Why Men are Engaging the T212 Culture

March 12, 2021 00:45:58
Why Men are Engaging the T212 Culture
Grace Ops
Why Men are Engaging the T212 Culture

Mar 12 2021 | 00:45:58


Hosted By

Brian Phillips

Show Notes

Join Brian as he describes the T212 Grace Ops Culture and compels men to engage the operations of grace. 


Please check out graceops.net

 Podcast Description:
 We produce two types of episodes

  1. Round table discussions
  2. Simple biblical devotions

We share engaging lessons, stories and values that will empower men to live with courage on the battlefield of life. 
Our purpose is to discover and define biblical masculinity, that results in effective leadership and impact within our spheres.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:07 Hey, welcome out to the gray SOPs podcast. Brian Phillips here with you today. Wow. It's an interesting world. We live in isn't it who we've got to tune in to the living. God, dig into his word. These are the days where God is awakening his people. We must take action. Political action. Got to let your voice be heard. We have to stand for our country and for the beautiful land that God has given us. Anyway, that's just a little intro there for you. I, uh, I want to talk about today's podcast. We were recently in Lena Illinois. We had 60, 70 guys at a half day men's conference for Greece ops had all kinds of great guys there. Uh, pastor Steve castle, Ryan benchmer Dr. Ken Hansen, Brian freezy, Ryan, Evan, myself. I mean, it was just a really powerful day. Great lineup. We even had Lenny LaGuardia who came in over the, uh, the zoom call on the big screen. Speaker 1 00:01:18 It was really cool day, powerful worship, powerful time in the word. Great fellowship over launch. So I basically included on this podcast, it's the T2 12 culture. Grace offs comes out of a scripture Titus two 12. So it was the T2 12 culture. And I, I, uh, I talked about it in Lena for about 45 minutes and I got some really good feedback on it. And I wanted to share it here on this podcast because it's part of the gray SOPs. And it might be to this point in time, one of the best explanations or, or, uh, charges that I've kind of built around this. So I wanted to share it here with all of us. So Hey, enjoy the teacher, 12 culture talk. God bless you. Tune into our podcast, which you are. Uh, what I mean by that is subscribed to it, share it, get some gear. Speaker 1 00:02:12 Um, we've got some sweet gear. Whenever we bring them to an event, our gear just flies off the shelf. It's like, we've got hats, hoodies. T-shirts now you won't find on our website. Cause we changed printers and we didn't like the old printer or the first printer we went with, which was an online system. We went with a local printer right here in Boone County, Illinois. So really got some sweet stuff. If you're interested in it, um, reach out to us and we'll, we'll coordinate getting you some gear. All right, God bless you until next time live upright, enjoy the two 12 culture talk, Speaker 1 00:02:47 How you doing? All right. You're in for a good day. This is going to be a really powerful, um, it's going to be, I've never been in anything kind of like what we created for today. It's going to be, I think very man friendly. It's kind of like add proof if you will. So, uh, it's going to be like rapid fire from here. This is kind of like a, it's kind of a little bit of a slower takeoff. And then once it gets going, it's going to go boom. Before you know it it'll be three o'clock and you'll be enjoying Florida weather to be 50 degrees. So, um, recently you know how they're coming out with this like gun ban stuff and they're, they're talking about psychological exams. Why I'm a chaplain with the police, uh, over in Boone County for 12 years now. And I got to see the exam in the first question is really wild, right? The first question says, what movie do you like best John wick or frozen. It's weird. And then the next question is like, it actually, it's a digital file that plays a song and the song is the theme song to frozen, but they've changed the words. It's like, let it go, let it go. Let your constitutional rights go. Speaker 2 00:03:50 It's like, Speaker 1 00:03:50 Man, no, that's not the test. I'm just joking. But I am a chaplain within Boone County, but I just wanted to have some fun with you there. Make sure you're really sparked and woken up there and talking about your gun rights, like what what's up. You can't do that. We want to lay out for you. And the next few moments, the culture we call it, the T2 12 culture comes out of Titus chapter two, verse 11 and 12. And we, I want to lay out for you, the culture, kind of the heart of grace, SOPs, how you can participate in it, how you can actually benefit from it, actually, how it can change your world in incremental ways to help you live upright and also empower you to help change other men's lives. Men are under attack right now. Men have been under attack for decades. Speaker 1 00:04:37 The enemy is threatened by the masculine because God ordained men to lead God or Dane meant to protect their families, to raise families. God, God made men to provide and to protect and to actually lead the way in a household. And if you don't have a household, then you're supposed to learn. But from another man, hopefully your father or another man, that would be like your father. So why do we have an epidemic today of a father of this generation is cause the enemy hates men. If you can destroy the family, you can destroy the world. You can actually, globalism will work without men. Or if you take, if you can neuter a man, then you've got the world. Men are very strategic by the heart of God to stand and take ground and keep growing. So