Responding to Chaos - Discussion with Dr. Ken

November 18, 2020 00:36:40
Responding to Chaos - Discussion with Dr. Ken
Grace Ops
Responding to Chaos - Discussion with Dr. Ken

Nov 18 2020 | 00:36:40


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Join Dr. Ken Hansen, Ryan Evan and Brian as they discuss how t ohandle your darkest day and how to live ready for it.

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 SOV description:
 We produce three types of episodes

  1. Interview style
  2. Round table discussions
  3. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life. 
 Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:07 On your darkest day, how do you respond crushed emotions and totally hopeless? What is your response? We're going to be looking at today that at that today on sons of Valor, responding to chaos, I'm in the studio today with dr. Ken Hanson, Ryan, Evan. And it's great to be back here with you guys today. And as we get started on this discussion, what is, we want to take a moment and just kind of quickly out men are too. Let's talk about sons of Valor. We, you know, that's the name of our, of our show of our, of our podcast. What does it mean to be a son of Valor? What's the aim, what's the heart. It speaks to identity and purpose as men, but why don't you guys make a quick deposit there? I think that's healthy to, especially for the episode we're going into. Speaker 0 00:00:56 Yeah, I think the episode, uh, that we're going into, as we continue to examine the life of David really demonstrates for us what a son of Valor is, the characteristics, the qualities. And of course the word Valor. Um, the definition of that word is simply, uh, to be courageous in the face of difficulty, especially as it relates to battle. So sons of Valor are those who are courageous in the battle, and there's a lot of battles that men are facing today. Speaker 1 00:01:29 Yeah. And, uh, you know, I'll just add that, you know, when it comes to Valor, I think, you know, one of the things that we point out too, we kind of, uh, are pulling, pulling guys' attention to, is that inner world as well. You know what I mean? That if your inner world, um, isn't, isn't taken care of, if it isn't dealt with properly, um, if we're not focused on, on things that are going on in our heart, that, that we're really not going to have the ability to act outwardly with courage, right? We're not going to be, we're not going to have the ability to be bold as a lion when we have things hidden within our heart. And, you know, and that's why we've come up with things like the five star charge, right? It's, it's, it's a process that we are learning ourselves. Speaker 1 00:02:07 You know, we're learning how to walk this thing out ourselves and we're inviting guys and men to come into this journey with us and pursue it of saying, man, how do I, how do I grow in my identity as a son, a son of God, um, how do I, how do I position? How do I live from that position? Um, you know, so that, that the things that God is assigning to me in life, um, I can, I can go about it in a courageous way. I can, I can be bold. I can have faith, um, because I, I know whose I am, and I know who I am in Christ. And it's important because we know that this, this life, this lifestyle that's being charged, it's a really, a life of virtue and character that leads to Valor. Valor's what's on the outside world and we're going after your inner world, you know, how, how does the, uh, how do we have honor and affection and Liberty and war? Speaker 1 00:02:58 How do we take care ourselves on the inside so that we can put Val around display and, you know, Hey guys, quite frankly, it feels like this isn't really a popular idea or topic in this culture, right? Especially with men, like men are under attack in a lot of different ways. And a lot of it's men's fault, right? Men have just been taking it for so many years in different ways, but it's kind of like, to me, you know, you get on social media, you're get on, what's popular, you know, and it's not like we're not like dropping funny jokes and, you know, yoga pants and kitty cats, you know what I mean? Like the stuff that this culture kind of gravitates to the, uh, the ridiculous things that really don't matter in our lives it's cause like this massive distraction. So here we are in this maddening voice of just this world of just noise, this massive world of noise and distraction. Speaker 1 00:03:49 Yeah. And here we are going, Hey, uh, Hey guys, we want to call you over here. This thing called Valor. We want to call you over here to be sons of the living God, and, and learn how to live in a way that responds. I mean, I haven't mastered that yet. I haven't mastered the five-star charge. I haven't done any of that. So we're just championing what a lifestyle looks like. It's not like a checklist. You don't check it off. You know, you don't ever arrive to honor. You know, we're constantly long journey. It's a lifelong journey. We got to do it together. We need each other. Cause there's times I struggle. There's times I fall short and I need conversations. I need help. I need to be built back up. And Speaker 0 00:04:26 I think one of the greatest battles in our culture and in Ryan, Evan alluded to it a