Salvation - Responsibility = Cheap Grace - Brian Phillips

December 07, 2020 00:16:04
Salvation - Responsibility = Cheap Grace - Brian Phillips
Grace Ops
Salvation - Responsibility = Cheap Grace - Brian Phillips

Dec 07 2020 | 00:16:04


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Join Brian as he shares a passionate devotion that sheds light on cheap grace and ends with a time of Spirit led prayer for all believers.


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 Podcast Description:
 We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life. 
Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:08 Salvation minus responsibility equals cheap grace. I'm Brian Phillips with gray SOPs, and I'm honored to be here today, giving you this great devotion. We're going to lay out just a simple thought or two. And then I, my goal is really just to pray. I just want to pray for you. I want to pray for the disciples. Those who are falling after, after God, Titus two 12 is the founding scripture for grace ops. We talk about all the time and we're going to for the next two or three decades and longer, the same grace that saves us is the same grace that trains us. Grace doesn't excuse us. Grace empowers us. So we want to grow in the understanding of grace, the idea of, of the new Testament and in Christ and grace can feel soft or can even come across the little, like I can be lazier and get away with more. Speaker 1 00:01:13 And that's not, not, not, it's not the heart of grace. Okay? So you can go back in the Torah and you can find that there was grace in the law. You can come into the new Testament and you can find that there is law, even in grace. Yeah. I said it, there is responsibility. There are duties. There are expectations. So grace is training us in a very powerful way. Titus two 12 says for the grace of God has appeared to bring salvation to all mankind, training us, to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions. That word renounced means to make a formal declaration of an abandonment. So we're formerly declaring that once I allowed you to have power in my life, a pattern of something that wasn't supposed to be there, darkness, sin, you're, you're, you're actually making a renouncing as declaring to that thing that you no longer have the affections of my heart. Speaker 1 00:02:23 You no longer have permission. And this in grace is training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions goes on to say, and to live so that it's continuing, it's training us to renounce. And it's training us to live self-controlled to live upright and to live godly. So at gray SOPs, our passion here is to explore and to learn and to understand biblical masculinity. We want to help men be effective leaders to bring impact to the spheres of influence that they're living within. We say it all the time. This podcast is aimed at men, but everyone's welcome. Everyone's welcome here. You know, we, we live in a fatherless generation and we know there's some really good single moms out there raising boys. And we want even this podcast to be a resource for them. Speaker 1 00:03:28 So I want to get into what I'm going to pray with. You let's pray together. I want to lay out five scriptures, kind of born this morning. I, I, in this weekend, in my life, I had a great friend in the house and who he, who even he's even on our podcast. Now you, uh, you might even be listening to him in the, in the he'll be on many episodes, but Lynnie LaGuardia from Kansas city was with me this weekend. And he spoke from this passage and I really loved it so much. I just wanted to bring it to this podcast, bring it to the grease ops world. I want to read it. It, it kind of has the same tones as Jesus's prayer in John 17. And I'm not going to go through all the prayer that Jesus prayed, but this was the high priestly prayer of Christ. Speaker 1 00:04:20 And in this prayer, Christ is praying for, for the disciples, all of us who would follow from that day to this very day. And I love this part of his purposes. I do not ask that you would take them out of the world, but that you would keep them from the evil one. Powerful, powerful way of understanding the intentions in the heart of Christ. We learned that in his prayer for us, he doesn't want us to avoid darkness, to run from it or be afraid of it. He doesn't pray for his disciples to, to be pulled out of this world because, Hey, you've got to come to the realization that we are the light of the world. He's the light of the world. And if he's in us, we're part of that, putting God on display type energy through our lifestyle. So we are in our, the way we live and the way we engage this world, we are, we're supposed to be bringing heaven into the earth, through our deeds, our deeds don't earn salvation. Speaker 1 00:05:28 Our deeds prove salvation. So second Thessalonians chapter three. I want to read this to you. And then I just want to take some time and, and pray, pray for you. And actually it's, it's called pray for us. We're in this together. We're all in this together. Here it is. Finally brothers pray for us that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored as happened among you. And that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men for not all have faith, but the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one. And we have confidence in the Lord about you. There you are doing and will do the things that we command. May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God, into the steadfastness of Christ. And it goes on in that chapter. And it really talks about a man's work ethic talks about not having idle hands, that your hands wouldn't be idle. And there's a stern warning in Thessalonians here about how to handle a man with idle hands and how to warn a man with idle hands. Speaker 1 00:06:56 But I want to take these first five verses and I want to just pray through them. So father, right now, I thank you for the grace ups podcast. I think for the grease ups culture, this, this brand, and this, this charge, this five-star charge of, of a lifestyle that men will adopt in this nation. By the millions, they will come into a way, a kingdom way trained by grace to live upright, to renounce the ungodliness in our culture and in my own heart, in my own struggles that I would renounce those worldly passions, that my aim and goal and definition of success. Isn't what the world is so passionate about. But rather it's about your kingdom. The way you view me, it's about