I want to share with you just a heart division, the passion of where grace SOPs kind of where it came from. Speaker 1 00:05:30 The origins that hasn't even really started yet. This is just kind of the getting out of the ground is kind of thing. Even an event like this for us. And I want you to help partner with us today to actually take this into the earth. Your voice matters, your heart matters. Your pursuit of God matters. And for us to win the, the, our land back for us to win this country back, we have to take it by everybody's backyards. We've got to go local, local, right? And then regional, like we've got to start thinking way more small. We may not be able to reach the big picture, but we can reach the backyards. We can reach the counties we can you're with me. I mean, I really want you to be encouraged today because the enemy literally is going after your throat, man. Cause if he can get you passive, if he can get you afraid, if he can get you checked out and numb, he's got you. This world's already in a moral decline. We're already in this rapid, moral decline has been that way for a long time, but the way, and I'm going to say this, I believe it's the church's fault, but I also believe it's men's fault. We backed away. We allowed political correctness to neutral. Speaker 3 00:06:44 Yes. Speaker 1 00:06:47 All right. Good morning. Welcome. Welcome out. But we've allowed this systematic theology, if you will, to kind of come into our worlds and, and kind of cause us to just be more and more tame and more and more. Okay. Well that they want to do that now and all, they want to do that now. And we've got to learn how to stand up and live a righteous life because the, the other thing that the enemy is trying to kill and silence is the voice of the believer is to shut your mouth, to make you so afraid to even talk about God that they're, you know, part of their agenda is to put a mask on your mouth, right? Like I was at the chief of police's. His father passed a couple weeks ago and we, I went to the, the services. It was one of the times I didn't have to do the services, which was great. I normally help those guys do all that. And I was the only guy in the room at this funeral place without a mask on. Speaker 1 00:07:49 I mean, you know, the mayors there, all these, all the big city officials and they would come up to me and kind of had that look. It was, it was a look and I just broke the ice with like, I'm like, Hey man, I'm a preacher dude. You can't go to you. Can't muzzle a preacher. And then they'll kind of laugh a little bit. And I'm like, and uh, but all the officers, they, they like that about me. They're like, we like it that you're, you're against all this stuff. And you're just so bold about it. And I'm like, and then in my mind, I'm like, I thought bold, this would just be so much more of a higher bar. You know, then I just, I'm a little disappointed. I thought boldness would be bold. Um, so grace ops partners with the great commission, Speaker 3 00:08:25 Grace House Speaker 1 00:08:26 Partners of the great commission by drawing men to Christ and also training men to be followers of Christ. So grace offs is a culture that's going to continue to develop. It's going to continue to adapt and to grow and adopt. And it's going to just keep morphine and it's going to be getting better and better and better and better. It's a culture that's going to help bring you into a relationship Christ. So we want to create a kind of a vibe in the culture of like, we want to create events. We want to create things like last month we did, some of you guys came to it. We did axes and steaks, you know, so we had an axon competition and then we had a really awesome steak meal with a little bit of like a 10, 15 minute message that was based on evangelism. Speaker 1 00:09:16 And it was built really for the guys, not like the church, the guy or the guys that maybe would be already followers of Christ. It was built for the guy that was like, Hey, screw church, forget that place. You know that guy we're trying to. So if you will, you go up to that guy, you know, like, Hey bro, you want to throw some axes and eat some steaks. I mean, those were the types of guys that came and we had so many guys like that. So we're building those types of things and we're practicing the mountain popper Grove so that we can partner with like a beloved church with Bob pastor Bob. And we'll start bringing those things here, where we started. We want to start collaborating and moving this out Speaker 1 00:09:56 It's time. And I believe grace SOPs is really coming out at such a time as this, to help rebuild the ancient ruins, help rebuild the walls. Hope, restore, hope within the heart of a man. Because if we can re if we can build men and encourage men and help you be these tender and tough men of righteousness who live upright, the world will benefit because God made you that way. We're not always right. We think we are right. Like we're, if you think of male and female, we're, we're half of the God, the God part and the females the other half. Right? So, so 50% of the time, at least right. We're right. But we think it's a hundred, you know, but, uh, but, but your role, your voice, your ability to walk after the living, God, your passion to speak identity over sons and daughters. Speaker 3 00:10:49 I have four daughters Speaker 1 00:10:50 Pray for me. Seriously. That's that's tough, man. Cause I have four plus a wife. So I live, I live with five emotional beings in my house. Right. And I have a sheep who dog don't even get me started. I don't know how they call them sheep, whatever the heck that is. But, uh, so I'm constantly around. And I F I feel the power of the masculine. It's on display in