moment ago is this whole idea of, uh, in order to get outward results in our life, we have to take care of the inward man. And that's where most men don't want to look. Uh, we don't want to deal with, uh, the inside of us. And of course, why would men, because everything in our culture, you know, points us away from that. Our character, our, our culture is not character driven. Our culture is not interested in character. Uh, I hate to say that, but that's just the way it is. And so our CA our culture is interested in all the external things, all the possessions w external image, you look at the moral character, the moral decline. Yeah. It's because our country, Speaker 1 00:05:17 Can we even return from this kind of decline? I mean, that's a question that hangs in the balance, right? I mean, with God we can. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:23 But we have to, we have to be willing to deal with what's on the inside of us. So morality cannot be legislated from the outside. Morality has to emerge from the character we possess on the inside. Right? And so a lot of times in our battles, we go at it the wrong way. We want to legislate morality. But what we really need to do is speak to people's hearts. We need to say, no, we need to get a culture of character back. We need to embrace that. We need to value character. And so what's interesting, um, in our topic for today in our story for today, it comes out of first Samuel chapter 30 is David's character is tested in this story. And so, as I set up the background of this story, David and his men, his mighty men had been out to war. Speaker 0 00:06:09 They've been out to battle. Uh, they've been doing exactly what God asked them to do. They're doing exactly what they're supposed to do. And then they come back home to the town of Ziklag. And when they arrive back home, they discover that the city of Ziklag has been completely burned to the ground by the Amalekites and their wives, their children and their possessions have all been carried away. There is nothing left. It is an absolute scene of chaos. And so, can you just imagine if you came home and your house was burned and your wife and your children, and all of your possessions had been carted away, what would your response be in that moment? That's worth, that's where this story is. I mean, this is the most heartbreaking, painful gut wrenching episode, probably in David's entire life. This is the moment where it all hits the fan. Speaker 0 00:07:15 This is the moment where David has lost everything. His men have lost everything. And into that moment, we have this verse in first, Samuel 30 verse six that says this now greatly, David was greatly distressed. Let me tell you, he was more than distressed. He was distraught. He was heartbroken. And he's distressed. Not only because he's lost his wife, children, he's not only distressed because Ziklag has been burned to the ground, but get this on top of that. It says for the people, his very own men in that moment, we're speaking of stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved every man for his sons and his daughters. I mean, David is not only going through loss and grief. Now he's got betrayal from his own men that he's dealing with. I mean, this is like the worst case scenario, but then the final line says this in the midst of everything that's happening, David encouraged himself in the Lord. You think of that's what a son of Valor. I mean, Speaker 1 00:08:26 Yeah. And you think of SIG lag. That's the name of the town? I mean, you're sitting there thinking like Zig lag. Yeah. I mean, we, we want to think about coming home to your house, being burned. What about coming home and your home town and all the noise of your family, the noise of your loved ones, the smell of dinners, not, not kissing you in the face when you walk in to your family. I mean, that's what these guys were missing right there. The very heart and soul of who they were, was being stripped from them. They didn't, they didn't come home that day to any type of love or embrace. It was just, just the worst nightmare for every father. Even when their kids go off to play. Nowadays, we think that way, right? Like, we'll be careful and stay in the backyard and don't do this. And like, I mean, it's insane. And then they come home to the worst case scenario, their kids have been stolen. Their wives have been stolen. Their town had been burned. I mean, you're talking the scripture reads that they actually wept so strongly in their weeping that they could weep no more. Speaker 0 00:09:29 Yeah. It's the loss of all of their hopes and dreams. It represents the loss of their future, their children or their future. Everything's gone. Speaker 1 00:09:38 We're asking you to date when you have a Zig lag moment. Like when you have this moment of like utter chaos, zero, understanding your bearings are gone. I mean, you have no, there's no like framework for this type of responding. Speaker 0 00:09:55 <inaudible>, Speaker 1 00:09:58 You're, you're smelling the hot, the smell of your house burning, you know, you're your wife's favorite, you know, the favorite thing you saw your wife where, you know, you see a chart on the floor, right? Like you got these memories, she's gone, the kids are gone. I mean, your joy is gone. We're at the freaking heck, right? Like what, what in the world is going on with the, in this moment? So we're putting this in modern day, you know, putting in, in our worlds, what is your Zig lag? You know, was it a divorce? Was it a death? Was it a sickness? Was it something crazy? What are those moments of chaos in your life that have happened to you? So we want to talk now just about how, you know, David did live in a way where he was prepared for this, ironically. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:10:44 I mean, he did have a way, so these are the same men that, so there was these, uh, this interesting political pain in the day. So Saul had, was a King that had gone mad. And David actually met these men at the cave of Adullam and they were embittered in distress there. But for different reasons, they didn't like the way. So they th they were willing to trade their everyday living for cave life, to avoid Saul and to voice Saul's politics and the way he ruled the kingdom. So now these men went on to, to be raised up by David. And so all these years later, you know, now David is, uh, is King and David Scott, these mighty men. And now these same men, all these years later are like, so embittered. Yeah. They want to kill the dude. Speaker 0 00:11:32 Here's the interesting thing. Why do they want to kill them? Think about their backgrounds. These are men that trusted David, but they not only trusted David, but they trusted David's God. And now they come home. And this is what a Ziklag moment does they come home and they're mad at David, but they're also mad at David's God, because it's like, how could you treat us like this? We have done everything we're supposed to do. We're living only lives. God, we're following you. And I think the, the, one of the underlying stories here where it is that Ziklag moments bring us as men to a decision. Are we going to continue to serve God? Are we going to turn our backs on him? Because we can be doing all of the right things as men, but it doesn't guarantee that everything is always going to go, right? Speaker 0 00:12:31 I think this is an erroneous theology that many Christians have brought into that. If I do everything right. If I read my Bible, if I pray, if I go to church, if I'm a good person, if I keep the commandments that everything is going to go right, all the time in my life, that I'm never going to have tragedy. I'm never going to have to, God is going to protect me from all of this, but that didn't happen here, even though they were doing the right things. And so we're faced with a moment of what are you going to do, man, when you've been serving God with your whole heart, and then you have a Ziklag moment that comes out of the blue, a tragedy, a disappointment, the enemy in that moment wants to create an offense in your heart against God. He wants you to be disappointed with God, God, this isn't what I signed up for. Speaker 0 00:13:24 God, this isn't the way you're supposed to treat your people. We get offended at God. And when we allow fence to come into our life, that leads to disappointment, which leads the disillusionment. And the next step is we walk away from God and say, I'm out of here. I'm not doing this Christ thing anymore. I'm not following God every more, any more, if this is how he treats his people. And that is what David could have done in this moment. But because he was a son of Valor, he chose a different path. He chose to God. Yeah. He chose to trust God, even when he didn't understand what was going on, David and his men didn't deserve this, but they had to deal with it. There's a lot of things that we experience in life as men, there are going to be situations that come, that we don't deserve necessarily, but we have to deal with it and we have to go through and we have to hold onto God's hand even when we don't understand. Speaker 1 00:14:20 Yeah. And I think, you know, I run into people all the time and it's kind of like, I run into a certain type of thinker out there who they claim to be Christians. And I w I won't say that they are aren't, but they're mindsets more like, how do I do the right thing? So I don't get in trouble. It's more of like a, you know, I want to do the right thing so that this goes well, for me, uh, you know, I want to, and David didn't really kind of think like that David was like, I want to do the right thing because I love my father in heaven. And I actually want his desires to be desires. So I'm not just doing the right thing for an outcome. I'm doing the right thing because of who my father is. I'm actually tapping into his character and his nature. Speaker 1 00:15:00 And I think that's an excellent point, dr. Ken, that, what the heck do you do when you, when you could get offended at God? Like hope deferred makes the heart sick. How many people are, you know, I've got a promise for this in my life. You know, I mean, are, you know, where does Zig leg fit in the promises? You know, when chaos strikes, how do we respond? Makes a huge difference to actually the outcomes of how we stay in tune with a promise or throw the promise in a trashcan. I mean, I've met a lot of people that have just basically, Oh, I tried that Christian thing for five years or 10 