your will for my life. Father, open our eyes to the power of your grace. Right now, as this podcast is falling on the ears of those who are listening, open our eyes to the power and the beauty of your grace, that you've given us to train us and empower us to rise up and to be the people that you said, we could be what I prayed this felonious three, one, this second Thessalonians, three, one that the Lord may speed. Speaker 1 00:08:32 That the word of the Lord may speed ahead. What? I pray that right now for everybody on this podcast, listening, I'm praying for us all together. Lord, come on, pray with me right now. Pray, agree with this prayer. Oh, that the L the, the word of the Lord would speed ahead, father, that your word would advance in the hearts of men. That your word would like seeds. Like Jesus taught us, and it would be falling on, on fertile soil. But these are the days of disruption. These are the days where you're, you're breaking us out of comfort. These are the days where you, you are jolting us to be awakened. Speaker 1 00:09:14 Awakened me, father awaken us today that we would know that the times in which we live and yet we would know what to do and how we ought to do it. And I know right now, Lord mine, prayer for us is right here in the word that your word, your will, your beauty, your fame, your name would speed ahead. And that your word would be honored father in this nation, we pray that your word would be honored. I prefer everyone listening to this podcast, that in your life, in their life father, your word would, would be, would speed ahead in them that you would, you would kind of explode this energy inside of their heart, mind, soul. They're the very essence of their spirit. And, and that your word would, would, would speed ahead inside of them and move. And then it would be honored inside of them. Speaker 1 00:10:13 God honored in their households, honored in their workplaces that their hands wouldn't be idle, but they would be, there would be moving their hand to the plow of your kingdom, that they would be moving in the marketplace, taking back the ground of the marketplace, that the word of the Lord would speed ahead through them. Father. I pray for all of us listening and in this together that you would, your word would speed through our lives to make a great impact in the world around us. Lord deliver us from wicked and evil men. Just like Jesus said, don't take us out of the circumstances, but protect us from the evil one. Lord deliver us from the wicked and evil men and father. We were encouraged by the word for not all have faith. That's just clear, clear as day. Not all in this world have faith, but the Lord is faithful. Speaker 1 00:11:22 Although we declare that right now to our hearts, to our own journeys, to our own, maybe even pain, our valleys that we're in. Even the mountaintops, the Lord reigns, the Lord is faithful. Yes, there it is. That the people of God would have great faith in your word, moving forward, fast and great, great strength and hope to make the declaration. The Lord is faithful. He will father establish us, establish us in, in where our feet tread, establish us, Lord that your word would move forward. Fast, guard us against the evil one. God. All right, now I just pray that this would become a reality in us. Speaker 1 00:12:13 It may, may you father me, you direct our hearts to the love of God, Lord. I'm asking that right now as a prayer for everyone on this podcast, direct my heart and our heart. Come on, agree with this. Get into this father. Just ask the Lord. Direct me to the love of God. Yeah, we get it. We can maybe even explain it a little bit or a lot, but are we experiencing his love? His grace will pour his love over us. And remember the Lord disciplines. Those he loves. I mean, this is rich stuff. Grace is connected to the very essence and heart of the Holy spirit. Speaker 1 00:12:58 Father. Give us a revelation of your love, the love of God for you. So love the world you gave your son and you loved your son. Father, show us that, how you love the son is how you love us. And Lord direct our hearts to the steadfastness of Christ. Oh, come on. Can you just ask the Lord that today? No matter what you're facing, no matter where you're at, maybe you're down. Remember the scripture says the righteous fall seven times, but rise again, never stopped rising again. My friends never stopped rising again. Come on, make this your prayer father direct my heart to your love and direct my heart to the steadfastness of your beautiful son who endured a cross for the joy that was set before him. Father teach me you Muna, that Hebrew word to be faithful. Father teach us how to endure to the end. Speaker 1 00:13:59 We love you so much, God, and we want to honor your name, magnify your name, give you the honor. And the reverence that is due your name, the glory that is due your name just like Christ did. Oh, may we emulate him? May we be like him? As his disciples were following this beautiful rabbi, this beautiful son of the living. God may the same steadfast, the same steadfastness of Christ. May it reside in me and come on, make this your prayer. As we close out, may I father, may I mature and steadfastness? Maybe it's in my marriage or my relationship with my children or a coworker or family member. Oh, father, give me the same steadfastness of Christ in these situations, in my life in Jesus name. Amen. Now you go out into this world. You adapt that warrior mindset, that grease ops mindset, and you go crush it. Speaker 1 00:15:05 You go crush it, come on, go crush it. Hey, and we, uh, we also, we always invite you to check out our website, grease It's a, it's a website you're going to want to save and go to a lot of different times. Just keep going, coming back to us. We're, we're continually building that out and putting, you know, working on putting new content on that website, but it's a great website. Check it out, subscribe to our email and Hey, on this podcast, we'd love it. If you would, if you would just click share, um, you can do Facebook messenger. There's so many different ways to share it on social media. You can SMS somebody, uh, get the word out, help us help with this, uh, grassroots, a fire kind of take off. Thanks for being part of the gray SOPs culture. We certainly love you and we labor and toil in a powerful way in this assignment, all for you. So until next time live upright, Speaker 0 00:15:57 <inaudible>.

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