my house. I mean, yeah, I'm a brood. I'm a, um, I'm the bull in the China cabinet, almost daily, almost daily. I'm apologizing for something, but these girls are drawn to my heart because I'm the man that will step forward in their life. I will grab them and pray with them. I will grab them and speak life over them. I will help them. I'll go by beside their bed. When they're crying about something that they're insecure or they're scared, or they got three pimples instead of two. Speaker 1 00:11:41 And they think the whole world is going to break down, you know, I'll get right in their little faces and be like, you've got to overcome this. This is the enemy attacking your character. You have a prophetic gift. You love knowledge. And just, I'm constantly as a father. I'm, I'm like a battle Rand, just pushing back against the enemy. And that's your role? Men, men speak forth identity. Why do you think the enemy has taken we've we're in a fatherless generation. There's a lot of work to do. I mean, there's massive amount of work to do. So I always charge men. We've got to learn what it means to be adopted as sons and daughters in our, in our kingdom life. We, you have to know who you are as a son of God, in Greece, substance, going to help you in that area. We're going to empower you in your own purpose and your own identity so that you can go out and do the same thing with other young men. Speaker 1 00:12:35 I say this often, but if you do not practice Christianity as a disciple who follows Christ, that's how I define it. If you don't practice Christianity as one who follows Christ as a disciple, then stop calling yourself a Christian. There's no such thing as a Christian. Who's not a disciple is just not biblical. We can't claim Christ like from some distance, from a couple arm lengths away and be like, Oh yeah, I kind of agree with those belief systems. Are those? No, that's not Christianity. Christianity is that we see the sacrifice of the cross. We see our own, need our own depravity, our own ache, our own, where we need the living. God, we need his love, his forgiveness, his kindness, his tenderness. So men are under attack and I believe the enemy's agenda looks like this. I just kind of put this together. It's a simple agenda. Speaker 1 00:13:28 And you could add to this, or you could even take away from it, but it's destroy the man. Break down the family structure, take the father out of the picture, repeat replaced the father with the government. The government will provide, raise young boys and teach them that masculinity is toxic. And I dropped my little girl off at school. And, uh, it is so hard to watch even my own kids with a mask on. And I tell my daughter, I'm like, take it off 12 to 15, 20 times a day, just rebel against it, where it wrong, where it crooked. Forget to put it on, make it get dirty. And you, you couldn't wear it for like 20 minutes. I'm like, I mean, I'm like just rebel against it, make it hard for them to keep a mask on your face. But dude, the other day I'm dropping her off and there's this little guy getting out of a car. Speaker 1 00:14:14 He's got his backpack on. He's telling his mom goodbye. And he's on mast up. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, we are cutting. We're neutering. That kid right out of the, you know what I mean? Like taking his masculine, just boom is already being trained. Like, Oh, you're just wearing masks because that's what you do. And you go home and drink soy milk for lunch. I'm sorry. Maybe you like soy milk. Maybe it's good for you. I don't really know, but it's um, so, so the enemy can destroy the future of any culture. By destroying the masculine men are vital to our culture for our culture to function in a healthy manner. Fathers are vital. The masculine is vital protectors. We need men who protect communities. We need men who may get hard for the bad guy. That's what the men, that's what men do. It's vital. Men are vital to father and children protecting and providing the masculine is not toxic. Speaker 1 00:15:17 Don't be confused about that. There's so much energy out there like that. Don't be confused about that. Masculinity is not toxic. It's God ordained. Now you can have a form of toxic masculinity and you might need to mature in Christ to kind of come out of some of those. What I call look at the broken masculine, that tough guy thing, right? Like the tough guy under Christ leadership learns how to be tender, but also learns how to be firm and hold that line. And what I've learned as I've matured in Christ as I I'm, I'm always kind of like this, this battle Ram against the enemy. As a shepherd, as one who I lead a church, I started a church. I don't stand between the people and God, I don't mediate between you and God. I'm. I don't have that kind of power. I mediate between the body of Christ and the enemy. I'm here to help fend off wolves and hope show you. Hey, you might want to think about these two other things, or you might want to consider this way. Speaker 3 00:16:15 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:16:22 God made the masculine to work with the feminine. God made two genders, not 65 or a hundred. Whatever the number is now God made two genders. He created them, both male and female. That's so confusing. Think about the little guy with the mask, right? He goes in and he's already going to start learning about 65 genders. I mean, just we've got guys in it's we can't cower back. Cause that's the, that's the, that's the temptation in this hour and it I'll just forget it. It's already gone. It's lost. There's no hope. No, no, no, no. We've got to take every inch of ground in the backyards and the counties and little districts here and there. We've got to start