years, and then it, or I've even led people to Christ. Then I know now they're not walking with Christ. Like what happened to you? You know, w what, what went wrong. And, and a lot of times they'll have some Zig lag type story, right. Or they'll have the, you know, it didn't work for me. You know, it didn't work. Speaker 0 00:15:52 It can be, do you think it's working for me? I'm just unrelenting in my devotion. You know, it can be traced to the moment. And here's the thing when God doesn't do for us, what we think he should have. Speaker 2 00:16:04 Let's emphasize that though thought like what we think. Right. Um, because I think that that's more important part of the conversation is, you know, and for me, my, my own life, my own journey, my own walk with God has been, I've realized that my greatest disappointments in my life has been a result of my own predetermined predetermination of the results that I thought, or the outcome I thought I should have received. Um, or the way that I thought this thing should have looked. Right. And, and, and it goes back into that. I th that the issue, isn't the promise that God gave it's the imagination within our own mind of how we think that that promise is going to play out for us, you know? And, and that's where, uh, the root of bitterness and the root of offence begins to grow deep within our hearts is that when we're not seeing the picture we painted, you know, and we don't leave him, you know, in exalt God as the author of this whole thing, he's the author of our story. Speaker 2 00:17:02 He's the finisher of our faith. Um, and we don't give him the creative, right. But we try to take the creative. Right. You know, um, and say, this is the outcome that I'm hoping for. This is what I want this to look like when he never gave you that in the first place, he didn't set that expectation with us in the first place. You know? And I think that that's the greatest mistake in all of this is that we begin to, um, inject our own expectations surrounding the promise that he might've gave or surrounding the assignment that he might've given and said, this is what it's going to look like, but he never told you that he just laid out. This is the assignment. This is the promise. Be faithful with it. The outcome is up to him. You know, my faithfulness is up to me, you know, uh, my, my, my ability to act on what God is speaking to me to, to walk in a, is up to me. Um, but the outcome has to stay in his court. The results have to stay in his court, you know? And I think that that's, that's, that's a big thing that we, you know, uh, we as believers, Speaker 1 00:18:04 Sorry, are you saying that God doesn't have to give all of us the American dream? Speaker 2 00:18:08 No. And no, he doesn't, you know, and I think, I think like another frustration of mine, right, is when we take principles of the Bible and we try to turn them into promises through our little, uh, you know, little social media pictures and Jeff's, and all these different things. You know what I mean? And, and we're really doing ourselves a disservice because we're setting an expectation that actually isn't there. These are, you know, like, like the book of Proverbs, right? Everybody wants to Crow hope Proverbs as though it's a book of promises, it's a book of principles Speaker 1 00:18:39 To live Speaker 2 00:18:39 Most of the time. Like if you're doing these things, you know, like you're going to see these results. You know what I mean? Like it's it's, but, but it's not a given, it's not a promise. It's not, it doesn't mean that, you know, you know, like we were saying earlier, we, we live in a fallen world. Um, things are going to happen. These zigzag moments are going to occur. And at the end of the day, what will you? Speaker 1 00:19:00 And I think that there's a problem in our culture. And even on sons of Valor, I want to speak the gray SOPs messages to actually help bring correction to this. But we've watered down the standard of the gospel, you know? And that's part of the problem. So if you have a watered down version, a weak version, a weak understanding of grace. So yes, grace saves us, but grace, most people don't realize what our messaging is, is grace also trains us. And so we have to be careful in this culture, not to make God into our own image we're made in the image of God, not the reverse. Speaker 0 00:19:34 Actually we do that all the time. And there's a wonderful new Testament example of this in the life of Jesus and his disciples. It's Judas. So when Jesus calls Judas, he's as excited as any other of the 11 disciples to follow Jesus, to serve Jesus, to be with Jesus, because this is the Messiah. So how do things go so wrong for Judas in the end? How does he end up betraying Jesus? Well, it's easy somewhere along the way, Judas realized that Jesus wasn't meeting or going to meet the expectations. Like you said, Ryan, Evan, that he had in his head of the Messiah. And so the Jews thought when Messiah comes, he's going to overturn the Roman empire and he's going to establish his kingdom. That's the expectation that Judas had. And when Jesus got closer to the cross and Judas realized this guy is not going to do that, he's not going to do what I wanted him to do. An offense begins to grow in Judases heart, that leads to disillusionment. And the next step was, well, I might as well get 30 pieces of silver for betraying him because he's not the guy that I thought he was. He's not the Messiah. I thought he was. And boom, Judas, his relationship with Jesus is over. He walks away from him. Yeah. That's exactly what the enemy wants to do. Dimen. Yeah. Just substitute whatever your expectation was that you don't feel God. