Devotional - Where Is My Honor?

January 30, 2022 00:04:42
Devotional - Where Is My Honor?
Grace Ops
Devotional - Where Is My Honor?

Jan 30 2022 | 00:04:42


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Join Brian Phillips for todays digital devotional, Where Is My Honor? Go to and click on content to see all of our devotionals.


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Podcast Description:
We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life.

Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:07 Hey, welcome back to the grease ops podcast. Brian Phillips with you here today for this devotional edition, our team spent a good time of prayer writing, uh, devotionals around our five-star charge, which is honor affection, Liberty, war, and valor. So we have 52 devotionals coming at you a week by week. So we'll get into week five here today. You can check it [email protected]. You can download all the devotionals. They're actually right on our website. You just click on content and go down to the devotional section. So week five is where is my honor. And the scripture is Malakai one six through 14, the devotional thoughts. Speaker 1 00:00:53 This was written at a time when the leaders who were called priests were doing corrupt things. They had watered down God's laws and requirements. Worship had become routine. Divorce was widespread and social justice and tithing were being ignored. Honestly, when you read this list and compare it to today's church leaders, you might think how are things any different today? And Malakai's day, the priest who were a select group of people have become corrupt in our day. Every one of us is a priest. First, Peter two nine states that every person who is in Christ as part of a Royal priesthood, that means we need to pay attention to how we live. The standard for priest slash leaders was always higher. People are watching how we live, but God doesn't call us to a higher standard without giving us the power to do it. He empowers us to live a high at a higher level by the holy spirit. Speaker 1 00:01:50 We need to ask ourselves, am I watering down God's standards? When I do, I just honor his name, like the priests in the days of Malakai. The question where is my honor cuts, right? To the point. One of the dishonoring things that was happening in the day in that day was allowing people to bring lame sacrifices to the altar. God clearly commanded them to bring their best. Not the lame or weak fathers were telling their children to select a lame animal. One that was blind or close to death. One with little value to bring to God the priest we're allowing this and blessing the people in their disobedience. The priest should have stopped them and sent them away. They should have rebuked them and called them to a higher standard, but they didn't. Speaker 1 00:02:39 God told them God told them to offer their lame sacrifices to the governor, knowing that the people would never think of insulting their governor in this way, but yet they were okay with doing it to God. God then says, I have loved you. I have remained faithful to you, but where is my honor? You have dishonored my name by your actions. God wants us to bring him our best. That's what honors him, because it comes from a heart of gratitude and express his true worship to God God's standards. And therefore his honor needs to be upheld in our hearts. When we pay attention to what God has commanded us to do, and then do it. We honor our father and glorify his name as priest. We need to evaluate our current lifestyle and make sure that it shapes God that it's shaped that its shape and make sure that its shape God honoring. That doesn't make any sense. Speaker 1 00:03:45 So God wants us to bring him our best. That's what honors him, because it comes from a heart of gratitude and express his true worship to God God's standard. And therefore his honor needs to be upheld in our hearts. When we pay attention to what God has commanded us to do, and then do it. We honor our father and glorify his name as priests. We need to evaluate our current lifestyle and make sure it has got honoring action points for this devotional. Two things to focus on and my watering down the standards of the gospel and to how can I improve in that area to bring God my best will be enjoyed this devotional day until next time live upright.

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