taking back every little inch of ground. I have a great friend. Who's been a judge for 20 years in Rockford. I met with him the other day. Speaker 1 00:17:08 I'm like, let's talk, let's hang. And he's like, look, if you're not registered to vote, if you're not, um, if you don't know all your local state reps and how to get ahold of them and their emails, all that stuff, he's like, you're a communist, but that's what he said. So I didn't want to, but that's, it's important guys. It's important for us to do that. And that's just on a political front and politics matter because we're watching how it affects our lives. Politics are not my hope. My hope is in the kingdom of God. I mean really in the government and the kingdom, he is ruling in his reigning, his leading over my life, but we still have to pay attention to that in the earth because we're called to bring his salvation into the earth. We're called to actually establish heaven here. And the way having gets established in the earth is by the way you live, not by the way you believe, or you could even say by the way you believe, but then you'd have to have the word live there. Speaker 1 00:18:06 It's what you practice. It's not just these dogmas and doctrines that we check boxes off with. That's a D that's like, that's like religion. It's like, it's like kind of knowing a form of God, but detached from his heart, his intimacy and his power. You don't know how to abide in his presence. You don't even know how to produce anything. You're just like this religious dogmatic. Some of those people are weird. Dude. You ever been around some of those folks, like they're just this shooting dog. It was like, Whoa, dude, just calm down, man. Just I get it. You know, some of those people are too way intense. We have to learn how to listen to people. We have to learn how to listen to their heart. We have to learn how to listen. That makes you a good evangelist. If you listen and hear the ache of a heart, then you speak as the Holy spirit directs you, then you speak the mysteries of the gospel. Then you proclaim. Speaker 1 00:18:59 So man, it's time to rise up. It's time to take your rightful place in our culture. And Greece ops is here to resource you to equip you in that energy. We're here as a band of brothers being trained by grace to conquer darkness and to empower men to live upright. So I want to get into the tightest two 12. So I'll give you a little bit of the history background here. Grace ops started on my computer, not the same one, but our computer, our own like 17 years ago. That's how this thing's almost 20 years old in the, in the, in the depths of who I am as like a visionary. And it never was called grace off-spec then I didn't have that type of creativity or insight. I was going to call it kill Tobiah. Speaker 1 00:19:45 I like that. I really liked it. Right? Like kill tobiah.com. I still own that domain. And I always will just for sentiment, but, uh, but Tobiah is Sanballat Tobiah came against the OMI and the building of the wall. So for me, it was like killed the spirits of the year, kill the spirits of darkness, like kill them. And then, you know, I'm getting ready to launch this and there's like, there's like Muslim tension in the world and all stuff. And I'm coming, I'm going to come out and launch something called kill, you know, killed Tobiah. And I had I, one of the board members, he really challenged me and he's this Greek guy and he's really hard nosed and her really intense. He's like your name's wrong. You can't go out and kill to buy them. Like all the other friends of mine, like it all the other board members like it, but you're just weak, you know? Speaker 1 00:20:27 And so him and I have these little talks for like year and a half. These talks would go on. He's like, no, you got to change it. And then I about a year and I was like, Oh, I think he's right. I think he's right. I think he's got, I think he has a point there. So it came out of, I love Titus chapter two. I've preached from the scripture many times in one day I was just meditating. And I was actually, um, just taking my time through this passage and I just saw it. Now I'll just preface this. If you were to have told me five years ago or 10 years ago that I was going to, uh, you know, co-found a organization that had the word grace in it. I would have said no way, man, you're nuts. I wouldn't have put grace. Grace would not be my first choice of words ever. Like, but I fell in love with it after God did this thing. So here's the thing I'm studying one day, Titus two, 11 and 12. It cause we're gonna go ahead and dive into it. This is the T2 12 culture. This is pretty much where everything grace ops kind of emerges from for the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation for all people. So we like the thought about being saved by grace, right? Saved by grace, saved by grace. Speaker 1 00:21:39 And then it goes on and says training us to renounce ungodliness. So when I saw the word grace and I saw the word train, there was where I got grease ops. I was like, wait a minute. And then I started to fall in love with the concept of God's grace. Not that I hated grace, but here's the thing, right? Grace has been watered down, right? Grace has been like way water down. Like as if it's like some weak thing that empowers our weaknesses or, or, or overlooks our weaknesses or, or maybe it's like a Roman six thing where it's like, you can just use your grace. The grace of God has a license to sin. No, that's kind of where grace has gotten. We've watered the standards of God's salvation down so much that we just think grace is so cheap and the church has made grace like a cheap whore, you know, kind of like this made the church like a