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:21:04 That whole thing of like, God's not serving me. Yeah. And I was going to say that wasn't working for me because it'd become a self centered gospel. Right. Because it's all about kingdom, right. Rather than a kingdom centered gospel, you know, and we've, um, you know, we've seen, uh, Oh man, I just lost my train of thought. Um, well, we don't want to be self focused in our pursuits of God. We don't want to, we're not turning the Bible into our own storyline. I like what you said earlier. God's the author. So if God's the author of my life, I have to yield and trust him. You know, Speaker 0 00:21:40 It brings us to an interesting point. So this is what David is facing. He has this decision, but then we come to the last line, but David chooses, instead of saying, God, this is not what I signed up for God. Even my men are against me. Now you've done me wrong. God, I'm out of here. It says that David actually goes in the opposite direction. He presses into the Lord and he encourages himself in the, Speaker 1 00:22:06 The Lord David strengthened. Yeah. Let me think about that. Right. Zig lag moment happens in the David. The son of Valor has, is responding to Zig lag in this. So how in the world do we do this right. Speaker 0 00:22:25 Sons of Valor, encouraging for themselves in the Lord in those moment. But what does that look like? Speaker 1 00:22:31 Strengthen yourself, do that in the face of wow. Right? Speaker 0 00:22:35 Yes. Right. And there were some specific things that David did. Uh, first of all, we notice as you read the rest of the story that he turns to God, he doesn't turn away from God in his moment of greatest disappointment. He actually turns to God, he leans into God and he inquires of the Lord and says, God, what do you want me to do? Another thing, God, David does this. He starts to make declarations of who. He knows God, to be another words he focuses on God's character and God's nature. He says, I don't understand what's happening here, but I do know God's character in a nature. And, and I believe that God is going to come through for me, based on accusing God of being a bad father, he starts to declare that God, you know, all the things he knows about, Speaker 1 00:23:31 Right. I mean, in, in, based on the, the scriptures, I mean, David had, would have had memorized the Torah and obviously was a Jewish man. So based on the nature of God's history, based on what he's always seen, God do, knowing God's into drawing us, close to him and fighting our battles for us. So David is in this Zig lagged moment. He's actually, he actually has the, the disciplines in the framework to actually engage God, not from hopelessness because when we get hopeless, how many times do we refuse to be encouraged? Right? Like how many times do we throw that little self pity party? I mean, I've done it. Leave me alone. People do it, right. Oh, you know, you get hopeless and you get discouraged and you just want to stay on that. Storyline got stubborn mule and your friend grabs the rains and he's like, no, come back over here to the land of hope, come back over here to this land of promise. Look at the sunrise and the sunset again. No, no, it's all going to be bad. Right? Like you get in this like little stubborn, childish kind of like triggered self where you just kind of, but David doesn't do that Ziglar that can trigger you. Right. I mean, Ziglar, it can trigger you to, to, to, uh, to fight or flight. Right. Speaker 2 00:24:46 Well, it can, it can trigger you, but it also exposes you. And that's what, that's what I like about the zigzag moment is it exposes your heart. It's going to expose your character and it's going to expose your thought process, right. Speaker 0 00:24:57 David's heart and expose the hearts of his men. Speaker 2 00:24:59 Exactly. You know, and, and really at the end of the day, it's going to expose whether you are more concerned with your, with your own personal self advancement or you're, you're, you're more concerned with kingdom advancement in what he's doing. Right. You know, because, because those, those, those trains of thoughts split into two different things, right. We've got the self advancement that blames God and says, man, you know, like you're not doing what I thought you were supposed to do. And then you've got the kingdom advancement that says, God, what are you doing? And how do I partner with it? You know? Um, and, and I think that that's a, that's an important lesson with the Zig Zig Ziglar Mo moments of our life is, um, to be aware, like be self conscious, be aware of what's happening because it will expose the things that are really within our hearts. And then we know where we got to get to work at. You know, Speaker 0 00:25:45 When you think of that verse in Jeremiah, where Jeremiah said the heart is