, that's a totally different concept, right? How can I actually, it doesn't mean I agree with everything they believe, but how can I be a friend to them? How can I actually reach out to them and offer them a hand of like, Hey, how you doing today? How's things going for you? Like, that's actually a huge missing link in our culture today, you know? Cause everything's so I know I'm going to say I'm guilty of that. I mean, you know, Speaker 2 00:32:23 It's not intentional, Brian, it won't happen. Speaker 1 00:32:26 Yeah. But I think, I think that's a good idea. I like that. Like, you know, let's go after just making friends with people and, and, and losing some of this, this polarity, this whole, you know, you're evil, I'm righteous, all this stuff. It's just, let's, let's go be a friend, you know, two sinners, like, let's be a friend. Speaker 2 00:32:46 We need Christian friends. We need them. But the purpose of what comes out of that relationship must be let's all go find someone who still battling the same thing that we have gained victory over and include them in our friendship circle. Speaker 1 00:33:10 Oh yeah. All I give in and this has been really rich stuff today. And another thing we put in there as a I'll put in there really strong as a way that can help you center yourself in faithfulness, in this purpose and assignment from God is our five-star charge. We're we're, we're empowering men. And using this biblical, this language to define biblical masculinity, be faithful in these five areas of honoring God, displaying affection. For those that you're doing life with your family, your wife, your husband, you know, the, the people that you actually walk with, what we just talked about. How about displaying affection, even for your enemies, people that are, you would call sinners or someone that, you know, isn't, you know, start trying to learn how to put a center in your friend circle. And that's a powerful challenge. I like it. And then we, we, uh, the next one is Liberty. Speaker 1 00:34:04 You know, learn how to walk in the Liberty and the freedom that Christ gives to us as his people in his church, how to walk in the area war in. Lot of times, people think of the five-star charge, a war warfare. It's actually a Proverbs four 23 war. It's the guardian of your own heart. It's actually learning how to put the boundary lines and the disciplines in your life. So you can guard your heart so that you can live out Valor, which is the fifth one. So we have the five-star charged there for a very powerful reason. And I encourage you to use that as a springboard to walk in faithfulness and the purpose and the assignment that God has on his church. Well, David has been great being with you today. Always look forward to the next time until next time we love all of you. We're here to serve you. And until next time live upright, Speaker 2 00:34:50 <inaudible>.

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