whore, right? Speaker 1 00:22:28 Just go off and do what you want to do. Be a harlot. And then come back to God and just tell him, you're sorry, you don't even have to really mean it. But, and then, then there's people out there preaching things like this. Don't worry about repenting for your sins ever again, because God's already forgiven all of your sins. It's like, what the heck, dude. That's like committing adultery in your wife and well, God's already forgiven that, honey. So I'm gonna, I'm going to tell you about it. And she finds out from her friend, you know what I'm saying? Like it just gets weird really quick. Grace empowers us. So God's grace is saving the earth. It's bringing salvation, bringing the power of the finished work of the cross into the earth, the opportunity for men to tap into the finished work of Christ, conquering darkness of Christ, redeeming the earth of Christ, making all things new of us, able to come to him as sinners. Speaker 1 00:23:20 And he turns us into saints, literally, literally in an instance, because it's not by our works that we should boast in this passage here has the two colors of salvation in it. There's two colors in the kingdom of God. And one of them is red as Scarlet. And that's like God's tapestry from Genesis to revelation. It's follow the blood trail, right? Follow the redeeming heart of God all through the scripture. It's like a tapestry. God does save. And even in this hour, he saves by grace. The grace of God brings salvation into the earth. Doesn't mean everybody's saved. We have to choose to fall in line. We have to choose to surrender, give our hearts to Christ. And the second color of this tapestry of gold is gold. It's the golden ruling and reigning of God's kingdom. And you find that right here in Titus two, 11 and 12 for the grace of God has appeared bringing salvation, bringing the gospel, bringing the power of the world to come check this out. Speaker 1 00:24:24 This is what grace gets us to. Eventually guys, it's like, there's a couple of thoughts. I'm kind of going to Clyde real quick here. So one of them is like the finished work of the cross is so finished and so powerful and mighty. It kind of gives us like a whiplash and it takes our minds time to catch up with what's already been finished and done. That's why the mind has to be renewed. We've got to catch up to what the, what God already did on the cross and know that it's not in our strength that produces it in our lives. It's all him and his grace bringing it into our hearts. But we're cooperating with that. We're partnering with it. We're allowing room. We're bringing it in we're we're, we're, we're strategically connected to the work of grace in our lives, but not what it did on the cross. Speaker 1 00:25:09 That's all Christ. So I say it all the time. We don't, you don't earn salvation. We're not, we're not trying to earn our salvation, but once you receive the gift, then now you're proving that you've been saved. You are putting on display. You are supposed to prove, Hey, I received Christ. Well, your life should be radically different, right? I mean, if you receive Christ and in all the things in your life that were there before Christ like porn and you know, idols all these other different things, if they're all still there at the same level, the same intensity, I've really struggled with. Like, I don't know if you've really met God. I don't know if it really penetrated. I don't know if it really got to you. I don't know if you really got that whole died yourself thing. And like, you know, being able to remove things, but see grace allows us. Speaker 1 00:25:57 It empowers us. So it's training us, the grace that God brings salvation. And then the next word is trains us to renounce and the word renounced right out of the Oxford dictionary, listen to the power of this definition. It's a verb. So it's action. And it means to formally declare one's abandonment of a claim, a right, or a possession. So it's kind of like the enemy once had claim over your life because you partnered with darkness, you were lost. God's grace brings his salvation, his saving healing, delivering power into your life. And now it's up you to allow grace to train you to renounce that claim. The second thing is law to refuse a resigning, right, or position, especially one as an heir or a trustee. And the third thing is abandoned and caused bad habit or way of life in the Greek. The word actually kind of the word renounced goes along with the idea and the definition of breaking harmony with stop partnering with it, resist it, Speaker 3 00:27:16 It resist it. Get some spiritual muscles, Speaker 1 00:27:23 Get some spiritual resolves of spiritual backbone. So grace is bringing salvation and grace is training us to renounce. I love this renounce to parts, death. We renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, anything in those categories, the lust of the eyes, the desires of the heart, the lust of the flesh, any of those three areas that we have partnered with in the area of ungodliness and worldly passions, we are supposed to be alert, man. We're supposed to God's. Grace is not soft. It's not just sitting there lulling you to sleep and telling you everything's okay. God's grace is making you robust, making you powerful, making you a mighty man of God making you a man like your shoe, like Jesus, the Christ, the son of living God that he's forming us into the very image of the son. And we got to have one another. This is where comradery and this band of brothers sin comes in because for me to be strengthened and trained in grace, I need your help. You need my help. We can't do this alone. This is not a lone ranger kind of thing. Like Christianity is not just