deceitfully wicked, who can know it. A lot of times we think we know what's in our heart until something happens to us, right. That we didn't expect. And then this junk comes flying out. Like, where was that from? Yeah. And we're like, where did that come from? And that's why we need to really understand that we don't know our hearts. Right. God knows our hearts, but we don't know our hearts. We don't know other people's hearts. So we need to be conscious and be aware of how we're responding to things Speaker 1 00:26:21 In, in, in one of the annoying things for me, I wasn't raised in church. So being around the church for two decades now, and very committed to the church, I get annoyed when Zig lag moments happen. And then you've got like this, this religious idea or this religious spirit of like, we'll just do a, B and C and it'll be fine, brother. Like, come on. You're going to be okay. It's like, they don't like, Speaker 0 00:26:46 We're not Speaker 1 00:26:46 Calling people down some religious path where they're performing to, to respond in a particular way. Like David is like raw. And I don't think David fits in the context of what I was just defining it as religion. You know, David's got this raw coming into Zig lag. David was a man after God's own heart. He was a man who loved God. So how do we re encourage, how do, how do I, Brian Phillips? How do I strengthen myself in a, and literally, I mean, we're talking about Zig lag moments, not like my daily devotions, right? Like we're talking. But I pull from those disciplines. I pull from those, that framework of a lifestyle, virtue character. And then I trust in the sovereignty of God. I actually aim higher. So I believe David, he lived in this world, but he lived from the world to come. And I think sons of Valor need to actually get our gaze fixed on the world to come. There's a throne. Even now that's existing. There is a world that's coming. Heaven's not the final destination. Heaven's actually a pit stop in the scriptures. God's coming back to the earth that he created a renewed her, the renewed heaven. And he's going to rule and reign here. God's the Bible is about God coming here. It's not really about us going there and what your son's avail are live from that place. They live in there in this world, but they're polling the world to come here. We speak. Speaker 0 00:28:07 We, we live from the place of eternity, but most people are not living from the place of eternity. We live with a temporal perspective rather than an eternal perspective. And so we've got to get our mind to understand that we're in this for the long haul. We're going for the long game, right? We're going for eternity, not what we can amass here. So Paul talks about these light momentary afflictions and how sometimes we get all caught up in what's happening right now. We forget, Hey, we're in this thing for eternity, right. For the long game. Right. And so it's very interesting that in the scripture, God encourages us to re to remember that we're remember about more than anything else he does because we're so fickle that, that we get in a moment of chaos, we get in a Ziklag moment and we forget everything that God has ever done for us. So one of the things David does in order to trust God in that moment is David not only remembers God's character nature, but he remembers all of the past victories and all of the things that God previously brought him through to encourage him self in that moment, because we have short memories. And so God is always telling Jewish people remember, remember, remember Speaker 1 00:29:30 I am we're about right. Remember, remember, Speaker 0 00:29:32 Well, what I've done for you because their memories were so short. Right? And, uh, I, I think that's a huge part, uh, of moment. This whole story really comes down to this in your Ziklag moment. Will you like David trust God when you don't understand what's happening in the moment and you don't understand what God's doing and where he's taking all of this. Speaker 1 00:29:58 Right. And I, and I think sons of Valor, isn't like some nice language we came up with to attract you into something new sons of Valor. Isn't a new idea. What we're saying in sons is that this is our identity from our father and David, as a son of God, is able to put Valor on display because he knows the nature of his bloodline. He knows the nature of the blood that's in them and that the, the, that annointing and that touch from God that was upon them. And so in the Ziglar moment, he's going way past this world. And he's putting his trust and hope into this, this other worldly thing, and obviously has the priest and he can ask the priest and they have this system like of able to get a yes or no answer. I mean, don't, you wish we still had that system? I think Speaker 0 00:30:50 Cool. As we talked about at the top of the podcast, that the word Valor means courage in the face of difficulty. It takes great courage to trust God when you don't understand. And that's what David had great courage to trust Speaker 1 00:31:06 God. So strengthening yourself in the Lord. What are some quick takeaways? Speaker 2 00:31:11 I'd say one thing, um, that, that was David's only option was to be strengthened by the Lord. Because when we, when we look at