as, you know, one guy going out there, even Jesus had a band, right? Jesus had the 12 and of the 12 into three. And then one of them proclaimed that he was like the favorite of all. But that was what he said. Speaker 1 00:28:45 He's like, and I was the favorite. I don't know if you ever read it that way, but, um, it's kinda funny. So, Speaker 3 00:28:53 So we're Speaker 1 00:28:55 Renouncing the claim of darkness that we once partnered with. So this is what it would look like, guys, this is what it would look like in your daily life. You would wake up. You'd get some time with God because that's what men of God do. We get time with God. When we wake up, we get time with God. When we're aching in the middle of the day, we get time with God in the evening, right? You can go 40 days without food. And you only go three days without water. And if this is the living water, if you're three days out, you're dead. You got to stay tethered to the word. You gotta stay anchored in this thing, get in the word, get someone else to help you. If you're, you know, I don't think the Bible is boring. I personally think reading's boring. Anybody else like that? Speaker 1 00:29:40 Like it just reading like, ah, I hate reading. So I listened to it. I like to read, you know, and I've learned that I can get about a chapter or two a day. And that's about my limit. And I had to learn that a long time ago. Cause it's like, you get these guys, like you get your five chapters a day, 10 chapters days, like dude, all right, I'm going to try it. Right. So I did it once. I, you know, 30 days here, 40, how many times have you restarted reading the Bible? Right? Come on your dudes. I know it's like a lot. The accounts high red row. You've read Genesis like 25 times and that's it. But you got to learn yourself and learn to give yourself the grace to just read a chapter a day, whatever your style is, just get in the word. I don't care. If you read a verse a day, Speaker 3 00:30:21 If you're meditating on it and bring it into your heart, good. If it's causing your life to change, that's what the word is for. It's not just a blow through and no Greeks. They learn knowledge Speaker 1 00:30:34 As far intellectually. This is ancient thinking. Hebrews would learn knowledge to Revere the heart of God, modern man. We're in a really weird warning zone that may we not learn knowledge just to use it because it's kind of like that now on the phones. And we're just using it, Google this, that we've got access to all this knowledge. Let's not just be users of it. Let's let it intimately get in here. Like the Hebrews did and they weren't all perfect at it, but that was the essence and the heart that the a good Hebrew would draw near to the living God, the dot Elohim. They would know the Lord, the knowledge of God so that they could reveal fear. That's the point that we would Revere the living God, how are you doing? Doing good. All right. I just got a couple more minutes and uh, I'll shift gears into the end of the sink here and we'll pray. Speaker 1 00:31:34 So grace is training us to renounce in goddess. This is what it would look like in your daily life. You would wake up, you get in the word and you would use the T2 12 kind of like model. You'd use that as a daily tactic that as something came up in your heart, Oh father, a temptation comes, Lord. I come, I come to you as a son of righteousness and you've empowered me by your grace to live upright. So right now, Lord, I just want to take time. And I want to renounce. I want to break. I want to just say it again. Out of my mouth. I'd make a formal declaration that I break the power that wants partnered with me. And I break it through your blood and through your authority. And through your mind, I apply that right now in the mighty name of Jesus. That thing comes back. Call one of your brothers. I can guarantee you when you make that phone call or you text somebody to reach out, it'll, it'll lose power really quick because darkness only works on the dark, right? When you bring any ounce of light into it, you bring one man of God and let that man of God have that honor. Let that allow that man of God to have that honor, when you're struggling, let him feel like Whoa, man, that guy, you know, most guys don't reach out to anybody. So let's start break. Speaker 1 00:32:52 Cause the more radical we get for God, the more powerful we are through his grace and living upright is what will attract the world into this thing. And I'm personally thankful that there's, there's a dragon in the white house. I'm thankful that we're in the days of the dragon and the bride. I'm thankful for that. I don't like it just as much as you don't, but I'm thankful because it's going to make the church wake up. And grace ups is here. I believe it's not the only thing. It's not going to save the men of the whole nation. I think it will touch a lot of them, maybe even millions of them. But it'll be one of the things that the father fashioned for these days to bring awakening, accountability, resourcing, reinstalling, passion, reinstalling, this whole thing of revering. The Lord, the is guilty of misusing knowledge. Speaker 1 00:33:40 I'm guilty of misusing knowledge. When I read that quote by Amor Abraham Herschel, right? He's a, he's like a scholar guy. I read that quote of the Greeks and the Hebrews and the modern man. I was like, Oh the ma, Oh my gosh, the modern man, I'm guilty. I'm guilty that learn the word to what? To preach the word or to live the word, have both. Right. But how easy use it to learn the word? Just to preach it, just to tell somebody else about it, just to have the dog, just to have, you know what I'm saying? We can get guilty of just using now. Speaker 1 00:34:12 So grace trains us to renounce, to parts, death, ungodliness, and worldly passions. And then it goes on to three parts life. There's a greater emphasis on living. So the grace of God is bringing salvation, but it's also bringing training. So we could say save by grace and train by grace. Grace is robust. Grace is mighty. Grace is training you in a, in a lifestyle that's called living upright. So it's training us to be self controlled. That's a fruit of the Holy spirit, right? To actually have control of our, of our mind will and our emotions. You can control yourself. We live in a day in age where, and I'm going to, this might step on some toes, but everybody's a victim of something today, right? You might be taking some pill or something. This cause you've got some disease. Well, I'm sorry that you agreed that you had that disease. Speaker 1 00:35:05 I'm sorry that you brought it into your life through your own words and gave her permission to live there. Like it's yours now. Well, you need to renounce that you actually, when you're announced that claim, that partnership that you just made. So if I know someone's struggling with something, I'll say, Hey, look, it's okay to say that you're struggling with something, but don't ever bring it into the intimate place and say, it's my disease. My thing, you watch all the commercials. What do they say? My diabetes, my cancer, my, this, my, that was like, Oh my gosh, dude, get it off of me. Right? Cause it's the power of the, and the thinking. And like there's a psychologically clean us, right? I mean, that's what it is. I hear there's a pill for this and a pill for that. We're just the big pill, daddy. Right? You want to sell drugs on the street? That's illegal. But the government does sell them all day long through the doc. Oh, I'm sorry. I'll move on to, um, let me get back to my notes here. So anybody else see that stuff? You know what I mean? Okay. Speaker 3 00:36:02 So Speaker 1 00:36:03 Grace and powers us in the area of being self controlled. We're not victims. You might have some issues going on in your life. You might have some issues in your health, but you're not a victim. As soon as you become a victim, it just gets really weird and creepy. Even if somebody abused you and did something terrible to you, right? Speaker 3 00:36:27 You're still not a victim. If you're in Christ, Christ washes over that. Speaker 1 00:36:34 Grace empowers you to do what he did on the cross father, forgive them. Speaker 3 00:36:38 Oh my life Speaker 1 00:36:39 Is so much more focused on you. They don't even know what they do Speaker 3 00:36:41 Doing. He helps me Speaker 1 00:36:45 The damage. He helps bring repair. It brings the ointment. You need any, and you can be healed and you can be talking crazy like, Oh yeah, that person hurt me bad. But I forgive him. And I love him. Grace is training us to live upright. Grace is training us to live godly lives in this present age. And you can go on. I encourage you to study the whole Titus chapter two Speaker 3 00:37:09 And study Speaker 1 00:37:09 All of it. Kind of take, take. This is kind of like a pinnacle in that part, but it's all about belief and behaviors about faith and practices about biting and producing. Speaker 3 00:37:28 So men are under attack. Speaker 1 00:37:30 Gray SOPs is here to empower men to live upright through resources. We've got a podcast run right now. We've got just about 50 episodes up on that thing. Go listen to all of them, go check them out where we're going on. It. We're working on rolling out an app in the next quarter, right? In our first book that'll be done in about 60 days. We're just going to keep going and keep being this machine that we're just going to start going all across little pockets here and there as the Lord opens doors. But we're gonna invite you into this culture so that you can be part of the T2 12 culture. You can be empowered to live upright through your grace. And you can kind of come into this partnership that grace ops is partnering with the great commission to actually draw men to Christ and actually help them follow Christ. Speaker 1 00:38:17 We're building behind the scenes. We're going to be building leadership training that that men will be able to go through. So Bob's going to be one of the guys that's going through it. He's going to help us develop some of it. We've we've got twenties plus videos. We'll be making on that behind the scene. Par. So you might go, Hey, I want to do this in my church. Like Bob's doing here or you might go, Hey, I want to do this in my gym. I got three or four guys that we could work out and we could watch one of these videos. It's three minute videos and we can talk about these things, right? You might want to be one of those guys that goes through our training. That's going to be launching soon. So here's what I encouraged you to do. Go to our website, grace house.net. And there'll be a little email thing that pops up. Just get on the email because as we're developing all of this, that'd be the easiest way for us to stay in touch with you right now. We'll we'll say, Hey, the training's ready to go. Then we'll have other on-ramps of how you can sign up for it. Speaker 1 00:39:09 In the gray SOPs culture, this T2 12 culture we've made what we call. It's kind of like an anvil in our culture. And it's called the five five-star charge. The whole afternoon is going to be based on the five star charge. The whole afternoon is be like rapid fire and be really fun. But the five-star charge, which is honor affection, Liberty, war, and Valor. We're going to be talking about those five virtues that we're championing into the lives of men into your hearts, into your habits. How to honor the Lord, how to walk. Affectionate sounds