the passes, that's all he had. God was the only one in his corner. At that point, his friends were turning on them, right. People were turning on them. You know, his soldiers were turning on him because of what just happened in Zig lag, you know, and you know, so, so God was his only source of strength in that moment. He didn't have somebody patting him on the back at that moment, you know? Um, I think that that strengthening really refers to, uh, David's ability to wait upon God. Right. He didn't, he didn't become presumptuous. He didn't, he didn't say, okay, you know, out of my anger, right. You know, which we all would have been experiencing. Right. If somebody comes, takes my daughter, you know, the whole world's burning, right. Speaker 1 00:32:00 Play those scenarios. We play quite often, you know, but Speaker 2 00:32:05 Everybody's going to die at that point. If somebody came and took my daughter, um, you know, and out of my anger, I can make a quick and rushed decision rather than saying, Lord, let me, let me retreat to the Lord. Let me, let me wait upon God. You know, you know, I, I believe that, that he was right there with his men weeping, you know, and, and that's counterculture, right? That's counterculture for men. What meant, you know, that, that we're supposed to, um, you know, kind of hold up disappearance of never getting off her white horse and never being able to, to have a weak moment, but yet in, you know, you know, in, in, in the kingdom culture, you know, we, that God draws near to those that are broken in heart. You know, like that's when he comes in, he that when we're weak. Speaker 2 00:32:45 And I think that David allowed himself to be weak in the waiting, you know, allowed himself to be broken, that God would draw near to him in this moment of confusion and chaos and unrest that was happening in this lag moment. Um, so that he could have inquire of the Lord, right. And actually gain a heavenly wisdom or heavenly strategy of saying, what next, what do I do when everything's fallen apart? I don't have the answers, you know, and we have to re learn how to retreat into him and allow his presence to minister, to us in those moments, you know, into wait upon God, into inquire of the Lord, um, you know, on our next move our on our next step. Speaker 0 00:33:26 I think it's interesting the way the story ends on the other side of David's pain and his brokenness, the chapter ends with victory. God says, pursue your enemy. And then God gives David and his men a great battle and they recover everything that was lost. So I just want to say to men today, you may be in a Ziklag moment right now, if you will just trust God, God will give you, there is victory on the other side of your Ziklag moment, God will restore to you what you believe has been taken away. But it's going to require you to be a son of Valor, to have courage, courage enough to trust God, even though I get it, I've been there. You don't understand what God is doing. You're saying God, why? But God always has a plan. And his plan for you is victory. Speaker 1 00:34:18 And I think there's always a purpose in that pain. Yeah. There's always a purpose in it. Yeah. So we talked about, and this is very key. I've experienced this in my life. As I know, you guys have waiting upon God, how long does it take to wait, how fast is that process? We don't know, but it's waiting. And it's really not about God as much as it is about us. So it's about waiting upon God, remembering who he is remembering, not just his promises, but his track record. And then I think it's key to, to be willing, to be the only one standing for God. What if out of all your friends, they're all mad and want to kill you. Whatever. What if you're still, even in that crazy chaotic moment, you're still the only one willing to take a stand for your father. I mean, that's beautiful. That's a son of Valor right there, right? Like to be in this type of Ziglar moment and to have this heart, that's what it means to strengthen yourself in the Lord. Wait, remember, and be bold to be the only one standing. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:35:30 Sons of Valor. Don't turn their backs on God because things don't go their way. They trust God through it. Yeah. So heart to you today, Speaker 1 00:35:38 Men is that you would respond to chaos with Valor today. It's been great being here in the studio. We've got an amazing team. I want to take care of some quick admin. I'm sitting here looking at Ryan, Evan. He's got this really brand new awesome looking hoodie on this black on black. There's something about black on black dude. I just love it. Right. We have black trucks with black, everything else on it. So we've got grease ups. Who do you use? We'd love for you to check those out. We're looking for early adopters to come into our organization, to come into this and help us take it out on a grassroots level. So go to grace, sign up on our emails, take the five star charge, get acquainted with our culture, share the podcast. We really believe that God has a great assignment in this. So we're just being faithful. So thanks for being part of grace offs until next time. Peace out. Speaker 3 00:36:34 <inaudible>.

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