weird and immense God be affectionate, but really the affections of Christ. My affections, just to my wife, to my daughters, to sons and daughters in our church to spiritual sons and daughters in my life, just that affection, letting them know that you believe then speaking, identity, speaking, purpose, purpose, purpose. Speaker 1 00:40:15 That's what we do. You ever noticed that guys, you probably see the light right lot, right in your own family lives and your own men speak purpose, men, speak identity. So the enemy will attack your own. So you'll be confused on how to see it in grace. I was going to create a, uh, we're going to create like this 365 day culture. That's where this thing's headed and we're we're building it. So it can kind of branch out here and branch out there and go small in the backyard. Cause we really believe to reach this country. We've got to go after the backyard, we're going to be doing this stuff around bonfires and burgers, right? That's how you make disciples. Speaker 1 00:40:54 So as I close, we created this culture for you for men and a woman might go, well, I want to wear one of the shirts or cause here's the deal. It's going to impact the families. But we put it right on here to empower men to live up. Right. So we would tell the ladies, you come from men. So you're included, right? Oh, that's so offensive. And it you're like, what did he just say, dude, Whoa, I'm going to tell my wife. She came from man. Whoa. Yeah. They came from Biblica right out of that. We come from dirt. They come from bone, man. They're made a better substance. That's why when we see them, we're like, Whoa. Anyway, I bet a bunch of jokes there and I'm going to pass by. Um, now I want to, and that's fine too. We created this culture for you to draw, to draw to Christ men, to draw men to Christ and to train them, to follow Christ, to empower you in your purpose and your identity to empower you in biblical masculinity. Speaker 1 00:42:02 We're not just being masculine. We're doing a biblical way. And the Lord has given us a million examples of scriptures. Awesome. To empower, to live upright, to walk and golly, virtue of honor, affection, Liberty war. And Valerie, you'll be hearing about that this afternoon to take this into your own life, to take it into your backyard and to do this around bonfires. That's what we're inviting you in here today. So I would love nothing more for you than your heart. Be like, dude, I'm in. I want to be part of grace SOPs. I want to learn with it. I want to grow with it. I want to get into the resources. I want to see what's going on. I want to partner with it. You know, every, everybody knows that things need fuel. Things need finances to take off. We'd love for you to partner with us on our website. Speaker 1 00:42:43 We'll have free to just to partner with us, help us do this thing. We're going to be building all kinds of things and they're going to be coming out quick. Then this next quarter, a lot of stuff's going to come out. So we want you to stay connected to it so we can inspire you not only to live up right through grace, but so that you can change the lives of other men that you know, so you can be a bold witness and put the power of God on display. And I'll end with this thought Christ defeated the enemy on the cross. He defeated darkness Christ will return to destroy the enemy. So in Christ, we have a particular assignment that grace is empowering us to in training us in. And it's being the first fruits of becoming world. Speaker 1 00:43:34 So post cross, the enemy has a bruised head. Genesis three, the heal, the MMA fight between Jesus and sane, right? There was a heel strike and it bruised enemy's head. So he's got a bruised head and Jesus has a bruise healed from that battle. The enemy is defeated right now, but not destroyed when Jesus returns, the enemy will be destroyed. It's part of the part of the world to come. But guess what, if you and I are firstfruits of a upcoming world, guess what? This world should be tasting. This world should be tasting all of the power of the cross in you and this world should be tasting. So the world, the spirits of the air should also be tasting all of the power of the company government and the coming world of Christ. So he, so enemy, when the enemy comes up against the men of God, they, he should just your resolve and your ability to see and be keen and alert and push back and attack back. Speaker 1 00:44:31 Cause you're trained by grace, your ability to do those things, the enemy doesn't just taste a feat. He starts to taste the coming destruction like, Whoa, where did that come from? Well, that comes from the coming world and I happened to be a first fruit. I happen to be an ambassador. I happen to be a representation of a coming government. That's going to totally annihilate you Satan. Come on. Do you want that kind of life? See right now the enemy has got us by our throats. Right? We live in yoga pants, culture, right? We live in political correct culture. Right. But we're calling you to rise up out of that man, and to take a stand, take your rightful place as sons of God. And that's what grease ups is. We're here to empower you. Speaker 0 00:45:11 Yeah. Come on. Speaker 1 00:45:17 Cool water. Um, does that resonate in your spirit and your heart and your soul? Yeah. Yeah. That's good stuff. Um, we want to take an offering and bless grace ops. Um, today the donation at the door is going to cover lunch and whatever, and our treats this afternoon and whatever else is balanced there. We want to pour into this mission, Make sure that your heart is behind anything you pour in at any point of this day. Speaker 0 00:45:52 Right?

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